19  more joins (cross/left/right/full), subqueries, set operations, case, self joins

19.1 The “books database”

In this and other sections we will be referring to the “books database”.

Click below to download a document that describes the books database and database technology in general. This document also contains many questions/answers to test your knowledge of SQL. You can also download the CSV files that contain the data for the books database.

19.2 click to download the specified files

19.3 read in the data

# load the packages we'll need
if (!require(sqldf)) { install.packages("sqldf"); require(sqldf) }
Loading required package: sqldf
Loading required package: gsubfn
Loading required package: proto
Loading required package: RSQLite
if (!require(readr)) { install.packages("readr"); require(readr) }
Loading required package: readr
# Read in the data for the books database - see the 
titles = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/titles.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
authors = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/authors.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
publishers = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/publishers.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
title_authors = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/title_authors.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
royalties = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/royalties.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)


# A "cross join" is very different from the joins that we've already learned about.
# A "cross join" joins EVERY row from 1st table with EVERY row from 2nd table.
# For this reason, a cross join does not specify an on condition.

# Example - suppose a kindergarten teacher is using a relational database 
# to manage her classroom :)    Suppose she has several toys and several children.
# One table, students, describes the children,
# Another table, toys, describes the toys.

students <- data.frame(
  first_name = c("abie", "bobbie", "clara"),
  last_name = c("aames", "berger", "cohen"),
  gender = c("m", "m", "f")
  first_name last_name gender
1       abie     aames      m
2     bobbie    berger      m
3      clara     cohen      f
toys = data.frame(
  toy_name = c("doggie", "dumbo"),
  description = c("suffed dog", "elephant")
  toy_name description
1   doggie  suffed dog
2    dumbo    elephant
sqldf("select * from students order by last_name, first_name")
  first_name last_name gender
1       abie     aames      m
2     bobbie    berger      m
3      clara     cohen      f
sqldf("select * from toys order by toy_name")
  toy_name description
1   doggie  suffed dog
2    dumbo    elephant
# The teacher wants to make sure that each child has a chance to play
# with each of the toys. 
# Therefore she might run the following "cross join" to see a list
# of each child and each toy. She can use this result as a checklist
# to make sure that each child actually did play with each toy.

sqldf("select students.*, toys.*
       from students CROSS JOIN toys
       order by last_name, first_name, toy_name")
  first_name last_name gender toy_name description
1       abie     aames      m   doggie  suffed dog
2       abie     aames      m    dumbo    elephant
3     bobbie    berger      m   doggie  suffed dog
4     bobbie    berger      m    dumbo    elephant
5      clara     cohen      f   doggie  suffed dog
6      clara     cohen      f    dumbo    elephant
# About the asterisks ( * ) in the SELECT clause ...
# The asterisks in the query above (i.e. select students.*, toys.* ...)
# means that the results should include all of the columns from the
# students table (i.e. students.*) and all of the columns from the
# toys table (i.e. toys.*). 
# This can be done more concisely with just "select * ..." the query below
# does the exact same thing as the query above since "select * ..." means
# to include all of the columns from all of the tables in the output.

sqldf("select *
       from students CROSS JOIN toys
       order by last_name, first_name, toy_name")
  first_name last_name gender toy_name description
1       abie     aames      m   doggie  suffed dog
2       abie     aames      m    dumbo    elephant
3     bobbie    berger      m   doggie  suffed dog
4     bobbie    berger      m    dumbo    elephant
5      clara     cohen      f   doggie  suffed dog
6      clara     cohen      f    dumbo    elephant
# The reason for using tablename.* is apparent when you want to 
# include all of the columns from some of the tables but not from the other
# tables. For example the following query displays only some of the columns
# from the students table (students.gender is NOT displayed). It does display
# ALL of the columns from the toys table (ie. toys.*)

sqldf("select students.first_name, students.last_name, toys.*
       from students CROSS JOIN toys
       order by last_name, first_name, toy_name")
  first_name last_name toy_name description
1       abie     aames   doggie  suffed dog
2       abie     aames    dumbo    elephant
3     bobbie    berger   doggie  suffed dog
4     bobbie    berger    dumbo    elephant
5      clara     cohen   doggie  suffed dog
6      clara     cohen    dumbo    elephant
# select table.column ...        vs       select column ... 
# You must include table names in the SELECT clause for columns that 
# appear in more than one table. Column names that that only appear 
# in a single table in the query do NOT need to be preceded by the table name. 
# Therefore the following 
# query is the same as the above query. This is because first_name and
# last_name only appear as columns in the students table and do not appear 
# in the toys table.
# However, it is PERMISSIBLE to include the table name for ANY column (even
# if the column only appears in a single table).
# Some people prefer to include the table name even when it 
# is not necessary (as done above) to make it clearer to someone reading the 
# code which table contains which columns.

# Same results as above (read comment above)
sqldf("select first_name, last_name, toys.*
       from students CROSS JOIN toys
       order by last_name, first_name, toy_name")
  first_name last_name toy_name description
1       abie     aames   doggie  suffed dog
2       abie     aames    dumbo    elephant
3     bobbie    berger   doggie  suffed dog
4     bobbie    berger    dumbo    elephant
5      clara     cohen   doggie  suffed dog
6      clara     cohen    dumbo    elephant
#    # rows   =   #rows from table1   X   #rows from table2
# The total number of rows in the output of a "cross join" is
# the product of the number of rows in the first table times 
# the number of rows in the 2nd table. In the example above, since
# students contains 3 rows and toys contains 2 rows, the cross 
# join contains 6 rows.

# You can use any other clauses in a cross join
# You an add any of the other clauses (where, group by, having, limit) 
# to a "cross join". For example, if the teacher only needs the
# results of the "cross join" for the boys she can add a where
# clause as follows:

sqldf("select students.*, toys.*
       from students CROSS JOIN toys
       where gender = 'm'
       order by last_name, first_name, toy_name
  first_name last_name gender toy_name description
1       abie     aames      m   doggie  suffed dog
2       abie     aames      m    dumbo    elephant
3     bobbie    berger      m   doggie  suffed dog
4     bobbie    berger      m    dumbo    elephant
# "Cartesian product" is another name for a "cross join"
# The concept of a "cross join" also exists outside the scope of databases.
# Specifically in mathematical "set theory" the concept of a "cross join" 
# is known as a "cartesian product". Sometimes, people will refer to 
# the term "cartesian product" in discussions about databases. However in 
# a select statement the words you can type are only "cross join" (NOT "cartesian product"). 

# All other types of joins depend on cross joins
# On some occasions the need for a cross join arises, but 
# cross joins are not used nearly as often as other types of joins. 
# Nevertheless, it is important to understand the concept of a cross join since
# every other type of join ("innner join", "left join", "right join", "full join")
# depends on a "cross join".
# For example when calculating the result of an
# "inner join" the database management system (DBMS) starts by first performing a cross join.
# The DBMS then removes rows from the result of the cross join based on the 
# conditions specified in the on clause and the where clause of the "inner join".

# A more typical example
# Many people find it hard to understand why you would want to use a cross join.
# This confusion stems from the fact that rows from the two tables are combined
# in the result even if there is seemingly no logical reason to combine them.
# It is easiest to see the results of a cross join when you have very few rows.
# Therefore we will create two very small tables, favTitles and favPublishers

# My favorite titles
favTitles = sqldf("select title_name, type, pub_id, pages
                   from titles
                   where title_id in ('T04', 'T05', 'T10')
                   order by title_name")
                   title_name       type pub_id pages
1   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510
2      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201
3 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA
# Publishers of those favorite titles
favPublishers = sqldf("select pub_id, pub_name, city
                       from publishers
                       where pub_id in ('P01', 'P05')
                       order by pub_id")
  pub_id          pub_name     city
1    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
2    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
# The following is a cross join. It returns every record from the 
# first table (favTitles) paired up with every record from the 2nd table
# (favPublishers). 
# Notice that the pub_id's on each row of the cross join results do NOT
# necessarily match. Therefore, it may be confusing as to why you should
# use a cross join ... (keep reading)

sqldf("select favTitles.*, favPublishers.*
       from favTitles CROSS JOIN favPublishers
                   title_name       type pub_id pages pub_id          pub_name     city
1   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
2   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
3      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
4      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
5 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
6 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley

19.5 Every INNER JOIN starts with a CROSS JOIN

# The following adds a where clause to the code. The where clause
# removes those rows from
# the cross join for which the favTitles.pub_id and the favPublishers.pub_id
# don't match. This is really what you want in this case. In order
# to get the correct results, first a CROSS JOIN was done that created
# all possible combinations of a row from favTitles with a row from favPublishers.
# Then the where clause eliminated the rows in the output that didn't make sense.
# This leaves us with rows that show the details for a title and the details
# of the publisher who published that title. 

sqldf("select favTitles.*, favPublishers.*
       from favTitles CROSS JOIN favPublishers
       where favTitles.pub_id = favPublishers.pub_id
                   title_name       type pub_id pages pub_id          pub_name     city
1   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
2      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
3 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
# Another way of writing the same query is with an "inner join" (which 
# can also be written as just "join"). This version of the query 
# uses the word "join" instead of "cross join" and moves the condition
# that ties the tables together from the where clause into the "on" clause.
# This does EXACTLY THE SAME THING as the above query (with CROSS JOIN). 
# However, the "join" syntax with its "on" clause makes the details of 
# how the two tables are related to each other more obvious. 

sqldf("select favTitles.*, favPublishers.*
       from favTitles JOIN favPublishers ON favTitles.pub_id = favPublishers.pub_id
                   title_name       type pub_id pages pub_id          pub_name     city
1   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
2      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
3 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley

19.6 The word INNER in “INNER JOIN” is optional

# The technical term for this type of join is an "INNER JOIN".
# However, you can write either "INNER JOIN" or just "JOIN".
# The following does the same thing as the previous query.
# The only difference in the code is that we added the
# word "INNER".

sqldf("select favTitles.*, favPublishers.*
       from favTitles INNER JOIN favPublishers ON favTitles.pub_id = favPublishers.pub_id
                   title_name       type pub_id pages pub_id          pub_name     city
1   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
2      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
3 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley

19.7 Example

#   For each publisher, list the name of the publisher and total
# number of pages that the publisher has published in all their books (ie. add
# up all the pages in all books for each publisher). Show the publishers who
# have published the most pages at the top of the result list.

