12  Intro to dplyr

The dplyr R package is part of the tidyverse family of packages. It is used to “slice and dice” tibbles to get exactly the data you want, in the form that you want it.

The dplyr R package performs the same kinds of tasks that the “SQL select statement” performs. We’ll learn more about SQL later.

Sources for info about the dplyr package:

12.1 Get the data

The data we are using in this section contains information about salespeople who are employees of a company. Each row of the data contains info about one salesperson. The salespeople get paid some “base pay” as well as a commission that is a percent of the total dollar amount of sales they make.

12.1.1 Load the R packages we’ll neeed


12.1.2 Download the file

The data is contained in a csv file. If you’d like to follow along with this tutorial on your own computer you can download the .csv file we are using by clicking here.

12.1.3 Import the data by clicking on some buttons …

  • The code in the next section below uses read_csv function to read the data into R. If you are not comfortable with R, I recommend that you instead, follow the instructions starting in the next bullet to import the data into R.

  • If you are not familiar with R, you may have some trouble running the read_csv() code shown below. Instead, I recommend that you follow the following instructions to import the file into R.

    To do so, click on “Import Dataset” button on the “Environment” tab (usually found in the upper-right-hand window pane in RStudio).

    Choose “From Text (base)” and locate your file. You should see something like this:

    Make sure to change the “Name” portion (see circled section in picture) to read “sales”, then press the “import” button. This will open up a new tab in RStudio that shows the contents of the file. You can safely navigate away from this tab or close the tab and the data will remain imported and can be seen by typing “sales” (without the “quotes”).

12.1.4 Import the data by typing some R code …

The following code reads the data into R. Alternatively, you can follow the instructions above to click on some buttons to import the data.

# Read in the data into a tibble
# Note that the following code uses the readr::read_csv function from the readr
# package which is part of the tidyverse collection of packages. 
# This function is similar to the base-R read.csv function.
# read_csv returns a tibble, which is the data structure that the 
# tidyverse packages use in lieu of dataframes. A tibble is basically
# a dataframe with extra features.
# By contrast, the base-r read.csv function returns a dataframe.
sales = read_csv("salespeople-v002.csv", na=c("","NULL"), show_col_types=FALSE)

12.2 Display the data

Since the data is in a tibble, by default, only the first 10 rows are displayed. In addition, only the columns that fit on the screen will be displayed. If the rows are too wide for the screen, then some columns may not be displayed and/or the contents of some columns may be shortened.

# Display the first few rows and columns of the sales data
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   first  last    title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith   Mana… usa                 40              100               10
 2 Sam    Lee     Sale… usa                 40              200                6
 3 Sue    Sallin… Sale… asia                30              150               10
 4 Barb   Brown   Sr. … asia                35               79                4
 5 Jack   Martin  Mana… europe              20               40                3
 6 Kate   Carey   Sr. … europe              20               69                2
 7 Emy    Parsons Sale… africa              25               87                3
 8 Monica Oja     Sale… africa              35               98               10
 9 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. … usa                 35              140                3
10 Zeke   Cohen   Mana… usa                 30              250               10
# ℹ 14 more rows

12.3 Display more rows/columns of the tibble

12.3.4 slice_head, slice_tail, slice_sample, etc

Among some of the many functions included in dplyr are the various “slice_…” functions. These include

  • slice - choose rows by row numbers
  • slice_head - choose the first n rows (similar to base-R head function)
  • slice_tail - choose the last n rows (similar to base-R tail function)
  • slice_max - choose the rows with the largest values
  • slice_min - choose the rows with the smallest values
  • slice_sample - randomly choose a few rows

These functions return a new tibble with just the specified rows that can be saved in a variable. This is different from how the print function works (see above).

See some examples below. See the R documentation for specifics about the various forms of the slice_… functions.

# select just first 3 rows
sales |> slice_head(n=3)
# A tibble: 3 × 7
  first last      title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
  <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 Joe   Smith     Mana… usa                 40              100               10
2 Sam   Lee       Sale… usa                 40              200                6
3 Sue   Sallinger Sale… asia                30              150               10
# save that in a variable
x = sales |> slice_head(n=3)

# x only contains 3 rows
# A tibble: 3 × 7
  first last      title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
  <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 Joe   Smith     Mana… usa                 40              100               10
2 Sam   Lee       Sale… usa                 40              200                6
3 Sue   Sallinger Sale… asia                30              150               10
# print appears to do the same thing
# but print only affects what is displayed to the screen, not 
# what is "returned" and can be saved in a variable.
y = sales |> print(n=3)
# A tibble: 24 × 7
  first last      title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
  <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 Joe   Smith     Mana… usa                 40              100               10
2 Sam   Lee       Sale… usa                 40              200                6
3 Sue   Sallinger Sale… asia                30              150               10
# ℹ 21 more rows
# y still has all of the rows
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   first  last    title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith   Mana… usa                 40              100               10
 2 Sam    Lee     Sale… usa                 40              200                6
 3 Sue    Sallin… Sale… asia                30              150               10
 4 Barb   Brown   Sr. … asia                35               79                4
 5 Jack   Martin  Mana… europe              20               40                3
 6 Kate   Carey   Sr. … europe              20               69                2
 7 Emy    Parsons Sale… africa              25               87                3
 8 Monica Oja     Sale… africa              35               98               10
 9 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. … usa                 35              140                3
10 Zeke   Cohen   Mana… usa                 30              250               10
# ℹ 14 more rows

12.3.5 Other ways of viewing the data

# To see the entire tibble in a separate tab in RStudio
# you can use the following command

# Show all column names and datatypes plus some actual data

# Show just the column names (could be useful for a quick reminder when you need it)

12.4 Convert between tibbles and dataframes

The majority of the dplyr functions work with tibbles or dataframes. However, the tidyverse in general and dplyr specifically is designed to work better with tibbles.

If you need to, you can always convert a tibble to a dataframe or a dataframe to a tibble.

