16  The “books database”

In this and other sections we will be referring to the “books database”.

Click below to download a document that describes the books database and database technology in general. This document also contains many questions/answers to test your knowledge of SQL. You can also download the CSV files that contain the data for the books database.

16.1 click to download the specified files

16.2 Use the files from the books database

# install/require the readr package. You need this package to be able to use 
# the read_csv function below.
# Also install/require the sqldf package.
Loading required package: readr
Loading required package: sqldf
Loading required package: gsubfn
Loading required package: proto
Loading required package: RSQLite
# The books database contains information about various books, authors,
# publishers, etc.

# Read in the data for the books database - see the 
titles = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/titles.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
authors = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/authors.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
publishers = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/publishers.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
title_authors = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/title_authors.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
royalties = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/royalties.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)

16.3 The the ERD in the word document

The document above booksDatabase description and Questions contains information about the contents of the tables and how the tables are related to each other.

16.4 Now we can use these tables with sqldf

sqldf("select * from titles")
   title_id                          title_name       type pub_id pages price
1       T01                               1977!    history    P01   107 21.99
2       T02           200 Years of German Humor    history    P03    14 19.95
3       T03        Ask Yor System Administrator   computer    P02  1226 39.95
4       T04           But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99
5       T05              Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95
6       T06                    How About Never?  biography    P01   473 19.95
7       T07                   I Blame My Mother  biography    P03   333 23.95
8       T08        Just Wait Until After School   children    P01    86 10.00
9       T09                     Kiss My Boo Boo   children    P01    22 13.95
10      T10         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    NA
11      T11    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99
12      T12           Spontaneous, Not Annoying  biography    P05   507 12.99
13      T13 What Are The Civilian Applications?    history    P03   802 29.99
     sales         pubdate
1      566   8/1/2000 0:00
2     9566   4/1/1998 0:00
3    25667   9/1/2000 0:00
4    13001  5/31/1999 0:00
5   201440   1/1/2001 0:00
6    11320  7/31/2000 0:00
7  1500200  10/1/1999 0:00
8     4095   6/1/2001 0:00
9     5000  5/31/2002 0:00
10      NA            <NA>
11   94123 11/30/2000 0:00
12  100001  8/31/2000 0:00
13   10467  5/31/1999 0:00
sqldf("select * from publishers")
  pub_id             pub_name          city state country
1    P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA
2    P02      Core Dump Books San Francisco    CA     USA
3    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany
4    P04    Tneterhooks Press      Berkeley    CA     USA
5    P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA
sqldf("select * from title_authors")
   title_id au_id au_order royalty_shares
1       T01   A01        1            1.0
2       T02   A01        1            1.0
3       T03   A05        1            1.0
4       T04   A03        1            0.6
5       T04   A04        2            0.4
6       T05   A04        1            1.0
7       T06   A02        1            1.0
8       T07   A02        1            0.5
9       T07   A04        2            0.5
10      T08   A06        1            1.0
11      T09   A06        1            1.0
12      T10   A02        1            1.0
13      T11   A03        2            0.3
14      T11   A04        3            0.3
15      T11   A06        1            0.4
16      T12   A02        1            1.0
17      T13   A01        1            1.0
sqldf("select * from authors")
  au_id  au_fname    au_lname        phone              address          city
1   A01     Sarah     Buchman 718-496-7223       75 West 205 St         Bronx
2   A02     Wendy   Heydemark 303-986-7020     2922 Baseline Rd       Boulder
3   A03    Hallie        Hull 415-549-4278 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F San Francisco
4   A04      Klee        Hull 415-549-4278 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F San Francisco
5   A05 Christian       Kells 212-771-4680       114 Horatio St      New York
6   A06    Harvey     Kellsey 650-836-7128       390 Serra Mall     Palo Alto
7   A07     Paddy O'Furniture 941-925-0752         1442 Main St      Sarasota
  state   zip
1    NY 10468
2    CO 80303
3    CA 94123
4    CA 94123
5    NY 10014
6    CA 94305
7    FL 34236
sqldf("select * from royalties")
   title_id advance royalty_rate
1       T01   10000         0.05
2       T02    1000         0.06
3       T03   15000         0.07
4       T04   20000         0.08
5       T05  100000         0.09
6       T06   20000         0.08
7       T07 1000000         0.11
8       T08       0         0.04
9       T09       0         0.05
10      T10      NA           NA
11      T11  100000         0.07
12      T12   50000         0.09
13      T13   20000         0.06