# Step 1 - since publishers contains the pub_name  and  titles contains the 
# number of pages (num_pages) for each book, we need to join those tables.
sqldf("select *
       from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
   pub_id             pub_name          city state country title_id                          title_name       type pub_id pages price   sales         pubdate
1     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T01                               1977!    history    P01   107 21.99     566   8/1/2000 0:00
2     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T04           But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99   13001  5/31/1999 0:00
3     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T05              Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95  201440   1/1/2001 0:00
4     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T06                    How About Never?  biography    P01   473 19.95   11320  7/31/2000 0:00
5     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T08        Just Wait Until After School   children    P01    86 10.00    4095   6/1/2001 0:00
6     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T09                     Kiss My Boo Boo   children    P01    22 13.95    5000  5/31/2002 0:00
7     P02      Core Dump Books San Francisco    CA     USA      T03        Ask Yor System Administrator   computer    P02  1226 39.95   25667   9/1/2000 0:00
8     P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T02           200 Years of German Humor    history    P03    14 19.95    9566   4/1/1998 0:00
9     P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T07                   I Blame My Mother  biography    P03   333 23.95 1500200  10/1/1999 0:00
10    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T13 What Are The Civilian Applications?    history    P03   802 29.99   10467  5/31/1999 0:00
11    P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T10         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
12    P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T11    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99   94123 11/30/2000 0:00
13    P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T12           Spontaneous, Not Annoying  biography    P05   507 12.99  100001  8/31/2000 0:00
# Step 2 - use group by and sum to add up the pages for each publisher
sqldf("select pub_name, sum(pages)
       from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
       group by publishers.pub_id, pub_name
              pub_name sum(pages)
1    Abatis Publishers       1399
2      Core Dump Books       1226
3 Schandenfreude Press       1149
4       AAA Publishing       1333
# Step 3 - use order by 
sqldf("select pub_name, sum(pages)
       from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
       group by publishers.pub_id, pub_name
       order by sum(pages) desc
              pub_name sum(pages)
1    Abatis Publishers       1399
2       AAA Publishing       1333
3      Core Dump Books       1226
4 Schandenfreude Press       1149
# REMEMBER - every inner join starts out under the covers as a cross join
# The following two commands are equivalent

sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname   
      from authors INNER join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id    
      where title_id = 'T11'
      order by au_lname, au_fname")
  au_fname au_lname
1   Hallie     Hull
2     Klee     Hull
3   Harvey  Kellsey
sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname   
      from authors CROSS join title_authors    
      where authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id
            title_id = 'T11'
      order by au_lname, au_fname")
  au_fname au_lname
1   Hallie     Hull
2     Klee     Hull
3   Harvey  Kellsey

19.8 Even more types of JOINs

# NOTE: There are actually several different types of "joins". They all do
# slightly different things. For example:
#    CROSS JOIN                             - see the top of this file
#    INNER JOIN (or just JOIN)              - we just described this above
#    LEFT OUTER JOIN  (or just LEFT JOIN)   - we'll cover this later
#    RIGHT OUTER JOIN  (or just RIGHT JOIN) - we'll cover this later
#    FULL OUTER JOIN  (or just FULL JOIN)   - we'll cover this later

# INNER JOIN   ( or just "JOIN" )
# The following is an "inner join" (or just "join").
# (We already covered this above. It's repeated here for completeness).

sqldf("select title_name, pub_name
      from favTitles JOIN favPublishers ON favTitles.pub_id = favPublishers.pub_id")
                   title_name          pub_name
1   But I Did It Unconciously Abatis Publishers
2      Exchange of Platitudes Abatis Publishers
3 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg    AAA Publishing

19.9 “old” ANSI SQL way of doing inner joins

# ANSI SQL  - American National Standards Institute 
# There are different versions of the ANSI SQL standard. The versions are
# named by the year that the version came out. See this for a full history of SQL:   
#   https://learnsql.com/blog/history-of-sql-standards/
# Joins were done differently before SQL 92 
# They CAN still be done the "old way" (and often are). Some people prefer
# the "old way" since there is less to type.
# The "old way " for a cross join is to not specify cross join 
# at all. Just list the tables with commas between them.

  select favTitles.*, favPublishers.*
  from favTitles, favPublishers
                   title_name       type pub_id pages pub_id          pub_name     city
1   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
2   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
3      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
4      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
5 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
6 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
# The "old way" of doing an "inner join" (i.e. a "regular - join")
# is to do a "cross join" the old way and then add a where clause
# that does the job of the "on".

  select favTitles.*, favPublishers.*
  from favTitles, favPublishers
  where favTitles.pub_id = favPublishers.pub_id
                   title_name       type pub_id pages pub_id          pub_name     city
1   But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
2      Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201    P01 Abatis Publishers New York
3 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    P05    AAA Publishing Berkeley
# in the "old way" of doing inner joins, you could add additional 
# conditions to the where clause just like in the "new way" of
# writing queries.

  select favTitles.*, favPublishers.*
  from favTitles, favPublishers
  where favTitles.pub_id = favPublishers.pub_id and
        pages >= 300
                 title_name       type pub_id pages pub_id          pub_name     city
1 But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510    P01 Abatis Publishers New York


# Before learning about "LEFT JOIN", you should first understand one 
# issue that comes up when using "INNER JOIN"s. 
# This issue is best shown by way of an example. 
# Publisher, P04 - Tenterhooks Press, does not have any corresponding rows in
# the titles table (perhaps it's a new publishing company that is just getting
# started).  For this reason when you use an "inner join" to join the titles
# table and the publishers table you will NOT see any rows for Tenterhooks press.
# The following "inner join" (or just "join") shows the output below.
# Tenterhooks Press does not appear in the output at all.
#    > sqldf("select pub_name, title_name
#           from publishers JOIN titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
#           order by pub_name, title_name")
#    pub_name                          title_name
#    1        AAA Publishing         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg
#    2        AAA Publishing    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem
#    3        AAA Publishing           Spontaneous, Not Annoying
#    4     Abatis Publishers                               1977!
#    5     Abatis Publishers           But I Did It Unconciously
#    6     Abatis Publishers              Exchange of Platitudes
#    7     Abatis Publishers                    How About Never?
#    8     Abatis Publishers        Just Wait Until After School
#    9     Abatis Publishers                     Kiss My Boo Boo
#    10      Core Dump Books        Ask Yor System Administrator
#    11 Schandenfreude Press           200 Years of German Humor
#    12 Schandenfreude Press                   I Blame My Mother
#    13 Schandenfreude Press What Are The Civilian Applications?
# However, suppose you want to see the same output, but you'd also like
# to see Tenterhooks Press, even though they haven't actually published
# any titles yet? .... that is where a LEFT JOIN is useful.

# The output of a "left join" contains all of the rows of an "inner join"
# plus possibly a few more rows that would not appear in the output of 
# an inner join. 
# By simply changing the "inner join" (i.e. "join") in the previous
# query to "left join" (or "left outer join") we get the following results.
# Notice that Tenterhooks Press now DOES appear in a single row. 
# All columns that would have come from the corresponding rows in the titles
# table are NULL (i.e. NA in R dataframes) for the Tenterhooks Press row.

#    > sqldf("select pub_name, title_name
#           from publishers LEFT JOIN titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
#           order by pub_name, title_name")
#    pub_name                          title_name
#    1        AAA Publishing         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg
#    2        AAA Publishing    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem
#    3        AAA Publishing           Spontaneous, Not Annoying
#    4     Abatis Publishers                               1977!
#    5     Abatis Publishers           But I Did It Unconciously
#    6     Abatis Publishers              Exchange of Platitudes
#    7     Abatis Publishers                    How About Never?
#    8     Abatis Publishers        Just Wait Until After School
#    9     Abatis Publishers                     Kiss My Boo Boo
#    10      Core Dump Books        Ask Yor System Administrator
#    11 Schandenfreude Press           200 Years of German Humor
#    12 Schandenfreude Press                   I Blame My Mother
#    13 Schandenfreude Press What Are The Civilian Applications?    
#    14    Tneterhooks Press                                <NA>
# The word "left" and "right" in "left join" and "right join" refer to the
# location of the table names in the SQL code. Specifically, the text of 
# the code of every JOIN has a table name to the LEFT of the word "JOIN" and 
# a table name to the right of the word "JOIN". When you specify
#       "... tableA LEFT JOIN tableB ON ..." 
# tableA is the "left" table and 
# tableB is the "right" table
# The LEFT JOIN syntax says that if there are rows in the left table (tableA
# in the example above) that don't have corresponding rows in the "right" table
# (tableB in the example above) then those rows from tableA should still 
# appear in the output. Any columns that would have come from tableB will 
# have NULL values (i.e. NA in R dataframes) in that row.

# The following is a "regular join" (i.e. an "inner join")
# Tenterhooks press does not show up since they have no titles

sqldf("select titles.title_name, pub_name, publishers.pub_id
      from titles join publishers on titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
                            title_name             pub_name pub_id
1          Not Without My Fabrerge Egg       AAA Publishing    P05
2     Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem       AAA Publishing    P05
3            Spontaneous, Not Annoying       AAA Publishing    P05
4                                1977!    Abatis Publishers    P01
5            But I Did It Unconciously    Abatis Publishers    P01
6               Exchange of Platitudes    Abatis Publishers    P01
7                     How About Never?    Abatis Publishers    P01
8         Just Wait Until After School    Abatis Publishers    P01
9                      Kiss My Boo Boo    Abatis Publishers    P01
10        Ask Yor System Administrator      Core Dump Books    P02
11           200 Years of German Humor Schandenfreude Press    P03
12                   I Blame My Mother Schandenfreude Press    P03
13 What Are The Civilian Applications? Schandenfreude Press    P03
# The following is a "left join"
# Tenterhooks press DOES show up since a left join will add to 
# the results of an inner join, any rows that appear in the "left"
# hand table that have no corresponding rows in the right hand table.
# In the result set, the columns from the right hand table in these
# rows are NULL (or "NA" when using sqldf in R)

sqldf("select titles.title_name, pub_name, publishers.pub_id
      from publishers left join titles on titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
                            title_name             pub_name pub_id
1          Not Without My Fabrerge Egg       AAA Publishing    P05
2     Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem       AAA Publishing    P05
3            Spontaneous, Not Annoying       AAA Publishing    P05
4                                1977!    Abatis Publishers    P01
5            But I Did It Unconciously    Abatis Publishers    P01
6               Exchange of Platitudes    Abatis Publishers    P01
7                     How About Never?    Abatis Publishers    P01
8         Just Wait Until After School    Abatis Publishers    P01
9                      Kiss My Boo Boo    Abatis Publishers    P01
10        Ask Yor System Administrator      Core Dump Books    P02
11           200 Years of German Humor Schandenfreude Press    P03
12                   I Blame My Mother Schandenfreude Press    P03
13 What Are The Civilian Applications? Schandenfreude Press    P03
14                                <NA>    Tneterhooks Press    P04
# ALL of the columns from the right hand table contain NULLs (i.e. NA)
# for the extra rows that are added by the left join
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# To prove that point, the following shows all of the columns from both
# the left hand table (publishers) and the right hand table (titles) 
# Notice that ALL of the columns for the right hand table will have 
# NULLs (i.e. NA in sqldf in R) for those rows of the output that 
# contain data from the left hand table for which there is no corresponding
# row in the right hand table