# Convert the tibble to a data.frame
dfSales = as.data.frame(sales)

# Convert a dataframe to a tibble
tblSales = as_tibble(dfSales)

# A tibble is also a dataframe.
# This is similar to how a square is also a rectangle.
# You can see that from the class of the variable. 
# The class of a tibble contains "tbl_df" "tbl" as well as "data.frame"
[1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
# However, a dataframe is not necessarily a tibble.
# This is similar ot how a rectangle is not necessarily a square.
# Notice how the class of dfSales is only "data.frame"
[1] "data.frame"
# The head function is designed to work with dataframes
head(dfSales, 3)
  first      last       title region baseInThousands salesInThousands
1   Joe     Smith     Manager    usa              40              100
2   Sam       Lee Salesperson    usa              40              200
3   Sue Sallinger Salesperson   asia              30              150
1               10
2                6
3               10
# Therefore the head function also works with tibbles
head(tblSales, 3)
# A tibble: 3 × 7
  first last      title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
  <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 Joe   Smith     Mana… usa                 40              100               10
2 Sam   Lee       Sale… usa                 40              200                6
3 Sue   Sallinger Sale… asia                30              150               10
# However, features of some functions that are designed to
# work with tibbles might not work with data.frames.
# This works fine - display the first 3 rows of the tibble.
print(tblSales, n=3) 
# A tibble: 24 × 7
  first last      title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
  <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 Joe   Smith     Mana… usa                 40              100               10
2 Sam   Lee       Sale… usa                 40              200                6
3 Sue   Sallinger Sale… asia                30              150               10
# ℹ 21 more rows
# ERROR - n argument is not designed to work with dataframes that aren't tibbles
print(dfSales, n=3) 
Error in print.default(m, ..., quote = quote, right = right, max = max): invalid 'na.print' specification

12.5 select

Use the select function to get just the specified columns.

The first argument to the select function is named .data (notice the period before .data). It is used to specify which tibble or dataframe you are working with. The other arguments are used to specify which columns you’d like to see from the dataframe/tibble. Note that there are NO quotes around the column names (this differs from the base-r way of specifying column names in a dataframe).

# Show just the specified columns from the sales tibble
select(.data=sales, first, last, salesInThousands)
# A tibble: 24 × 3
   first  last       salesInThousands
   <chr>  <chr>                 <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith                   100
 2 Sam    Lee                     200
 3 Sue    Sallinger               150
 4 Barb   Brown                    79
 5 Jack   Martin                   40
 6 Kate   Carey                    69
 7 Emy    Parsons                  87
 8 Monica Oja                      98
 9 Jim    Kuruzovich              140
10 Zeke   Cohen                   250
# ℹ 14 more rows

The columns appear in whatever order you specified in the select function. If you want to bring a few columns to the front followed by the rest of the columns, you can use the everything() function.

# Show the specified columns first, followed by the other columns.
select(.data=sales, first, last, everything())
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   first  last    title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith   Mana… usa                 40              100               10
 2 Sam    Lee     Sale… usa                 40              200                6
 3 Sue    Sallin… Sale… asia                30              150               10
 4 Barb   Brown   Sr. … asia                35               79                4
 5 Jack   Martin  Mana… europe              20               40                3
 6 Kate   Carey   Sr. … europe              20               69                2
 7 Emy    Parsons Sale… africa              25               87                3
 8 Monica Oja     Sale… africa              35               98               10
 9 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. … usa                 35              140                3
10 Zeke   Cohen   Mana… usa                 30              250               10
# ℹ 14 more rows

12.6 filter

The filter function is used to retrieve the rows from a tibble that match a condition.

  • The first argument of the filter function is also .data. Just as with the select function this argument for the filter function is expected to be a tibble or a dataframe.

  • The next argument to filter is a logical expression. You can use the names of the columns of the tibble/dataframe in the expression. filter will examine each row of the tibble/dataframe and only return those rows whose values match the stated condition.

The following code displays only those rows whose salesInThousands is less than 100.

filter(.data=sales, salesInThousands < 100)
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  first  last    title  region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 Barb   Brown   Sr. S… asia                35               79                4
2 Jack   Martin  Manag… europe              20               40                3
3 Kate   Carey   Sr. S… europe              20               69                2
4 Emy    Parsons Sales… africa              25               87                3
5 Monica Oja     Sales… africa              35               98               10

12.7 Using the dplyr functions in a “pipeline”

The tidyverse functions are designed so that you can be apply them one after the other. The clearest way to do that is to “pipe” the output of one function into the input of another.

The following pipeline first applies select to generate a new tibble that only contains the specified columns. Then the filter function then chooses only those rows that meet the specified condition.

sales |> 
  select(first, last, salesInThousands) |>
  filter(salesInThousands < 100)
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  first  last    salesInThousands
  <chr>  <chr>              <dbl>
1 Barb   Brown                 79
2 Jack   Martin                40
3 Kate   Carey                 69
4 Emy    Parsons               87
5 Monica Oja                   98
# In this example we could apply the filter before select.
# It technically doesn't matter which order you apply the functions in 
# as long as you realize that the output of one function is fed into 
# the input of the next function.

sales |> 
  filter(salesInThousands < 100) |>
  select(first, last, salesInThousands) 
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  first  last    salesInThousands
  <chr>  <chr>              <dbl>
1 Barb   Brown                 79
2 Jack   Martin                40
3 Kate   Carey                 69
4 Emy    Parsons               87
5 Monica Oja                   98
# You can save the results in a variable as follows
lowSales = 
  sales |> 
    filter(salesInThousands < 100) |>
    select(first, last, salesInThousands) 

# Now the lowSales variable contains the results
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  first  last    salesInThousands
  <chr>  <chr>              <dbl>
1 Barb   Brown                 79
2 Jack   Martin                40
3 Kate   Carey                 69
4 Emy    Parsons               87
5 Monica Oja                   98
# You can continue to use the new variable for further processing
lowSales |> filter(salesInThousands > 80)
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  first  last    salesInThousands
  <chr>  <chr>              <dbl>
1 Emy    Parsons               87
2 Monica Oja                   98

12.8 Important dplyr functions for manipulating tibbles

The dplyr package contains many different functions. The following are the basic dplyr functions that can be used to work with the data in a single tibble or dataframe.

You can combine calls to these functions to retrieve data from a tibble in many different ways. The documentation sometimes refers to these functions as “dplyr verbs” since each of them “do something” to the data. More details about these functions are covered in the sections below.