sqldf("select publishers.*, titles.*
      from publishers left join titles on titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
   pub_id             pub_name          city state country title_id                          title_name       type pub_id pages price   sales         pubdate
1     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T10         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
2     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T11    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99   94123 11/30/2000 0:00
3     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T12           Spontaneous, Not Annoying  biography    P05   507 12.99  100001  8/31/2000 0:00
4     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T01                               1977!    history    P01   107 21.99     566   8/1/2000 0:00
5     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T04           But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99   13001  5/31/1999 0:00
6     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T05              Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95  201440   1/1/2001 0:00
7     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T06                    How About Never?  biography    P01   473 19.95   11320  7/31/2000 0:00
8     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T08        Just Wait Until After School   children    P01    86 10.00    4095   6/1/2001 0:00
9     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T09                     Kiss My Boo Boo   children    P01    22 13.95    5000  5/31/2002 0:00
10    P02      Core Dump Books San Francisco    CA     USA      T03        Ask Yor System Administrator   computer    P02  1226 39.95   25667   9/1/2000 0:00
11    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T02           200 Years of German Humor    history    P03    14 19.95    9566   4/1/1998 0:00
12    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T07                   I Blame My Mother  biography    P03   333 23.95 1500200  10/1/1999 0:00
13    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T13 What Are The Civilian Applications?    history    P03   802 29.99   10467  5/31/1999 0:00
14    P04    Tneterhooks Press      Berkeley    CA     USA     <NA>                                <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
# When doing an "inner join" (i.e. a "join") it doesn't make a difference
# which table you type to the left of the word "join" and which to the right.
# If we modify the previous query and put the publishers table on the 
# right side of the "LEFT JOIN" keyword, we will again NOT see Teneterhooks Press
# since a LEFT JOIN only adds extra rows to the output for the rows in the 
# LEFT hand table that don't have corresponding rows in the right hand table.

# Tenterhooks Press does NOT appear since the publishers table is on the
# right hand side of the "LEFT JOIN" keywords

sqldf("select titles.title_name, pub_name, publishers.pub_id
      from titles left join publishers on titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
                            title_name             pub_name pub_id
1          Not Without My Fabrerge Egg       AAA Publishing    P05
2     Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem       AAA Publishing    P05
3            Spontaneous, Not Annoying       AAA Publishing    P05
4                                1977!    Abatis Publishers    P01
5            But I Did It Unconciously    Abatis Publishers    P01
6               Exchange of Platitudes    Abatis Publishers    P01
7                     How About Never?    Abatis Publishers    P01
8         Just Wait Until After School    Abatis Publishers    P01
9                      Kiss My Boo Boo    Abatis Publishers    P01
10        Ask Yor System Administrator      Core Dump Books    P02
11           200 Years of German Humor Schandenfreude Press    P03
12                   I Blame My Mother Schandenfreude Press    P03
13 What Are The Civilian Applications? Schandenfreude Press    P03
# Lets add a row to the titles table that doesn't have a correponding row
# in the publishers table.

newBook = data.frame(title_id='014', title_name='Data Everywhere', type='computer', pub_id='P99', pages='200', price='19.99', sales=0, pubdate='1/01/2024')
titles2 = rbind(titles, newBook)
# A tibble: 14 × 8
   title_id title_name                          type       pub_id pages price   sales pubdate        
   <chr>    <chr>                               <chr>      <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>          
 1 T01      1977!                               history    P01    107   21.99     566 8/1/2000 0:00  
 2 T02      200 Years of German Humor           history    P03    14    19.95    9566 4/1/1998 0:00  
 3 T03      Ask Yor System Administrator        computer   P02    1226  39.95   25667 9/1/2000 0:00  
 4 T04      But I Did It Unconciously           psychology P01    510   12.99   13001 5/31/1999 0:00 
 5 T05      Exchange of Platitudes              psychology P01    201   6.95   201440 1/1/2001 0:00  
 6 T06      How About Never?                    biography  P01    473   19.95   11320 7/31/2000 0:00 
 7 T07      I Blame My Mother                   biography  P03    333   23.95 1500200 10/1/1999 0:00 
 8 T08      Just Wait Until After School        children   P01    86    10       4095 6/1/2001 0:00  
 9 T09      Kiss My Boo Boo                     children   P01    22    13.95    5000 5/31/2002 0:00 
10 T10      Not Without My Fabrerge Egg         biography  P05    <NA>  <NA>       NA <NA>           
11 T11      Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem    psychology P05    826   7.99    94123 11/30/2000 0:00
12 T12      Spontaneous, Not Annoying           biography  P05    507   12.99  100001 8/31/2000 0:00 
13 T13      What Are The Civilian Applications? history    P03    802   29.99   10467 5/31/1999 0:00 
14 014      Data Everywhere                     computer   P99    200   19.99       0 1/01/2024      
sqldf("select titles2.title_name, pub_name, publishers.pub_id
      from publishers left join titles2 on titles2.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
                            title_name             pub_name pub_id
1          Not Without My Fabrerge Egg       AAA Publishing    P05
2     Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem       AAA Publishing    P05
3            Spontaneous, Not Annoying       AAA Publishing    P05
4                                1977!    Abatis Publishers    P01
5            But I Did It Unconciously    Abatis Publishers    P01
6               Exchange of Platitudes    Abatis Publishers    P01
7                     How About Never?    Abatis Publishers    P01
8         Just Wait Until After School    Abatis Publishers    P01
9                      Kiss My Boo Boo    Abatis Publishers    P01
10        Ask Yor System Administrator      Core Dump Books    P02
11           200 Years of German Humor Schandenfreude Press    P03
12                   I Blame My Mother Schandenfreude Press    P03
13 What Are The Civilian Applications? Schandenfreude Press    P03
14                                <NA>    Tneterhooks Press    P04
sqldf("select titles2.title_name, pub_name, publishers.pub_id
      from titles2 left join publishers on titles2.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
                            title_name             pub_name pub_id
1                      Data Everywhere                 <NA>   <NA>
2          Not Without My Fabrerge Egg       AAA Publishing    P05
3     Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem       AAA Publishing    P05
4            Spontaneous, Not Annoying       AAA Publishing    P05
5                                1977!    Abatis Publishers    P01
6            But I Did It Unconciously    Abatis Publishers    P01
7               Exchange of Platitudes    Abatis Publishers    P01
8                     How About Never?    Abatis Publishers    P01
9         Just Wait Until After School    Abatis Publishers    P01
10                     Kiss My Boo Boo    Abatis Publishers    P01
11        Ask Yor System Administrator      Core Dump Books    P02
12           200 Years of German Humor Schandenfreude Press    P03
13                   I Blame My Mother Schandenfreude Press    P03
14 What Are The Civilian Applications? Schandenfreude Press    P03

19.11 Practice

# Write a query that shows the publisher name (i.e. pub_name) for those publishers
# (and only those publishers)) who have no titles in the titles table.

# Remember this query
sqldf("select publishers.*, titles.*
      from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
   pub_id             pub_name          city state country title_id                          title_name       type pub_id pages price   sales         pubdate
1     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T01                               1977!    history    P01   107 21.99     566   8/1/2000 0:00
2     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T04           But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99   13001  5/31/1999 0:00
3     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T05              Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95  201440   1/1/2001 0:00
4     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T06                    How About Never?  biography    P01   473 19.95   11320  7/31/2000 0:00
5     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T08        Just Wait Until After School   children    P01    86 10.00    4095   6/1/2001 0:00
6     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T09                     Kiss My Boo Boo   children    P01    22 13.95    5000  5/31/2002 0:00
7     P02      Core Dump Books San Francisco    CA     USA      T03        Ask Yor System Administrator   computer    P02  1226 39.95   25667   9/1/2000 0:00
8     P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T02           200 Years of German Humor    history    P03    14 19.95    9566   4/1/1998 0:00
9     P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T07                   I Blame My Mother  biography    P03   333 23.95 1500200  10/1/1999 0:00
10    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T13 What Are The Civilian Applications?    history    P03   802 29.99   10467  5/31/1999 0:00
11    P04    Tneterhooks Press      Berkeley    CA     USA     <NA>                                <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
12    P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T10         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
13    P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T11    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99   94123 11/30/2000 0:00
14    P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T12           Spontaneous, Not Annoying  biography    P05   507 12.99  100001  8/31/2000 0:00
# add a where clause as shown below to get ONLY those rows from the left table that have no matching rows in the right table
sqldf("select publishers.*, titles.*
      from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type is null
  pub_id          pub_name     city state country title_id title_name type pub_id pages price sales pubdate
1    P04 Tneterhooks Press Berkeley    CA     USA     <NA>       <NA> <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA    NA    <NA>
# The following works, but it isn't ideal .... because titles.type 
# is not the best column to choose to test for null (keep reading for an explanation ...)

sqldf("select pub_name
      from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type is null
1 Tneterhooks Press
# To explain why titles.type was not the best column to choose above compare
# the query below where we used titles.pages to test for NULL. 
# Since there is a row in titles table that contains NULL for pages that row
# causes the publisher for that row (i..e AAA Publishing) to be displayed
# in the output.

sqldf("select pub_name
      from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.pages is null
1 Tneterhooks Press
2    AAA Publishing
# The best way to identify only those rows that were added due to the
# "left" join is to look for NULL in a column that would otherwise never
# contain a NULL.
# Best choices are
# - a primary key field (i.e. column)
# - or another column that is defined in the database to never allow NULLs

# The best way to do the same query is by checking the primary key of the right 
# hand table for NULL in the where clause.

sqldf("select pub_name
      from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.title_id is null
1 Tneterhooks Press


# LEFT JOIN   is also known as a   LEFT OUTER JOIN
# RIGHT JOIN   is also known as a  RIGHT OUTER JOIN
# FULL JOIN   is also known as a   FULL OUTER JOIN
# These are all known as "OUTER" joins

# ANSI SQL also has "right join" and "full join"
# A right join does the same thing as a left join except that
# "right join" shows rows in the output that correspond to rows from the 
# right hand table that don't have corresponding rows in the left hand table.