These dplyr functions all take a tibble as their first argument and return a modified tibble. Therefore each of these functions can be called as part of
a pipeline (see previous section). This allows us to start with some raw data in a tibble and manipulate it in numerous ways.

  • select - choose the columns you want (this was described above)

  • filter - choose the rows based on a condition (also described above)

  • arrange - reorder the rows based on the specified sorting rules

  • mutate - add additional columns to the tibble/dataframe

  • group_by - identify which rows will be aggregated by a subsequent call to the summarize function (see below) Note that group_by isn’t too useful unless it is followed by a subsequent call to summarize.

  • summarize - aggregrate several rows of data into a single row of data by using “aggregate functions” such as max(), min(), etc

There are many other functions included with dplyr. For a full list of what’s included with dplyr run help(package="dplyr"). You can also download a “cheat sheet” that lists all the funcitons at https://www.rstudio.org/links/data_transformation_cheat_sheet (this cheat sheet and others are available from the “Help > Cheat Sheets” menu in RStudio)

12.9 arrange

The arrange function reorders the rows based on specified sorting rules.

# Arrange all of the rows based on salesInThousands. 
sales |> 
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   first  last    title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Jack   Martin  Mana… europe              20               40                3
 2 Kate   Carey   Sr. … europe              20               69                2
 3 Barb   Brown   Sr. … asia                35               79                4
 4 Emy    Parsons Sale… africa              25               87                3
 5 Monica Oja     Sale… africa              35               98               10
 6 Joe    Smith   Mana… usa                 40              100               10
 7 Jack   Aames   Sale… usa                 43              105                4
 8 Larry  Green   Sr. … europe              20              113                4
 9 Zeke   Smith   Sale… asia                20              120                3
10 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. … usa                 35              140                3
# ℹ 14 more rows
# Select the first, last names and salesInThousands
# for only those rows for which salesInThousands is less than 100.
# Arrange the rows so that they appear in order of the salesInThousands.
sales |> 
  select(first, last, salesInThousands) |>
  filter(salesInThousands < 100) |>
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  first  last    salesInThousands
  <chr>  <chr>              <dbl>
1 Jack   Martin                40
2 Kate   Carey                 69
3 Barb   Brown                 79
4 Emy    Parsons               87
5 Monica Oja                   98

12.9.1 arrange by more than one column

If you pass more than one column name to the arrange function

  • the rows are arranged by the first specified column

  • all rows that have the same value of the first column passed to arrange are further arranged within that cluster of rows by the 2nd column name that was passed to arrange

  • You can specify as many column names as you like in the arrange function. Column names that appear later in the call to arrange only effect the final order for those rows that share the same value for the earlier column names in the arrange function.

See the examples below.

# show the rows in alphabetical order based on the names of the salespeople.
sales |>
  arrange(last,first) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   first  last    title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Barb   Aames   Sale… usa                 21              255                7
 2 Jack   Aames   Sale… usa                 43              105                4
 3 Sue    Aames   Sr. … africa              35              600               10
 4 Hugh   Black   Sr. … africa              40              261                9
 5 Barb   Brown   Sr. … asia                35               79                4
 6 Jim    Brown   Sale… europe              50              167                2
 7 Kate   Carey   Sr. … europe              20               69                2
 8 Zeke   Cohen   Mana… usa                 30              250               10
 9 Larry  Green   Sr. … europe              20              113                4
10 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. … usa                 35              140                3
11 Sam    Lee     Sale… usa                 40              200                6
12 Sam    Lincoln Mana… europe              30              500                2
13 Amy    Markov… Sale… asia                46              340                3
14 Jack   Martin  Mana… europe              20               40                3
15 Monica Oja     Sale… africa              35               98               10
16 Emy    Parsons Sale… africa              25               87                3
17 Sue    Sallin… Sale… asia                30              150               10
18 Joe    Smith   Mana… usa                 40              100               10
19 Zeke   Smith   Sale… asia                20              120                3
20 Joe    Washin… Sr. … europe              33              370                2
21 Laura  White   Mana… africa              20              281                8
22 Emy    Zeitch… Mana… asia                34              166                4
23 Kate   Zeitch… Sr. … usa                 50              187                4
24 Monica Zeitch… Sale… asia                23              184                1
# Arrange by title, then by last names and finally by first names
sales |>
  arrange(title, last, first) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   first  last    title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Zeke   Cohen   Mana… usa                 30              250               10
 2 Sam    Lincoln Mana… europe              30              500                2
 3 Jack   Martin  Mana… europe              20               40                3
 4 Joe    Smith   Mana… usa                 40              100               10
 5 Laura  White   Mana… africa              20              281                8
 6 Emy    Zeitch… Mana… asia                34              166                4
 7 Barb   Aames   Sale… usa                 21              255                7
 8 Jack   Aames   Sale… usa                 43              105                4
 9 Jim    Brown   Sale… europe              50              167                2
10 Sam    Lee     Sale… usa                 40              200                6
11 Amy    Markov… Sale… asia                46              340                3
12 Monica Oja     Sale… africa              35               98               10
13 Emy    Parsons Sale… africa              25               87                3
14 Sue    Sallin… Sale… asia                30              150               10
15 Zeke   Smith   Sale… asia                20              120                3
16 Monica Zeitch… Sale… asia                23              184                1
17 Sue    Aames   Sr. … africa              35              600               10
18 Hugh   Black   Sr. … africa              40              261                9
19 Barb   Brown   Sr. … asia                35               79                4
20 Kate   Carey   Sr. … europe              20               69                2
21 Larry  Green   Sr. … europe              20              113                4
22 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. … usa                 35              140                3
23 Joe    Washin… Sr. … europe              33              370                2
24 Kate   Zeitch… Sr. … usa                 50              187                4
# It might help to read if you display the columns you are sorting by first.
# To do so, simply add a select to the pipeline. 
# In this example, it makes no difference
# if the select appears before or after the arrange function.
# Notice that the names are alphabetically arranged only with a group of
# rows that all have the same title.

sales |>
  select(title, last, first, everything()) |>
  arrange(title, last, first) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   title    last  first region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Manager  Cohen Zeke  usa                 30              250               10
 2 Manager  Linc… Sam   europe              30              500                2
 3 Manager  Mart… Jack  europe              20               40                3
 4 Manager  Smith Joe   usa                 40              100               10
 5 Manager  White Laura africa              20              281                8
 6 Manager  Zeit… Emy   asia                34              166                4
 7 Salespe… Aames Barb  usa                 21              255                7
 8 Salespe… Aames Jack  usa                 43              105                4
 9 Salespe… Brown Jim   europe              50              167                2
10 Salespe… Lee   Sam   usa                 40              200                6
11 Salespe… Mark… Amy   asia                46              340                3
12 Salespe… Oja   Moni… africa              35               98               10
13 Salespe… Pars… Emy   africa              25               87                3
14 Salespe… Sall… Sue   asia                30              150               10
15 Salespe… Smith Zeke  asia                20              120                3
16 Salespe… Zeit… Moni… asia                23              184                1
17 Sr. Sal… Aames Sue   africa              35              600               10
18 Sr. Sal… Black Hugh  africa              40              261                9
19 Sr. Sal… Brown Barb  asia                35               79                4
20 Sr. Sal… Carey Kate  europe              20               69                2
21 Sr. Sal… Green Larry europe              20              113                4
22 Sr. Sal… Kuru… Jim   usa                 35              140                3
23 Sr. Sal… Wash… Joe   europe              33              370                2
24 Sr. Sal… Zeit… Kate  usa                 50              187                4
# We can get even more fine grained. This time we will arrange
# by title, then by region, then by last names and finally by first names.
# Notice that the names are alphabetically arranged only with a group of
# rows that all have the same title and region.

sales |>
  select(title, region, last, first, everything()) |>
  arrange(title, region, last, first) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   title    region last  first baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>    <chr>  <chr> <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Manager  africa White Laura              20              281                8
 2 Manager  asia   Zeit… Emy                34              166                4
 3 Manager  europe Linc… Sam                30              500                2
 4 Manager  europe Mart… Jack               20               40                3
 5 Manager  usa    Cohen Zeke               30              250               10
 6 Manager  usa    Smith Joe                40              100               10
 7 Salespe… africa Oja   Moni…              35               98               10
 8 Salespe… africa Pars… Emy                25               87                3
 9 Salespe… asia   Mark… Amy                46              340                3
10 Salespe… asia   Sall… Sue                30              150               10
11 Salespe… asia   Smith Zeke               20              120                3
12 Salespe… asia   Zeit… Moni…              23              184                1
13 Salespe… europe Brown Jim                50              167                2
14 Salespe… usa    Aames Barb               21              255                7
15 Salespe… usa    Aames Jack               43              105                4
16 Salespe… usa    Lee   Sam                40              200                6
17 Sr. Sal… africa Aames Sue                35              600               10
18 Sr. Sal… africa Black Hugh               40              261                9
19 Sr. Sal… asia   Brown Barb               35               79                4
20 Sr. Sal… europe Carey Kate               20               69                2
21 Sr. Sal… europe Green Larry              20              113                4
22 Sr. Sal… europe Wash… Joe                33              370                2
23 Sr. Sal… usa    Kuru… Jim                35              140                3
24 Sr. Sal… usa    Zeit… Kate               50              187                4

12.9.2 desc(SOME_COLUMN) - arrange in descending order

Use the desc function to specify “descending” order. See the examples.

# In the following, the rows with the highest values
# of salesInThousands are at the top.

sales |> 
  filter(salesInThousands < 100) |>
  select(first, last, salesInThousands) |>
  arrange(desc(salesInThousands))  |>
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  first  last    salesInThousands
  <chr>  <chr>              <dbl>
1 Monica Oja                   98
2 Emy    Parsons               87
3 Barb   Brown                 79
4 Kate   Carey                 69
5 Jack   Martin                40
# Arrange alphabetically by the region.
# Within each region, show the sales in decreasing order.
sales |>
  select(region, baseInThousands, everything()) |>
  arrange(region,  desc(baseInThousands)) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   region baseInThousands first  last    title salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>            <dbl> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 africa              40 Hugh   Black   Sr. …              261                9
 2 africa              35 Monica Oja     Sale…               98               10
 3 africa              35 Sue    Aames   Sr. …              600               10
 4 africa              25 Emy    Parsons Sale…               87                3
 5 africa              20 Laura  White   Mana…              281                8
 6 asia                46 Amy    Markov… Sale…              340                3
 7 asia                35 Barb   Brown   Sr. …               79                4
 8 asia                34 Emy    Zeitch… Mana…              166                4
 9 asia                30 Sue    Sallin… Sale…              150               10
10 asia                23 Monica Zeitch… Sale…              184                1
11 asia                20 Zeke   Smith   Sale…              120                3
12 europe              50 Jim    Brown   Sale…              167                2
13 europe              33 Joe    Washin… Sr. …              370                2
14 europe              30 Sam    Lincoln Mana…              500                2
15 europe              20 Jack   Martin  Mana…               40                3
16 europe              20 Kate   Carey   Sr. …               69                2
17 europe              20 Larry  Green   Sr. …              113                4
18 usa                 50 Kate   Zeitch… Sr. …              187                4
19 usa                 43 Jack   Aames   Sale…              105                4
20 usa                 40 Joe    Smith   Mana…              100               10
21 usa                 40 Sam    Lee     Sale…              200                6
22 usa                 35 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. …              140                3
23 usa                 30 Zeke   Cohen   Mana…              250               10
24 usa                 21 Barb   Aames   Sale…              255                7
# Show the names, titles and salesInThousands for
# people who sell to the usa and for people who sell to europe.
# Arrange the results so that all titles are grouped together.
# Within the rows of a particular title sort the results in 
# descending order based on the salesInThousands so that the 
# rows with greater salesInThousands appear earlier.
# Only show salespeople for the usa and europe