# The following LEFT JOIN ...
sqldf("select publishers.*, titles.*
      from publishers left join titles on titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
   pub_id             pub_name          city state country title_id                          title_name       type pub_id pages price   sales         pubdate
1     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T10         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
2     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T11    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99   94123 11/30/2000 0:00
3     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T12           Spontaneous, Not Annoying  biography    P05   507 12.99  100001  8/31/2000 0:00
4     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T01                               1977!    history    P01   107 21.99     566   8/1/2000 0:00
5     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T04           But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99   13001  5/31/1999 0:00
6     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T05              Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95  201440   1/1/2001 0:00
7     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T06                    How About Never?  biography    P01   473 19.95   11320  7/31/2000 0:00
8     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T08        Just Wait Until After School   children    P01    86 10.00    4095   6/1/2001 0:00
9     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T09                     Kiss My Boo Boo   children    P01    22 13.95    5000  5/31/2002 0:00
10    P02      Core Dump Books San Francisco    CA     USA      T03        Ask Yor System Administrator   computer    P02  1226 39.95   25667   9/1/2000 0:00
11    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T02           200 Years of German Humor    history    P03    14 19.95    9566   4/1/1998 0:00
12    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T07                   I Blame My Mother  biography    P03   333 23.95 1500200  10/1/1999 0:00
13    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T13 What Are The Civilian Applications?    history    P03   802 29.99   10467  5/31/1999 0:00
14    P04    Tneterhooks Press      Berkeley    CA     USA     <NA>                                <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
# ... will generate the EXACT SAME OUTPUT as the following RIGHT JOIN
sqldf("select publishers.*, titles.*
      from titles right join publishers on titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
      order by pub_name, title_id")
   pub_id             pub_name          city state country title_id                          title_name       type pub_id pages price   sales         pubdate
1     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T10         Not Without My Fabrerge Egg  biography    P05    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
2     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T11    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99   94123 11/30/2000 0:00
3     P05       AAA Publishing      Berkeley    CA     USA      T12           Spontaneous, Not Annoying  biography    P05   507 12.99  100001  8/31/2000 0:00
4     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T01                               1977!    history    P01   107 21.99     566   8/1/2000 0:00
5     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T04           But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99   13001  5/31/1999 0:00
6     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T05              Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95  201440   1/1/2001 0:00
7     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T06                    How About Never?  biography    P01   473 19.95   11320  7/31/2000 0:00
8     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T08        Just Wait Until After School   children    P01    86 10.00    4095   6/1/2001 0:00
9     P01    Abatis Publishers      New York    NY     USA      T09                     Kiss My Boo Boo   children    P01    22 13.95    5000  5/31/2002 0:00
10    P02      Core Dump Books San Francisco    CA     USA      T03        Ask Yor System Administrator   computer    P02  1226 39.95   25667   9/1/2000 0:00
11    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T02           200 Years of German Humor    history    P03    14 19.95    9566   4/1/1998 0:00
12    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T07                   I Blame My Mother  biography    P03   333 23.95 1500200  10/1/1999 0:00
13    P03 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T13 What Are The Civilian Applications?    history    P03   802 29.99   10467  5/31/1999 0:00
14    P04    Tneterhooks Press      Berkeley    CA     USA     <NA>                                <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA      NA            <NA>
# HOWEVER - SQLite does not implement RIGHT JOIN even though it is part of the ANSI Standard for SQL

# Similarly a "full join" shows rows in the output for BOTH
# - rows in the left hand table that don't have corresponding rows in the right hand table and
# - rows in the right hand table that don't have corresponding rows in the left hand table and
# SQLite - the database that are using does not implement RIGHT JOINs or FULL JOINs
# However, there are simple workarounds for both.
# The workaround for a right join is simply to use a left join and type 
# the table names in the opposite order.
# The workaround for FULL JOIN requires you to understand "UNION" ... see below

### UPDATE !!!
###     As of now (in 2024) sqlite has implemented both RIGHT JOIN
###     and FULL JOIN. I will update these notes with that info soon.

19.13 SQL set operations (i.e. UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT)

# Combining the output of 2 queries
#     UNION
#     EXCEPT

# The following is a query that you should already understand.
# There is nothing new here. We will see below how to rewrite this 
# query in a different way by using "UNION"
# The following displays titles that have fewer than 10 pages
# and also titles that have more than 20 pages.

sqldf("select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price < 10 or price > 20
      order by price")
                           title_name price
1              Exchange of Platitudes  6.95
2    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem  7.99
3                               1977! 21.99
4                   I Blame My Mother 23.95
5 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99
6        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95

19.13.1 UNION

# union is used to combine two different queries into one output set.
# The 2 queries must have the same number of columns and the same type
# of columns.
# The order by is done after both queries and combines the rows from 
# the two select statements in the specified order.

# First ... let's see each of the queries on their own ...

# get the titles that are < 10 dollars
sqldf("select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price < 10
                        title_name price
1           Exchange of Platitudes  6.95
2 Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem  7.99
# get the titles that are > 20 dollars
sqldf("select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price > 20
                           title_name price
1                               1977! 21.99
2        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95
3                   I Blame My Mother 23.95
4 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99
# Now, let's see how to use
# UNION to combine the two previous queries into a single output.

sqldf("select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price < 10
      select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price > 20
      order by price")
                           title_name price
1              Exchange of Platitudes  6.95
2    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem  7.99
3                               1977! 21.99
4                   I Blame My Mother 23.95
5 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99
6        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95
# Do the same but order by title_name
sqldf("select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price < 10
      select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price > 20
      order by title_name")
                           title_name price
1                               1977! 21.99
2        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95
3              Exchange of Platitudes  6.95
4                   I Blame My Mother 23.95
5    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem  7.99
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99
# Another example
# Show all book titles for which the price is > 20 or the pages is > 500

sqldf("select title_name, price, pages
      from titles
      where price > 20 or pages > 500
      order by price")
                           title_name price pages
1    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem  7.99   826
2           But I Did It Unconciously 12.99   510
3           Spontaneous, Not Annoying 12.99   507
4                               1977! 21.99   107
5                   I Blame My Mother 23.95   333
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99   802
7        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95  1226

19.13.2 UNION ALL

# UNION removes duplicate rows from the output
# UNION ALL does NOT remove duplicate rows

# Union removes duplicate rows from the output
# Notice that some books match both conditions but only come up in the 
# results once. 

sqldf("select title_name, price, pages
      from titles
      where price > 20
      select title_name, price, pages
      from titles
      where pages > 500
      order by price")
                           title_name price pages
1    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem  7.99   826
2           But I Did It Unconciously 12.99   510
3           Spontaneous, Not Annoying 12.99   507
4                               1977! 21.99   107
5                   I Blame My Mother 23.95   333
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99   802
7        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95  1226
# Running the same query as above but typing "UNION ALL"
# Will show the rows that meet both conditions, twice.

sqldf("select title_name, price, pages
      from titles
      where price > 20
      union all
      select title_name, price, pages
      from titles
      where pages > 500
      order by price")
                           title_name price pages
1    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem  7.99   826
2           But I Did It Unconciously 12.99   510
3           Spontaneous, Not Annoying 12.99   507
4                               1977! 21.99   107
5                   I Blame My Mother 23.95   333
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99   802
7 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99   802
8        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95  1226
9        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95  1226

19.13.3 Practice

# Show the names of all authors and publishers and the city that they are from.
# Indicate if the row in the output is for a 'publisher' or for an 'author'.
# For authors dispaly the name of the author as FIRST LAST in a single column.
# This column should be called 'name' - this is the same column as 
# the publisher's name would appear. 
# Sort the results by the name.
# NAME       CITY       Pub_or_author
# Joe Smith  New York   Author
# AAA pubs   Seattle    Publisher
# Sue Cohen  LA         Author
# etc.

# We can create two queries, one for authors and one for publishers
sqldf("select au_fname || ' ' || au_lname as name, city, 'Author' as 'pub_or_author'
      from authors")
               name          city pub_or_author
1     Sarah Buchman         Bronx        Author
2   Wendy Heydemark       Boulder        Author
3       Hallie Hull San Francisco        Author
4         Klee Hull San Francisco        Author
5   Christian Kells      New York        Author
6    Harvey Kellsey     Palo Alto        Author
7 Paddy O'Furniture      Sarasota        Author
sqldf("select pub_name, city, 'Publisher' as 'pub_or_author'
      from publishers")
              pub_name          city pub_or_author
1    Abatis Publishers      New York     Publisher
2      Core Dump Books San Francisco     Publisher
3 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg     Publisher
4    Tneterhooks Press      Berkeley     Publisher
5       AAA Publishing      Berkeley     Publisher
# Then combine the two queries with union

sqldf("select au_fname || ' ' || au_lname as name, city, 'Author' as 'pub_or_author'
      from authors
      select pub_name, city, 'Publisher' as 'pub_or_author'
      from publishers
      order by 1")
                   name          city pub_or_author
1        AAA Publishing      Berkeley     Publisher
2     Abatis Publishers      New York     Publisher
3       Christian Kells      New York        Author
4       Core Dump Books San Francisco     Publisher
5           Hallie Hull San Francisco        Author
6        Harvey Kellsey     Palo Alto        Author
7             Klee Hull San Francisco        Author
8     Paddy O'Furniture      Sarasota        Author
9         Sarah Buchman         Bronx        Author
10 Schandenfreude Press       Hamburg     Publisher
11    Tneterhooks Press      Berkeley     Publisher
12      Wendy Heydemark       Boulder        Author

19.13.4 EXCEPT


# Show the publishers who publish biography books but not history books


# Let's start by first writing a query that gets those publishers who have
# published biographies (spoiler alert ... we are later going to 
# remove from this list those publishers who have published history books)

sqldf("select distinct pub_name 
      from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type = 'biography'")
1    Abatis Publishers
2 Schandenfreude Press
3       AAA Publishing
# If you take out the distinct you will get duplicate copies of publisher names
sqldf("select pub_name 
      from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type = 'biography'")
1    Abatis Publishers
2 Schandenfreude Press
3       AAA Publishing
4       AAA Publishing
# You get the duplicates for publishers who published more than one biography
# You can see that by looking at all of the data, not just the publisher name.