sales |>
  select(first, last, title, salesInThousands, region) |>
  filter(region %in% c("usa", "europe")) |>
  arrange(title, desc(salesInThousands))
# A tibble: 13 × 5
   first last       title           salesInThousands region
   <chr> <chr>      <chr>                      <dbl> <chr> 
 1 Sam   Lincoln    Manager                      500 europe
 2 Zeke  Cohen      Manager                      250 usa   
 3 Joe   Smith      Manager                      100 usa   
 4 Jack  Martin     Manager                       40 europe
 5 Barb  Aames      Salesperson                  255 usa   
 6 Sam   Lee        Salesperson                  200 usa   
 7 Jim   Brown      Salesperson                  167 europe
 8 Jack  Aames      Salesperson                  105 usa   
 9 Joe   Washington Sr. Salesperson              370 europe
10 Kate  Zeitchik   Sr. Salesperson              187 usa   
11 Jim   Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson              140 usa   
12 Larry Green      Sr. Salesperson              113 europe
13 Kate  Carey      Sr. Salesperson               69 europe
# Careful - if you do not include region in the select , it won't work
# ERROR - object 'region' not found

sales |>
  select(first, last, title, salesInThousands) |>  # region is missing here
  filter(region %in% c("usa", "europe")) |>        # but you need it here
  arrange(title, desc(salesInThousands))
Error in `filter()`:
ℹ In argument: `region %in% c("usa", "europe")`.
Caused by error:
! object 'region' not found
# Rearrange the order of the function calls to get it to work

sales |>
  arrange(title, desc(salesInThousands)) |>   
  filter(region %in% c("usa", "europe")) |>       # we use region here
  select(first, last, title, salesInThousands)    # we can now exclude region
# A tibble: 13 × 4
   first last       title           salesInThousands
   <chr> <chr>      <chr>                      <dbl>
 1 Sam   Lincoln    Manager                      500
 2 Zeke  Cohen      Manager                      250
 3 Joe   Smith      Manager                      100
 4 Jack  Martin     Manager                       40
 5 Barb  Aames      Salesperson                  255
 6 Sam   Lee        Salesperson                  200
 7 Jim   Brown      Salesperson                  167
 8 Jack  Aames      Salesperson                  105
 9 Joe   Washington Sr. Salesperson              370
10 Kate  Zeitchik   Sr. Salesperson              187
11 Jim   Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson              140
12 Larry Green      Sr. Salesperson              113
13 Kate  Carey      Sr. Salesperson               69

12.10 mutate - add new columns

Use the mutate function to add new columns. These new columns can be based on existing data. See the examples below.

# All salespeople get a commission equal to 10% of their sales.
# Create a new column with the name commission that shows the value of their commission.

# The following code creates the new column as the last column in the tibble.
sales |>
  mutate(commission=0.10*salesInThousands, takeHome=baseInThousands + 0.10*salesInThousands ) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 9
   first  last       title           region baseInThousands salesInThousands
   <chr>  <chr>      <chr>           <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith      Manager         usa                 40              100
 2 Sam    Lee        Salesperson     usa                 40              200
 3 Sue    Sallinger  Salesperson     asia                30              150
 4 Barb   Brown      Sr. Salesperson asia                35               79
 5 Jack   Martin     Manager         europe              20               40
 6 Kate   Carey      Sr. Salesperson europe              20               69
 7 Emy    Parsons    Salesperson     africa              25               87
 8 Monica Oja        Salesperson     africa              35               98
 9 Jim    Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson usa                 35              140
10 Zeke   Cohen      Manager         usa                 30              250
   yearsWithCompany commission takeHome
              <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
 1               10       10       50  
 2                6       20       60  
 3               10       15       45  
 4                4        7.9     42.9
 5                3        4       24  
 6                2        6.9     26.9
 7                3        8.7     33.7
 8               10        9.8     44.8
 9                3       14       49  
10               10       25       55  
# ℹ 14 more rows

12.10.1 .before and .after

Use the .before and .after argument to mutate to specify where the new columns should appear in the tibble. See the examples below.

# Place the newly created column at the beginning of the tibble,
# i.e. .before the 1st column.

sales |>
  mutate(commission=0.10*salesInThousands, .before=1)
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   commission first  last       title    region baseInThousands salesInThousands
        <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>    <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1       10   Joe    Smith      Manager  usa                 40              100
 2       20   Sam    Lee        Salespe… usa                 40              200
 3       15   Sue    Sallinger  Salespe… asia                30              150
 4        7.9 Barb   Brown      Sr. Sal… asia                35               79
 5        4   Jack   Martin     Manager  europe              20               40
 6        6.9 Kate   Carey      Sr. Sal… europe              20               69
 7        8.7 Emy    Parsons    Salespe… africa              25               87
 8        9.8 Monica Oja        Salespe… africa              35               98
 9       14   Jim    Kuruzovich Sr. Sal… usa                 35              140
10       25   Zeke   Cohen      Manager  usa                 30              250
# ℹ 14 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: yearsWithCompany <dbl>
# Place the newly created column as the 3rd column
# i.e. .after the 2nd column.
# (.before=4 would also work)

sales |>
  mutate(commission=0.10*salesInThousands, .after=2)
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   first  last       commission title    region baseInThousands salesInThousands
   <chr>  <chr>           <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith            10   Manager  usa                 40              100
 2 Sam    Lee              20   Salespe… usa                 40              200
 3 Sue    Sallinger        15   Salespe… asia                30              150
 4 Barb   Brown             7.9 Sr. Sal… asia                35               79
 5 Jack   Martin            4   Manager  europe              20               40
 6 Kate   Carey             6.9 Sr. Sal… europe              20               69
 7 Emy    Parsons           8.7 Salespe… africa              25               87
 8 Monica Oja               9.8 Salespe… africa              35               98
 9 Jim    Kuruzovich       14   Sr. Sal… usa                 35              140
10 Zeke   Cohen            25   Manager  usa                 30              250
# ℹ 14 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: yearsWithCompany <dbl>
# .before and .after can also refer to specific columns
# For example the following also places the commission after the last name column
sales |>
  mutate(commission=0.10*salesInThousands, .after=last)
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   first  last       commission title    region baseInThousands salesInThousands
   <chr>  <chr>           <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith            10   Manager  usa                 40              100
 2 Sam    Lee              20   Salespe… usa                 40              200
 3 Sue    Sallinger        15   Salespe… asia                30              150
 4 Barb   Brown             7.9 Sr. Sal… asia                35               79
 5 Jack   Martin            4   Manager  europe              20               40
 6 Kate   Carey             6.9 Sr. Sal… europe              20               69
 7 Emy    Parsons           8.7 Salespe… africa              25               87
 8 Monica Oja               9.8 Salespe… africa              35               98
 9 Jim    Kuruzovich       14   Sr. Sal… usa                 35              140
10 Zeke   Cohen            25   Manager  usa                 30              250
# ℹ 14 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: yearsWithCompany <dbl>

12.10.2 a new column that depends on other new columns

The following code creates two new columns.

The commission column is created as in the last example.

The takeHome column is the total take home pay for the salesperson, i.e.  their baseInThousands plus the commission.

If you create both columns in a single call to mutate, you will need to repeat the calculation for the commission twice (see examples below). An alternative is to call the mutate function twice. For tibbles with many rows this can take longer to process but is less error prone when you write the code.

# All salespeople get a commission equal to 10% of their sales.
# Create a new column with the name commission that shows the value of their commission.
# Create another column called takeHome which has their total takehome pay.

# We can do it all in one call to mutate.
# However, that require repeating the code for calculating for the commission.
sales |>
  mutate(commission=0.10*salesInThousands, takeHome=baseInThousands + 0.10*salesInThousands, .before=1 ) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 9
   commission takeHome first  last       title           region baseInThousands
        <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>           <chr>            <dbl>
 1       10       50   Joe    Smith      Manager         usa                 40
 2       20       60   Sam    Lee        Salesperson     usa                 40
 3       15       45   Sue    Sallinger  Salesperson     asia                30
 4        7.9     42.9 Barb   Brown      Sr. Salesperson asia                35
 5        4       24   Jack   Martin     Manager         europe              20
 6        6.9     26.9 Kate   Carey      Sr. Salesperson europe              20
 7        8.7     33.7 Emy    Parsons    Salesperson     africa              25
 8        9.8     44.8 Monica Oja        Salesperson     africa              35
 9       14       49   Jim    Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson usa                 35
10       25       55   Zeke   Cohen      Manager         usa                 30
   salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
              <dbl>            <dbl>
 1              100               10
 2              200                6
 3              150               10
 4               79                4
 5               40                3
 6               69                2
 7               87                3
 8               98               10
 9              140                3
10              250               10
# ℹ 14 more rows
# By separating the code into two calls to mutate, we can refer to the 
# newly created "commission" column when calculating the takeHome column.
# Note that the 2nd call to mutate below receives a tibble that already has a
# commission column as the first column. That is why .before=2 (and not .before=1)
sales |>
  mutate(commission=0.10*salesInThousands, .before=1) |>
  mutate(takeHome=baseInThousands + commission, .before=2) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 9
   commission takeHome first  last       title           region baseInThousands
        <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>           <chr>            <dbl>
 1       10       50   Joe    Smith      Manager         usa                 40
 2       20       60   Sam    Lee        Salesperson     usa                 40
 3       15       45   Sue    Sallinger  Salesperson     asia                30
 4        7.9     42.9 Barb   Brown      Sr. Salesperson asia                35
 5        4       24   Jack   Martin     Manager         europe              20
 6        6.9     26.9 Kate   Carey      Sr. Salesperson europe              20
 7        8.7     33.7 Emy    Parsons    Salesperson     africa              25
 8        9.8     44.8 Monica Oja        Salesperson     africa              35
 9       14       49   Jim    Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson usa                 35
10       25       55   Zeke   Cohen      Manager         usa                 30
   salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
              <dbl>            <dbl>
 1              100               10
 2              200                6
 3              150               10
 4               79                4
 5               40                3
 6               69                2
 7               87                3
 8               98               10
 9              140                3
10              250               10
# ℹ 14 more rows

12.11 distinct()

The distinct function eliminates any duplicate rows from a tibble. See the examples.

# Show the just the region for each row in the tibble
sales |>
  select (region) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 1
 1 usa   
 2 usa   
 3 asia  
 4 asia  
 5 europe
 6 europe
 7 africa
 8 africa
 9 usa   
10 usa   
11 asia  
12 asia  
13 europe
14 europe
15 africa
16 usa   
17 usa   
18 usa   
19 asia  
20 asia  
21 europe
22 europe
23 africa
24 africa
# Same thing using distinct()
# Show just the distinct (ie. different) regions
sales |>
  select (region) |>
  distinct() |>       # show just the distinct rows
# A tibble: 4 × 1
1 usa   
2 asia  
3 europe
4 africa
# NOTE - all values in the row must be exactly the same
# for the distinct() function to eliminate the duplicate rows.

# Show the region and title for rows 
# whose region is either europe or asia.
# Arrange the output so they come up sorted.

sales |>
  select(region, title) |>
  filter(region %in% c('europe', 'asia')) |>
  arrange(region, title) |>
# A tibble: 12 × 2
   region title          
   <chr>  <chr>          
 1 asia   Manager        
 2 asia   Salesperson    
 3 asia   Salesperson    
 4 asia   Salesperson    
 5 asia   Salesperson    
 6 asia   Sr. Salesperson
 7 europe Manager        
 8 europe Manager        
 9 europe Salesperson    
10 europe Sr. Salesperson
11 europe Sr. Salesperson
12 europe Sr. Salesperson
# Same thing using distinct()
# Show just the distinct rows from the previous command