sqldf("select publishers.*, titles.*
      from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type = 'biography'")
  pub_id             pub_name     city state country title_id                  title_name      type pub_id pages price   sales        pubdate
1    P01    Abatis Publishers New York    NY     USA      T06            How About Never? biography    P01   473 19.95   11320 7/31/2000 0:00
2    P03 Schandenfreude Press  Hamburg  <NA> Germany      T07           I Blame My Mother biography    P03   333 23.95 1500200 10/1/1999 0:00
3    P05       AAA Publishing Berkeley    CA     USA      T10 Not Without My Fabrerge Egg biography    P05    NA    NA      NA           <NA>
4    P05       AAA Publishing Berkeley    CA     USA      T12   Spontaneous, Not Annoying biography    P05   507 12.99  100001 8/31/2000 0:00
# Once again, this is the query that shows publishers who published biographies
sqldf("select distinct pub_name 
      from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type = 'biography'")
1    Abatis Publishers
2 Schandenfreude Press
3       AAA Publishing
# This is the query for publishers who published history books
sqldf("select distinct pub_name 
      from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type = 'history'")
1    Abatis Publishers
2 Schandenfreude Press
# Now show publishers who published biograhpies BUT NOT history books

sqldf("select distinct pub_name 
      from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type = 'biography'
      select distinct pub_name 
      from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
      where titles.type = 'history'")
1 AAA Publishing



# Show the cities that have both publishers and authors residing there.

# show the cities that have publishers
sqldf("select distinct city, state
      from publishers
      order by city
           city state
1      Berkeley    CA
2       Hamburg  <NA>
3      New York    NY
4 San Francisco    CA
# Show the cities that have authors
sqldf("select distinct city, state
      from authors
      order by city")
           city state
1       Boulder    CO
2         Bronx    NY
3      New York    NY
4     Palo Alto    CA
5 San Francisco    CA
6      Sarasota    FL
# Combine the two queries with INTERSECT.
# This will only show rows that are output from both of the
# select statements.

sqldf("   select distinct city, state
          from publishers


         select distinct city, state
         from authors
      order by city")
           city state
1      New York    NY
2 San Francisco    CA

19.14 Subqueries

# Subqueries

# Subqueries that return a single value

# Show titles whose price is greater than the average price of all titles

sqldf("select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price > 
                 select avg(price)
                 from titles
      order by title_name
                           title_name price
1                               1977! 21.99
2           200 Years of German Humor 19.95
3        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95
4                    How About Never? 19.95
5                   I Blame My Mother 23.95
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99
# prove it by determining the avg price of all titles

sqldf(" select avg(price)
        from titles
1    18.3875

sqldf("select title_name, price
      from titles
      where price > avg(price)
      order by title_name
Error: misuse of aggregate function avg()

19.14.1 Subquery in SELECT, FROM, WHERE, HAVING

# A subquery can appear in any of the following clauses in a select statement
# SELECT    - the subquery must return a single item (i.e. single row single column)
# FROM - subqueries in the FROM clause may return many rows and many columns.
#        The subquery is treated as though it were an actual table.
#        You need to follow the subquery with a 'name' that will be used
#        as the name of the pseudo-table that is generated by the subquery.
#        This is similar to the way you can name columns with aliases.
# WHERE or the HAVING - these subqueries may return the following:
#         (a)  a single row, single column , i.e. a single value
#              e.g. a subquery that appears before or after a + sign or a > sign
#               or anywhere that you'd expect a single value to appear.
#         (b) possibly many rows of a single column -
#             after the IN operator
#         (c) possibly many rows, many columns -
#             after the EXISTS operator 

19.14.2 subquery in SELECT

# Subqueries in the SELECT clause must return a single row, single column.

# Write a query that shows the title_name, price and the amount the price is above average
# for those titles whose price is above average.

sqldf("select title_name, price, price - (select avg(price) from titles) as 'amt_above_avg'
      from titles
      where price > (select avg(price) from titles)
      order by title_name
                           title_name price amt_above_avg
1                               1977! 21.99        3.6025
2           200 Years of German Humor 19.95        1.5625
3        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95       21.5625
4                    How About Never? 19.95        1.5625
5                   I Blame My Mother 23.95        5.5625
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99       11.6025
# QUESTION - same as above but also show the average price of all books as a column in the results

sqldf("select title_name, 
              (select avg(price) from titles) as avgPriceOfAllBooks,
              price - (select avg(price) from titles) as 'amt_above_avg'
      from titles
      where price > (select avg(price) from titles)
      order by title_name
                           title_name price avgPriceOfAllBooks amt_above_avg
1                               1977! 21.99            18.3875        3.6025
2           200 Years of German Humor 19.95            18.3875        1.5625
3        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95            18.3875       21.5625
4                    How About Never? 19.95            18.3875        1.5625
5                   I Blame My Mother 23.95            18.3875        5.5625
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99            18.3875       11.6025
# When the query above is processed, the subqueries get run and produce
# the result 18.3875. That value is then plugged into the outer query
# and the outer query is run. The following is what the outer query
# would look like after the result of the subqueries are plugged into the
# outer query. You never have to type this. It is done automatically.

sqldf("select title_name, 
              18.3875 as avgPriceOfAllBooks,
              price - 18.3875 as 'amt_above_avg'
      from titles
      where price > 18.3875
      order by title_name
                           title_name price avgPriceOfAllBooks amt_above_avg
1                               1977! 21.99            18.3875        3.6025
2           200 Years of German Humor 19.95            18.3875        1.5625
3        Ask Yor System Administrator 39.95            18.3875       21.5625
4                    How About Never? 19.95            18.3875        1.5625
5                   I Blame My Mother 23.95            18.3875        5.5625
6 What Are The Civilian Applications? 29.99            18.3875       11.6025

19.14.3 subquery after IN can return a single column

# Subqueries that return a single column of values
# can appear after the IN operator.

# Show authors that live in the same city as at least one  publisher

 # First let's get all the cities where publishers are located

sqldf("select distinct city
      from publishers")
1      New York
2 San Francisco
3       Hamburg
4      Berkeley
# You can use the "in" operator in sql to compare a value to a "list" of
# values.
# The following will work ... but it forces us to type in the names 
# of the publisher's cities. If we change the data in the publishers table,
# this "hard-coded" version of the query may not work correctly anymore.

sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname, city
       from authors
       where city in ('New York','San Francisco','Hamburg','Berkeley')
       order by au_lname, au_fname")
   au_fname au_lname          city
1    Hallie     Hull San Francisco
2      Klee     Hull San Francisco
3 Christian    Kells      New York
# We can replace the list of cities with a subquery that automatically
# figures out that list. This subquery returns a single column
# that can be used in place of the hard-coded data from the previous query.

sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname, city
       from authors
       where city in 
              select distinct city 
              from publishers
       order by au_lname, au_fname")
   au_fname au_lname          city
1    Hallie     Hull San Francisco
2      Klee     Hull San Francisco
3 Christian    Kells      New York

19.15 Correlated Subqueries

# Correlated subqueries

# In a "correlated" subquery, the subquery is executed once for each
# row in the outer query. 
# The subquery can refer to the data in the row for the outer query.
# Notice that in the following query the sub-query
# refers to the authors.au_id table even thought the from clause in the
# subquery does NOT include the authors table. This is actually a reference
# to the row from the authors table that is being processed while the subqery
# is running. 
# This subquery will be run again and again for every row that 
# is processed in the outer query.
# Notice that the subquery is in the where clause and the order by clause
# at the end is once again from the outer query.

# Show authors who published more than 2 titles 
sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname
      from authors
         (select count(*)
          from title_authors
          where authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id) > 2
      order by au_lname, au_fname")
  au_fname  au_lname
1    Sarah   Buchman
2    Wendy Heydemark
3     Klee      Hull
4   Harvey   Kellsey
sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname,
          (select count(*)
          from title_authors
          where authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id) as numTitles
      from authors
         (select count(*)
          from title_authors
          where authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id) > 2
      order by au_lname, au_fname")
  au_fname  au_lname numTitles
1    Sarah   Buchman         3
2    Wendy Heydemark         4
3     Klee      Hull         4
4   Harvey   Kellsey         3
# You cannot run the subquery from a correlated-subquery on its
# own. It must be part of a larger query. For example the following
# TRIES to run the subquery from the previous example but fails
# with an error

sqldf("select count(*)
          from title_authors
          where authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id")  # ERROR - no such column authors.au_id
Error: no such column: authors.au_id
# A separate inner query is run for every row that is processed in the outer query

# This is the subquery that is run for the row in the authors for Sarah Buchman
sqldf("select count(*)
       from title_authors
       where 'A01' = title_authors.au_id")
1        3
# This is the subquery that is run for the row in the authors for Wendy Heydemark
sqldf("select count(*)
       from title_authors
       where 'A02' = title_authors.au_id")
1        4
# This is the subquery that is run for the row in the authors for Hallie Hull
sqldf("select count(*)
       from title_authors
       where 'A03' = title_authors.au_id")
1        2
# etc ...

# The following is another way to get the same results without using any subqueries.
# Instead of a subquery, the following query uses
# a join and makes use of the group by and having clauses.

sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname
      from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id
      group by authors.au_id, au_fname, au_lname
      having count(*) > 2
      order by au_lname, au_fname")
  au_fname  au_lname
1    Sarah   Buchman
2    Wendy Heydemark
3     Klee      Hull
4   Harvey   Kellsey
# Some people will think that the 1st version (with the subquery)
# is easier to understand.
# Some people will think that the 2nd version (with the join, group by, having)
# is easier to understand.
# Generally it is a matter of style - they are both valid.
# (NOTE - As a general rule - you should avoid correlated subqueries if possible
# as they tend to run slower than other types of queries since the correlated
# subquery is run many times. This is a rule of thumb but depending on the 
# exact queries, it is possible that a correlated subquery will run as 
# fast or faster than alternate queries that return the same results.)
# If you want to actually see how many books each author wrote, only the 2nd
# version (without the subquery) will work. See the following. This is exactly the
# same as the 2nd query above with the addition of
#            "count(*) as num_titles)"
# on the first line of the query.

sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname, count(*) as num_titles 
      from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id
      group by authors.au_id
      having count(*) > 2
      order by au_lname, au_fname")
  au_fname  au_lname num_titles
1    Sarah   Buchman          3
2    Wendy Heydemark          4
3     Klee      Hull          4
4   Harvey   Kellsey          3
# You CANNOT add the number of titles to the version with the subquery as
# the outer query does not have access to ANY information about the titles
# since the "from" in the outer query only includes the "authors" table. 
# Therefore the "select" clause in the outer query may only refer
# to information from the authors table.
# When using a subquery in the where or having clauses
# The only information that can be displayed by the outer query is 
# info that is available in the tables listed 
# in the "from" of the outer query. 