sales |>
  select(region, title) |>
  filter(region %in% c('europe', 'asia')) |>
  distinct() |>                                 # eliminate duplicate rows
  arrange(region, title) |>
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  region title          
  <chr>  <chr>          
1 asia   Manager        
2 asia   Salesperson    
3 asia   Sr. Salesperson
4 europe Manager        
5 europe Salesperson    
6 europe Sr. Salesperson
# Notice that in the previous output, there were multiple
# rows that contained "europe", multiple rows that contained "asia"
# as well as multiple rows that contained each of the different titles.
# However - there were NO rows that contained exact duplicates of both
# the region and the title.
# The moral of the story is that distinct() will only elminate rows 
# that are EXACT duplicates in EVERY column.
sales |>
  select(region, title, everything()) |>
  arrange(region, title)
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   region title    first last  baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 africa Manager  Laura White              20              281                8
 2 africa Salespe… Emy   Pars…              25               87                3
 3 africa Salespe… Moni… Oja                35               98               10
 4 africa Sr. Sal… Sue   Aames              35              600               10
 5 africa Sr. Sal… Hugh  Black              40              261                9
 6 asia   Manager  Emy   Zeit…              34              166                4
 7 asia   Salespe… Sue   Sall…              30              150               10
 8 asia   Salespe… Zeke  Smith              20              120                3
 9 asia   Salespe… Amy   Mark…              46              340                3
10 asia   Salespe… Moni… Zeit…              23              184                1
# ℹ 14 more rows
sales |>
  select(region, title) |>
  arrange(region, title)
# A tibble: 24 × 2
   region title          
   <chr>  <chr>          
 1 africa Manager        
 2 africa Salesperson    
 3 africa Salesperson    
 4 africa Sr. Salesperson
 5 africa Sr. Salesperson
 6 asia   Manager        
 7 asia   Salesperson    
 8 asia   Salesperson    
 9 asia   Salesperson    
10 asia   Salesperson    
# ℹ 14 more rows
sales |>
  select(region,title) |>
  arrange(region, title) |>
# A tibble: 12 × 2
   region title          
   <chr>  <chr>          
 1 africa Manager        
 2 africa Salesperson    
 3 africa Sr. Salesperson
 4 asia   Manager        
 5 asia   Salesperson    
 6 asia   Sr. Salesperson
 7 europe Manager        
 8 europe Salesperson    
 9 europe Sr. Salesperson
10 usa    Manager        
11 usa    Salesperson    
12 usa    Sr. Salesperson

12.12 summarize and group_by

The summarize() and group_by() functions work together. We’ll explain exactly how below …

12.12.1 aggregate functions

The summarize function is used to condense the contents of several rows of data into a single row of data. It does this by using functions such as min(), max(), mean(), etc. These functions can take several values and return a single value. Such functions are known as aggregate functions.

12.12.2 summarize (without group_by)

The summarize function is often preceded by a call to the group_by() function (which we will cover in the next section). group_by() is used to contol which rows of data will be affected by a subsequent call to the summarize() function. This will be explained in more detail below. For now, we will just focus on how summarize() works when it is NOT preceded by a call to group_by().

When summarize() is NOT preceded by a call to group_by() then the job of the summarize() function is to return a single row of summary by applying aggregate functions (such as min, max, mean, etc) to columns of the tibble.

See the examples below.

# mean salesInThousands (for all rows)
# Note that this returns a tibble with exactly one row and one column.
sales |>
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1                     203.
# We can change the column name as shown below
sales |>
 summarize(averageSales = mean(salesInThousands))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1         203.
# We can filter the rows before calculating the mean results (or use any other of the dplyr functions)
# Show the mean sales for just the USA.
sales |>
  filter(region == "usa") |>
  summarize(usaSales = mean(salesInThousands))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     177.
# We can get more than one column in our summary tibble
sales |>
  summarize(meanSales = mean(salesInThousands), maxSales=max(salesInThousands), minSales=min(salesInThousands),
            maxBase = max(baseInThousands), minBase=min(baseInThousands))
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  meanSales maxSales minSales maxBase minBase
      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1      203.      600       40      50      20

12.12.3 The n() function

The n() function returns the number of rows.

The n_distinct() function returns the number of rows that have distinct (i.e. different) values.

# Show all of the rows ordered by region and title
sales |>
  select(region, title, everything()) |>
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   region title    first last  baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 usa    Manager  Joe   Smith              40              100               10
 2 usa    Salespe… Sam   Lee                40              200                6
 3 asia   Salespe… Sue   Sall…              30              150               10
 4 asia   Sr. Sal… Barb  Brown              35               79                4
 5 europe Manager  Jack  Mart…              20               40                3
 6 europe Sr. Sal… Kate  Carey              20               69                2
 7 africa Salespe… Emy   Pars…              25               87                3
 8 africa Salespe… Moni… Oja                35               98               10
 9 usa    Sr. Sal… Jim   Kuru…              35              140                3
10 usa    Manager  Zeke  Cohen              30              250               10
11 asia   Salespe… Zeke  Smith              20              120                3
12 asia   Salespe… Amy   Mark…              46              340                3
13 europe Sr. Sal… Joe   Wash…              33              370                2
14 europe Manager  Sam   Linc…              30              500                2
15 africa Sr. Sal… Sue   Aames              35              600               10
16 usa    Salespe… Barb  Aames              21              255                7
17 usa    Salespe… Jack  Aames              43              105                4
18 usa    Sr. Sal… Kate  Zeit…              50              187                4
19 asia   Manager  Emy   Zeit…              34              166                4
20 asia   Salespe… Moni… Zeit…              23              184                1
21 europe Salespe… Jim   Brown              50              167                2
22 europe Sr. Sal… Larry Green              20              113                4
23 africa Manager  Laura White              20              281                8
24 africa Sr. Sal… Hugh  Black              40              261                9
# n() - returns the number of rows in the tibble
# n_distinct(COL1, COL2, ...) - returns the number of rows for which 
#   the specified columns taken all together are distinct among all other rows.
sales |>
  select(region, title, everything()) |>
  summarize(n(), n_distinct(region), n_distinct(title), n_distinct(region, title))
# A tibble: 1 × 4
  `n()` `n_distinct(region)` `n_distinct(title)` `n_distinct(region, title)`
  <int>                <int>               <int>                       <int>
1    24                    4                   3                          12

12.13 group_by and summarize (or summarise)

The examples above for summarize all return a single row of data. This is because they are summarizing all of the rows for the tibble that summarize received. Note that this is true even if the rows have been filtered first. For example:

# The following returns just one row.
# The summarize function is summarizing ALL of the rows 
# for the tibble that it was given.

sales %>% 
  filter(region == "usa") |>
  summarize(numberOfRows=n(), maxUsaSales = max(salesInThousands), minUsaSales=min(salesInThousands))
# A tibble: 1 × 3
  numberOfRows maxUsaSales minUsaSales
         <int>       <dbl>       <dbl>
1            7         255         100

The functions, group_by and summarize functions are designed to work together. The job of the group_by function is to separate the rows of data into different “groups” that will later be processed separately by the summarize function.