19.16 Table aliases with subqueries

# In correlated subqueries if the inner query refers to the same 
# table(s) as the outer query - you must use a table alias.

# Show the books whose length in pages is longer than the average
# length of books OF THE SAME TYPE
# You need to use a correlated subquery here. 
# You need to use a subquery to compare the length of a particular
# book (which is a non-aggregated value) to the avg(length) 
# (which is an aggregated value). 
# To be more specific, you must use a "correlated" subquery
# since each title will have a potentially differnt type. Therefore
# the average length will be potentially different for books
# of different types and sql will need to run the subquery once
# for each row in the titles table.
# To be even more specific ... the inner query and the 
# outer query refer to the SAME table, i.e. the titles table.
# AND the inner query must refer to information that is taken from 
# the outer query for that table. Therefore you must somehow make 
# it clear in the inner query which information is from the outer-query-title-table
# and which information is from the version of the title table that is
# in the inner query's from clause. 
# This is done by using "alias" names for the outer query's copy of the titles table
# and a different "alias" for the inner query's copy of the titles table as shown below.

      select title_name, type, pages
      from titles as outerTitles 
      where pages > 
            select avg(pages) 
            from titles as innerTitles
            where innerTitles.type = outerTitles.type
      order by type, pages desc
                           title_name       type pages
1           Spontaneous, Not Annoying  biography   507
2                    How About Never?  biography   473
3        Just Wait Until After School   children    86
4 What Are The Civilian Applications?    history   802
5    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology   826
# We can prove to ourselves that this worked by showing the average
# number of pages for each type of title

sqldf("select type, avg(pages)
      from titles
      group by type
      order by type")
        type avg(pages)
1  biography   437.6667
2   children    54.0000
3   computer  1226.0000
4    history   307.6667
5 psychology   512.3333
# We can see those books that are below average in length for their
# type of book by simply changing the > to a < in 
# the query

      select title_name, type, pages
      from titles as outerTitles 
      where pages <
            select avg(pages) 
            from titles as innerTitles
            where innerTitles.type = outerTitles.type
      order by type, pages desc
                 title_name       type pages
1         I Blame My Mother  biography   333
2           Kiss My Boo Boo   children    22
3                     1977!    history   107
4 200 Years of German Humor    history    14
5 But I Did It Unconciously psychology   510
6    Exchange of Platitudes psychology   201

19.17 EXISTS (some subquery)

# Using "EXISTS" with correlated subqueries that may or may not return any rows.
# The EXISTS keyword can be used in WHERE and in HAVING clauses.
# The EXISTS keyword is always followed by a subquery.
# If the subquery returns any rows then EXISTS (subquery) evaluates to TRUE. 
# If the subquery returns zero rows then EXISTS (subquery) evaluates to FALSE. 

# "EXISTS ( some subquery )"  is used inside a where or having clause. 
# The row from the outer query is included in the results if the subquery
# contains ANY rows. The actual data resturned by the subqeury is not significant.
# The only significance is if the subquery returns SOMETHING or returns NOTHING.

# Show authors that live in the same city as at least one publisher.
# [NOTE: above we saw a different way to do this by using "IN (subquery)" ]

sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname, authors.city
      from authors
      where EXISTS
              (select *
               from publishers
               where publishers.city = authors.city)
      order by au_lname, au_fname
   au_fname au_lname          city
1    Hallie     Hull San Francisco
2      Klee     Hull San Francisco
3 Christian    Kells      New York
# You know that the subquery is a CORRELATED subquery because it 
# cannot be run by itself (as shown below). This is because
# the query refers to the the authors table but does not include
# the authors table in the from clause.
sqldf( "select *
          from publishers
        where publishers.city = authors.city")
Error: no such column: authors.city


# There are often multiple different ways you can write queries
# that result in the same output. Different people will approach
# the same problem differently. 
# When faced with different approaches, you should try if possible to
# avoid correlated subqueries. This is because
# as a "rule of thumb" correlated subqueries will run slower
# than other approaches since the subquery is re-run many times, 
# i.e. once for  each row in the outer query.
# The following is an example of a query that can be accomplished
# in many several different ways.

#   Write a query to show the names of the authors
#   who did NOT write any psychology books

# One answer - using a correlated subquery with NOT EXISTS

# Authors who did not write any psychology books:

sqldf("select au_fname, au_lname
       from authors
       where NOT EXISTS
             (select * 
              from title_authors join titles 
                                   on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id
              where title_authors.au_id = authors.au_id and
                    type = 'psychology')
       order by au_lname, au_fname
   au_fname    au_lname
1     Sarah     Buchman
2     Wendy   Heydemark
3 Christian       Kells
4     Paddy O'Furniture
# FYI - in case you're curious - this is a query for the authors who DID
# write psychology books

# authors who did write psychology books
sqldf("select distinct au_fname, au_lname
       from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id
                    join titles on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id
       where type = 'psychology'")
  au_fname au_lname
1   Hallie     Hull
2     Klee     Hull
3   Harvey  Kellsey
# Another answer - using EXCEPT
# The first query before the except retrieves all the authors names.
# The 2nd query after the EXCEPT retrieves authors who wrote psychology books.
# The EXCEPT removes the rows returned by the 2nd query from the results of
# the first query.

# Authors who did not write any psychology books:

sqldf("-- get all the authors' names
       select au_fname, au_lname
       from authors
   EXCEPT   -- except removes any row that appears in the 2nd query
      -- get the authors who wrote psychology books
      select distinct au_fname, au_lname
      from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id
                   join titles on titles.title_id = title_authors.title_id
      where type = 'psychology'
   order by au_lname, au_fname")
   au_fname    au_lname
1     Sarah     Buchman
2     Wendy   Heydemark
3 Christian       Kells
4     Paddy O'Furniture
# Another answer - using a LEFT JOIN combined with a subquery in a FROM clause.
# You can use a subquery in a FROM clause to create a temporary table
# that will be used for the query. The temporary table needs to be
# given an alias. 
# The example below uses a left join and a subquery in the FROM clause
# to retrieve the authors who did not write psychology books.
# This is yet one more way to accomplish the same results as the 
# examples above.

# Yet another way of doing the same thing - by using a LEFT join.
# This also shows an example of using a subquery in a from clause
# to create a temporary table.

  select au_fname, au_lname
  from authors LEFT JOIN 

           -- the following subquery creates a temporary table
           -- that contains the authors/titles of psychology books
           (select *                 
            from title_authors join titles 
                                 on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id
            where type = 'psychology') AS psychologyTitles
       on authors.au_id = psychologyTitles.au_id
  where psychologyTitles.au_id is NULL
  order by au_lname, au_fname")
   au_fname    au_lname
1     Sarah     Buchman
2     Wendy   Heydemark
3 Christian       Kells
4     Paddy O'Furniture
# You can see the contents of the temporary table by running the
# subquery by itself as shown here:
sqldf("select *
       from title_authors join titles 
                            on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id
       where type = 'psychology'")
  title_id au_id au_order royalty_shares title_id                       title_name       type pub_id pages price  sales         pubdate
1      T04   A03        1            0.6      T04        But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99  13001  5/31/1999 0:00
2      T04   A04        2            0.4      T04        But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99  13001  5/31/1999 0:00
3      T05   A04        1            1.0      T05           Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95 201440   1/1/2001 0:00
4      T11   A03        2            0.3      T11 Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99  94123 11/30/2000 0:00
5      T11   A04        3            0.3      T11 Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99  94123 11/30/2000 0:00
6      T11   A06        1            0.4      T11 Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99  94123 11/30/2000 0:00
# You can see all the columns from the left join here
  select *
  from authors LEFT JOIN 

           -- the following subquery creates a temporary table
           -- that contains the authors/titles of psychology books
           (select *                 
            from title_authors join titles 
                                 on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id
            where type = 'psychology') AS psychologyTitles
       on authors.au_id = psychologyTitles.au_id
  -- where psychologyTitles.au_id is NULL
  order by au_lname, au_fname")
   au_id  au_fname    au_lname        phone              address          city state   zip title_id au_id au_order royalty_shares title_id:1                       title_name       type pub_id pages price  sales         pubdate
1    A01     Sarah     Buchman 718-496-7223       75 West 205 St         Bronx    NY 10468     <NA>  <NA>       NA             NA       <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA     NA            <NA>
2    A02     Wendy   Heydemark 303-986-7020     2922 Baseline Rd       Boulder    CO 80303     <NA>  <NA>       NA             NA       <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA     NA            <NA>
3    A03    Hallie        Hull 415-549-4278 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F San Francisco    CA 94123      T04   A03        1            0.6        T04        But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99  13001  5/31/1999 0:00
4    A03    Hallie        Hull 415-549-4278 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F San Francisco    CA 94123      T11   A03        2            0.3        T11 Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99  94123 11/30/2000 0:00
5    A04      Klee        Hull 415-549-4278 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F San Francisco    CA 94123      T04   A04        2            0.4        T04        But I Did It Unconciously psychology    P01   510 12.99  13001  5/31/1999 0:00
6    A04      Klee        Hull 415-549-4278 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F San Francisco    CA 94123      T05   A04        1            1.0        T05           Exchange of Platitudes psychology    P01   201  6.95 201440   1/1/2001 0:00
7    A04      Klee        Hull 415-549-4278 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F San Francisco    CA 94123      T11   A04        3            0.3        T11 Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99  94123 11/30/2000 0:00
8    A05 Christian       Kells 212-771-4680       114 Horatio St      New York    NY 10014     <NA>  <NA>       NA             NA       <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA     NA            <NA>
9    A06    Harvey     Kellsey 650-836-7128       390 Serra Mall     Palo Alto    CA 94305      T11   A06        1            0.4        T11 Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem psychology    P05   826  7.99  94123 11/30/2000 0:00
10   A07     Paddy O'Furniture 941-925-0752         1442 Main St      Sarasota    FL 34236     <NA>  <NA>       NA             NA       <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>   <NA>    NA    NA     NA            <NA>

19.19 case - like an if for SQL

# The case operator can appear in a SELECT clause to create a custom column.
# It works similar to IF/ELSE/ELSE IF constructs that appear in other 
# languages.
# The example below should be easy to understand.
# If there is no ELSE part and no conditions are true, it returns NULL.
#       case when LOGICAL EXPRESSION then RESULT1
#            when LOGICAL EXPRESSION then RESULT2
#            when LOGICAL EXPRESSION then RESULT3
#              ... etc
#       end   as   COLUMN_NAME,
#       ... SOME OTHER COLUMNS ...
# FROM ... etc

# EXAMPLE - this shows the lengths and prices of books in categories 
#           rather than actual numbers.

sqldf("select title_name,
                 when pages is null then 'unknown'
                 when pages < 100 then 'short'
                 when pages < 500 then 'medium'
                 when pages < 1000 then 'long'
                 else  'crazy long'
              end as length,
                 when price < 25 then 'cheap'
                 when price is null then 'unknown'
                 when price < 30 then 'midrange'
                 else 'expensive'
              end as afforability,
       from titles
       order by pages, title_name")
                            title_name     length pages afforability price
1          Not Without My Fabrerge Egg    unknown    NA      unknown    NA
2            200 Years of German Humor      short    14        cheap 19.95
3                      Kiss My Boo Boo      short    22        cheap 13.95
4         Just Wait Until After School      short    86        cheap 10.00
5                                1977!     medium   107        cheap 21.99
6               Exchange of Platitudes     medium   201        cheap  6.95
7                    I Blame My Mother     medium   333        cheap 23.95
8                     How About Never?     medium   473        cheap 19.95
9            Spontaneous, Not Annoying       long   507        cheap 12.99
10           But I Did It Unconciously       long   510        cheap 12.99
11 What Are The Civilian Applications?       long   802     midrange 29.99
12    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem       long   826        cheap  7.99
13        Ask Yor System Administrator crazy long  1226    expensive 39.95
# NOTE: Even if you don't understand this description the results below
# should be pretty easy to understand.
# Show a list of all the authors.
# Authors who wrote at least one psychology
# book should appear on a row with the word psycology in the column 
# named psycology_or_other.
# Authors who wrote non-psychology books should appear in a row with the
# word "other" in the psychology_or_other column.
# Authors who wrote both psychology and non-psychology books should
# appear in two different rows. One for pyschology and one for other.

sqldf("select distinct
              case when type = 'psychology' then 'psychology'
                   else 'other'
              end as pyschology_or_other,
              au_lname, au_fname
      from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id
                   join titles on titles.title_id = title_authors.title_id
      order by pyschology_or_other, au_lname, au_fname")
  pyschology_or_other  au_lname  au_fname
1               other   Buchman     Sarah
2               other Heydemark     Wendy
3               other      Hull      Klee
4               other     Kells Christian
5               other   Kellsey    Harvey
6          psychology      Hull    Hallie
7          psychology      Hull      Klee
8          psychology   Kellsey    Harvey

19.20 self joins

# Self joins

# A "self join" is used when you want to compare two different rows 
# FROM THE SAME TABLE. To do so, the from clause uses two different
# copies of the same table in a join. 
# The best way to understand this is with an example:

# find the names of authors who share the same address as another author

# We want to compare two different rows from the authors table to see if
# they are from the same address. 

# Look at the where clause ... why do you think it uses a ">" sign?
      select authors1.au_fname, authors1.au_lname, authors2.au_fname, authors2.au_lname, authors1.address
      from authors authors1 join authors authors2 on authors1.address = authors2.address
      where authors1.au_id > authors2.au_id ")
  au_fname au_lname au_fname au_lname              address
1     Klee     Hull   Hallie     Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
# let's analyze what's really going on by showing the CROSS JOIN that happens
# internally as the above select statement is being processed
sqldf("select authors1.au_id, authors1.au_fname, authors1.au_lname, authors1.address,
              authors2.au_id, authors2.au_fname, authors2.au_lname, authors2.address
       from authors authors1 CROSS JOIN authors authors2
       order by authors1.au_id, authors2.au_id")
   au_id  au_fname    au_lname              address au_id  au_fname    au_lname              address
1    A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St   A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
2    A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
3    A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
4    A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
5    A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
6    A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
7    A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
8    A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd   A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
9    A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
10   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
11   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
12   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
13   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
14   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
15   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
16   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
17   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
18   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
19   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
20   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
21   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
22   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
23   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
24   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
25   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
26   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
27   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
28   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
29   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St   A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
30   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
31   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
32   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
33   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
34   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
35   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
36   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall   A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
37   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
38   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
39   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
40   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
41   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
42   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
43   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St   A01     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
44   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St   A02     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
45   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St   A03    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
46   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St   A04      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
47   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St   A05 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
48   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St   A06    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
49   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St   A07     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
# If you take out the where clause, you will get extra rows
      select authors1.au_fname, authors1.au_lname, authors2.au_fname, authors2.au_lname, authors1.address
      from authors authors1 join authors authors2 on authors1.address = authors2.address
   au_fname    au_lname  au_fname    au_lname              address
1     Sarah     Buchman     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
2     Wendy   Heydemark     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
3    Hallie        Hull    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
4    Hallie        Hull      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
5      Klee        Hull    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
6      Klee        Hull      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
7 Christian       Kells Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
8    Harvey     Kellsey    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
9     Paddy O'Furniture     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
# To understand why you get extra rows without the where take a look at the output
# of the cross join of the authors table with itself. It is this cross join
# that is then filtered by the on clause and by the where clause.
sqldf("select authors1.au_fname, authors1.au_lname , authors1.address, authors2.au_fname, authors2.au_lname, authors2.address
      from authors as authors1   cross join    authors as authors2
      order by authors1.au_lname, authors1.au_fname, authors2.au_lname, authors2.au_fname")
    au_fname    au_lname              address  au_fname    au_lname              address
1      Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
2      Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
3      Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
4      Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
5      Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
6      Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
7      Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
8      Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
9      Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
10     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
11     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
12     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
13     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
14     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
15    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
16    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
17    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
18    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
19    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
20    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
21    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
22      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
23      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
24      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
25      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
26      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
27      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
28      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
29 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
30 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
31 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
32 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
33 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
34 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
35 Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
36    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
37    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
38    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
39    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
40    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
41    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
42    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
43     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St     Sarah     Buchman       75 West 205 St
44     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St     Wendy   Heydemark     2922 Baseline Rd
45     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St    Hallie        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
46     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St      Klee        Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
47     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St Christian       Kells       114 Horatio St
48     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St    Harvey     Kellsey       390 Serra Mall
49     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St     Paddy O'Furniture         1442 Main St
# You might think that we'd solve the problem if we used != instead of >
# However, this is still a problem. Can you figure out why?
      select authors1.au_fname, authors1.au_lname, authors2.au_fname, authors2.au_lname, authors1.address
      from authors authors1 join authors authors2 on authors1.address = authors2.address
      where authors1.au_id != authors2.au_id ")
  au_fname au_lname au_fname au_lname              address
1   Hallie     Hull     Klee     Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
2     Klee     Hull   Hallie     Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
# if we want to check that multiple columns are equal we can do that too 
      select authors1.au_fname, authors1.au_lname, authors2.au_fname, authors2.au_lname, authors1.address
      from authors authors1 join authors authors2 
           authors1.address = authors2.address and
           authors1.city = authors2.city and
           authors1.state = authors2.state and
           authors1.zip = authors2.zip
      where authors1.au_id > authors2.au_id ")
  au_fname au_lname au_fname au_lname              address
1     Klee     Hull   Hallie     Hull 3800 Waldo Ave, #14F
# If we used a subquery for this type of question
# we could not see both authors being displayed on the same row

19.21 self joins - another example

# Organization management hierarchy 
# - see the file "orgChart_large.png"

employees = data.frame(
  empid = c( 1,         2,        3,          4,         5,   6,          7,           8,    9,         10,     11),
  name = c("ann",      "floyd", "randall",   "albert","shawn","tyrone", "calvin", "harold", "tanya", "jorge", "claire" ),
  lastname = c("sanders","flake","rodgers",   "aames","stevens","tex", "coolidge", "hughs", "tamashevsky","jones", "coolidge" ),
  salary = c(200,       50,     75,            90,     150,     250,     75,        190,      150,    175,      110 ),
  mgr = c(NA,            1,        1,           1,       2,      3,        3,       2,         7,      2,        7)

   empid    name    lastname salary mgr
1      1     ann     sanders    200  NA
2      2   floyd       flake     50   1
3      3 randall     rodgers     75   1
4      4  albert       aames     90   1
5      5   shawn     stevens    150   2
6      6  tyrone         tex    250   3
7      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
8      8  harold       hughs    190   2
9      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
10    10   jorge       jones    175   2
11    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
# write a query that shows SO_AND_SO is managed by SO_AND_SO for each person

sqldf("select emp.name || ' is managed by ' || manager.name
       from employees AS emp join employees AS manager on emp.mgr = manager.empid
       order by emp.name
   emp.name || ' is managed by ' || manager.name
1                       albert is managed by ann
2                   calvin is managed by randall
3                    claire is managed by calvin
4                        floyd is managed by ann
5                     harold is managed by floyd
6                      jorge is managed by floyd
7                      randall is managed by ann
8                      shawn is managed by floyd
9                     tanya is managed by calvin
10                  tyrone is managed by randall
# To make it a little easier to read we could use the 
# aliasses emps and mgrs instead of emp1 and emp2

sqldf("select emps.name || ' is managed by ' || mgrs.name
       from employees emps join employees mgrs on emps.mgr = mgrs.empid
       order by emps.name
   emps.name || ' is managed by ' || mgrs.name
1                     albert is managed by ann
2                 calvin is managed by randall
3                  claire is managed by calvin
4                      floyd is managed by ann
5                   harold is managed by floyd
6                    jorge is managed by floyd
7                    randall is managed by ann
8                    shawn is managed by floyd
9                   tanya is managed by calvin
10                tyrone is managed by randall
sqldf("select emps.name || ' is managed by ' || mgrs.name
       from employees as emps join employees as mgrs on emps.mgr = mgrs.empid
       order by emps.name
   emps.name || ' is managed by ' || mgrs.name
1                     albert is managed by ann
2                 calvin is managed by randall
3                  claire is managed by calvin
4                      floyd is managed by ann
5                   harold is managed by floyd
6                    jorge is managed by floyd
7                    randall is managed by ann
8                    shawn is managed by floyd
9                   tanya is managed by calvin
10                tyrone is managed by randall
sqldf("select publishers.pub_name, titles.title_name
       from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
       where publishers.pub_name like 'A%'")
           pub_name                       title_name
1 Abatis Publishers                            1977!
2 Abatis Publishers        But I Did It Unconciously
3 Abatis Publishers           Exchange of Platitudes
4 Abatis Publishers                 How About Never?
5 Abatis Publishers     Just Wait Until After School
6 Abatis Publishers                  Kiss My Boo Boo
7    AAA Publishing      Not Without My Fabrerge Egg
8    AAA Publishing Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem
9    AAA Publishing        Spontaneous, Not Annoying
sqldf("select publishers.pub_name, titles.title_name
       from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
                                      and publishers.pub_name like 'A%'")
           pub_name                       title_name
1 Abatis Publishers                            1977!
2 Abatis Publishers        But I Did It Unconciously
3 Abatis Publishers           Exchange of Platitudes
4 Abatis Publishers                 How About Never?
5 Abatis Publishers     Just Wait Until After School
6 Abatis Publishers                  Kiss My Boo Boo
7    AAA Publishing      Not Without My Fabrerge Egg
8    AAA Publishing Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem
9    AAA Publishing        Spontaneous, Not Annoying
sqldf("select publishers.pub_name, titles.title_name
       from publishers, titles 
       where publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
             and publishers.pub_name like 'A%'")
           pub_name                       title_name
1 Abatis Publishers                            1977!
2 Abatis Publishers        But I Did It Unconciously
3 Abatis Publishers           Exchange of Platitudes
4 Abatis Publishers                 How About Never?
5 Abatis Publishers     Just Wait Until After School
6 Abatis Publishers                  Kiss My Boo Boo
7    AAA Publishing      Not Without My Fabrerge Egg
8    AAA Publishing Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem
9    AAA Publishing        Spontaneous, Not Annoying
# It might help to understand what's going on by looking
# at the cross join of the two tables.