If you use a group_by function in general it is followed a call to summarize()

To understand the examples below, it is helpful to first see the rows sorted by region and title

sales |>
  select(region, title, everything()) |>
  arrange(region, title)
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   region title    first last  baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 africa Manager  Laura White              20              281                8
 2 africa Salespe… Emy   Pars…              25               87                3
 3 africa Salespe… Moni… Oja                35               98               10
 4 africa Sr. Sal… Sue   Aames              35              600               10
 5 africa Sr. Sal… Hugh  Black              40              261                9
 6 asia   Manager  Emy   Zeit…              34              166                4
 7 asia   Salespe… Sue   Sall…              30              150               10
 8 asia   Salespe… Zeke  Smith              20              120                3
 9 asia   Salespe… Amy   Mark…              46              340                3
10 asia   Salespe… Moni… Zeit…              23              184                1
# ℹ 14 more rows

Notice how the rows that have the same region can be thought of as a “group” of rows for that region.

See the examples below

# Show summary information for each of the different regions.
# Each row in the output corresponds only to the rows for the region shown on that row of output.
sales |> 
  group_by(region) |>    # create a different group for each region
  summarize(numberOfRows=n(), mean(baseInThousands), mean(salesInThousands))
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  region numberOfRows `mean(baseInThousands)` `mean(salesInThousands)`
  <chr>         <int>                   <dbl>                    <dbl>
1 africa            5                    31                       265.
2 asia              6                    31.3                     173.
3 europe            6                    28.8                     210.
4 usa               7                    37                       177.

Similarly we can group the rows by those with the same value in the title column.

# Show summary information for each of the different titles.
# Each row in the output corresponds only to the rows for the title shown on that row of output.
sales |> 
  group_by(title) |>    # create a different group for each title
  summarize(numberOfRows=n(), mean(baseInThousands), mean(salesInThousands))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  title           numberOfRows `mean(baseInThousands)` `mean(salesInThousands)`
  <chr>                  <int>                   <dbl>                    <dbl>
1 Manager                    6                    29                       223.
2 Salesperson               10                    33.3                     171.
3 Sr. Salesperson            8                    33.5                     227.

12.13.1 group_by without summarize has no noticeable effect

Note that on its own, the group_by function doesn’t appear to do anything. It only has a tangible effect when a summarize function is called after the group_by function

# group_by without a subsequent call to summarize doesn't appear to do anything special
sales |> 
# A tibble: 24 × 7
# Groups:   title [3]
   first  last    title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Joe    Smith   Mana… usa                 40              100               10
 2 Sam    Lee     Sale… usa                 40              200                6
 3 Sue    Sallin… Sale… asia                30              150               10
 4 Barb   Brown   Sr. … asia                35               79                4
 5 Jack   Martin  Mana… europe              20               40                3
 6 Kate   Carey   Sr. … europe              20               69                2
 7 Emy    Parsons Sale… africa              25               87                3
 8 Monica Oja     Sale… africa              35               98               10
 9 Jim    Kuruzo… Sr. … usa                 35              140                3
10 Zeke   Cohen   Mana… usa                 30              250               10
# ℹ 14 more rows

12.13.2 group_by more than one column

A call to group_by that has more than one column creates a separate group for the rows that have the same values for all of the specified columns. To understand this look at the following output:

asia_europe_sales = 
  sales |>
    select(region, title, baseInThousands) |>
    filter(region %in% c('europe', 'asia')) |>
    arrange(region, title)

asia_europe_sales  |>
# A tibble: 12 × 3
   region title           baseInThousands
   <chr>  <chr>                     <dbl>
 1 asia   Manager                      34
 2 asia   Salesperson                  30
 3 asia   Salesperson                  20
 4 asia   Salesperson                  46
 5 asia   Salesperson                  23
 6 asia   Sr. Salesperson              35
 7 europe Manager                      20
 8 europe Manager                      30
 9 europe Salesperson                  50
10 europe Sr. Salesperson              20
11 europe Sr. Salesperson              33
12 europe Sr. Salesperson              20

We can treat the rows that have the same values for both the region and title as a single group of rows. For example we can treat all of the rows for “asia Salesperson” as a group and the rows for “eroupe Manager” as a separate group. The output of the following command returns one row for each group.

# create groups based on region and sales
asia_europe_sales |> 
  group_by(region, title) |>
  summarize(n(), max(baseInThousands), mean(baseInThousands))|>
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'region'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 6 × 5
# Groups:   region [2]
  region title           `n()` `max(baseInThousands)` `mean(baseInThousands)`
  <chr>  <chr>           <int>                  <dbl>                   <dbl>
1 asia   Manager             1                     34                    34  
2 asia   Salesperson         4                     46                    29.8
3 asia   Sr. Salesperson     1                     35                    35  
4 europe Manager             2                     30                    25  
5 europe Salesperson         1                     50                    50  
6 europe Sr. Salesperson     3                     33                    24.3

You might be wondering about the somewhat cryptic message from the previous command:

summarise() has grouped output by ‘region’. You can override using the .groups argument.

When group_by is called with more than one column name the subsequent summarize call will generate a message similar to the one shown above. You can ignore this message without any issue. If you want to understand it better - look at this.

12.13.3 order of columns in group_by is irrelevant

Note that it makes no difference which order you specify the column names in the call to group by. The following command reverses the order of the columns in the call to group_by but returns the exact same result as the previous command.

# create groups based on region and sales
asia_europe_sales |> 
  group_by(title, region) |>   # the order of the columns in group_by makes no difference
  summarize(n(), max(baseInThousands), mean(baseInThousands))|>
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'title'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 6 × 5
# Groups:   title [3]
  title           region `n()` `max(baseInThousands)` `mean(baseInThousands)`
  <chr>           <chr>  <int>                  <dbl>                   <dbl>
1 Manager         asia       1                     34                    34  
2 Manager         europe     2                     30                    25  
3 Salesperson     asia       4                     46                    29.8
4 Salesperson     europe     1                     50                    50  
5 Sr. Salesperson asia       1                     35                    35  
6 Sr. Salesperson europe     3                     33                    24.3

12.13.4 some other aggregate functions

As mentioned above, an “aggregate function” is a function that can take several values as input but returns a single value. It is these types of functions that are used by summarize()

The following are some other commonly used aggregate functions that can be used in summarize. There are many, many others.

  • Statistics: mean(), median(), sd(), IQR(), mad()

  • Range: min(), max(),

  • Position: first(), last(), nth(),

  • Counting: n(), n_distinct()

  • Logical: any(), all()