sqldf("select emps.*, mgrs.*
       from employees as emps CROSS JOIN employees as mgrs
       order by emps.empid, mgrs.empid")
    empid    name    lastname salary mgr empid    name    lastname salary mgr
1       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
2       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     2   floyd       flake     50   1
3       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
4       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     4  albert       aames     90   1
5       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
6       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
7       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
8       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     8  harold       hughs    190   2
9       1     ann     sanders    200  NA     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
10      1     ann     sanders    200  NA    10   jorge       jones    175   2
11      1     ann     sanders    200  NA    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
12      2   floyd       flake     50   1     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
13      2   floyd       flake     50   1     2   floyd       flake     50   1
14      2   floyd       flake     50   1     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
15      2   floyd       flake     50   1     4  albert       aames     90   1
16      2   floyd       flake     50   1     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
17      2   floyd       flake     50   1     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
18      2   floyd       flake     50   1     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
19      2   floyd       flake     50   1     8  harold       hughs    190   2
20      2   floyd       flake     50   1     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
21      2   floyd       flake     50   1    10   jorge       jones    175   2
22      2   floyd       flake     50   1    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
23      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
24      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     2   floyd       flake     50   1
25      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
26      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     4  albert       aames     90   1
27      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
28      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
29      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
30      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     8  harold       hughs    190   2
31      3 randall     rodgers     75   1     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
32      3 randall     rodgers     75   1    10   jorge       jones    175   2
33      3 randall     rodgers     75   1    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
34      4  albert       aames     90   1     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
35      4  albert       aames     90   1     2   floyd       flake     50   1
36      4  albert       aames     90   1     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
37      4  albert       aames     90   1     4  albert       aames     90   1
38      4  albert       aames     90   1     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
39      4  albert       aames     90   1     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
40      4  albert       aames     90   1     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
41      4  albert       aames     90   1     8  harold       hughs    190   2
42      4  albert       aames     90   1     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
43      4  albert       aames     90   1    10   jorge       jones    175   2
44      4  albert       aames     90   1    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
45      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
46      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     2   floyd       flake     50   1
47      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
48      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     4  albert       aames     90   1
49      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
50      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
51      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
52      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     8  harold       hughs    190   2
53      5   shawn     stevens    150   2     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
54      5   shawn     stevens    150   2    10   jorge       jones    175   2
55      5   shawn     stevens    150   2    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
56      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
57      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     2   floyd       flake     50   1
58      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
59      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     4  albert       aames     90   1
60      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
61      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
62      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
63      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     8  harold       hughs    190   2
64      6  tyrone         tex    250   3     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
65      6  tyrone         tex    250   3    10   jorge       jones    175   2
66      6  tyrone         tex    250   3    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
67      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
68      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     2   floyd       flake     50   1
69      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
70      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     4  albert       aames     90   1
71      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
72      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
73      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
74      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     8  harold       hughs    190   2
75      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
76      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3    10   jorge       jones    175   2
77      7  calvin    coolidge     75   3    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
78      8  harold       hughs    190   2     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
79      8  harold       hughs    190   2     2   floyd       flake     50   1
80      8  harold       hughs    190   2     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
81      8  harold       hughs    190   2     4  albert       aames     90   1
82      8  harold       hughs    190   2     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
83      8  harold       hughs    190   2     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
84      8  harold       hughs    190   2     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
85      8  harold       hughs    190   2     8  harold       hughs    190   2
86      8  harold       hughs    190   2     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
87      8  harold       hughs    190   2    10   jorge       jones    175   2
88      8  harold       hughs    190   2    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
89      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
90      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     2   floyd       flake     50   1
91      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
92      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     4  albert       aames     90   1
93      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
94      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
95      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
96      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     8  harold       hughs    190   2
97      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
98      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7    10   jorge       jones    175   2
99      9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
100    10   jorge       jones    175   2     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
101    10   jorge       jones    175   2     2   floyd       flake     50   1
102    10   jorge       jones    175   2     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
103    10   jorge       jones    175   2     4  albert       aames     90   1
104    10   jorge       jones    175   2     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
105    10   jorge       jones    175   2     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
106    10   jorge       jones    175   2     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
107    10   jorge       jones    175   2     8  harold       hughs    190   2
108    10   jorge       jones    175   2     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
109    10   jorge       jones    175   2    10   jorge       jones    175   2
110    10   jorge       jones    175   2    11  claire    coolidge    110   7
111    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     1     ann     sanders    200  NA
112    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     2   floyd       flake     50   1
113    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     3 randall     rodgers     75   1
114    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     4  albert       aames     90   1
115    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     5   shawn     stevens    150   2
116    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     6  tyrone         tex    250   3
117    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     7  calvin    coolidge     75   3
118    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     8  harold       hughs    190   2
119    11  claire    coolidge    110   7     9   tanya tamashevsky    150   7
120    11  claire    coolidge    110   7    10   jorge       jones    175   2
121    11  claire    coolidge    110   7    11  claire    coolidge    110   7

19.22 Practice


#Subqueries, outer joins, unions and other stuff
# 35.   Show the title names  and number of pages for those books that are longer than (ie.  more pages than) the average length of all books.

select title_name , pages
from titles
where pages >= (select avg(pages) from titles)
                           title_name pages
1        Ask Yor System Administrator  1226
2           But I Did It Unconciously   510
3                    How About Never?   473
4    Perhaps It's a Glandular Problem   826
5           Spontaneous, Not Annoying   507
6 What Are The Civilian Applications?   802
# 36.   Show each publisher's name and number of authors who have written books for that publisher:

select pub_name, count(DISTINCT authors.au_id) as '# of authors'
from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id 
join titles on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id 
join publishers on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
group by publishers.pub_id, pub_name;
              pub_name # of authors
1    Abatis Publishers            5
2      Core Dump Books            1
3 Schandenfreude Press            3
4       AAA Publishing            4
# The following query shows the first step that would be necessariy to thinking about
# how to find the final answer (shown above). The following shows a separate
# row for each publisher and an author that wrote for that publisher. If you
# order the results by publisher, it is easy to see that you can think of
# each different publisher as a "group". That is what the group by
# does in the answer (see above). The count(DISTINCT authors.au_id)
# gets the number of "distinct" authors for the particular publisher.
# The "distinct" is necessary to ensure that you don't count an author
# twice for the same publisher (e.g. Sarah Buchman wrote two books
# for Schandenfreude Press but should only be counted once as an
# author for Scandenfreude Press)

select pub_name, authors.au_fname, authors.au_lname
from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id 
join titles on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id 
join publishers on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
order by pub_name, au_fname, au_lname
               pub_name  au_fname  au_lname
1        AAA Publishing    Hallie      Hull
2        AAA Publishing    Harvey   Kellsey
3        AAA Publishing      Klee      Hull
4        AAA Publishing     Wendy Heydemark
5        AAA Publishing     Wendy Heydemark
6     Abatis Publishers    Hallie      Hull
7     Abatis Publishers    Harvey   Kellsey
8     Abatis Publishers    Harvey   Kellsey
9     Abatis Publishers      Klee      Hull
10    Abatis Publishers      Klee      Hull
11    Abatis Publishers     Sarah   Buchman
12    Abatis Publishers     Wendy Heydemark
13      Core Dump Books Christian     Kells
14 Schandenfreude Press      Klee      Hull
15 Schandenfreude Press     Sarah   Buchman
16 Schandenfreude Press     Sarah   Buchman
17 Schandenfreude Press     Wendy Heydemark
# 36.5. Show the pub_name and the number of titles published by that publisher. 

sqldf("select pub_name, count(*) as num_titles
       from publishers join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
       group by publishers.pub_id, pub_name
       order by pub_name")
              pub_name num_titles
1       AAA Publishing          3
2    Abatis Publishers          6
3      Core Dump Books          1
4 Schandenfreude Press          3
# 37.   Show the pub_name and the number of titles published by that publisher. 
#     Only include publishers for whom at least 4 authors have worked. 
#     (this question combines the concepts of the previous two questions)


select pub_name, count(*) as 'Number of Titles'
from publishers as pub1 join titles on pub1.pub_id = titles.pub_id
group by pub1.pub_id, pub_name
having   4 <= ( select count(DISTINCT authors.au_id)
                from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id 
                join titles on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id 
                join publishers as pub2 on pub2.pub_id = titles.pub_id
                where pub2.pub_id = pub1.pub_id ) 
order by pub_name
           pub_name Number of Titles
1    AAA Publishing                3
2 Abatis Publishers                6
# Note - the subquery is a correlated subquery. 
# It returns the number of authors who published with a particular publisher.
# The following are the acutal subqueries that are run for each publisher:
# This happens automatically.

# For Abatis - 'P01'

sqldf(" select count(DISTINCT authors.au_id)
        from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id 
                     join titles on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id 
                     join publishers as pub2 on pub2.pub_id = titles.pub_id
        where pub2.pub_id = 'P01'")
  count(DISTINCT authors.au_id)
1                             5
# For Core Dump Books - 'P02'

sqldf(" select count(DISTINCT authors.au_id)
        from authors join title_authors on authors.au_id = title_authors.au_id 
                     join titles on title_authors.title_id = titles.title_id 
                     join publishers as pub2 on pub2.pub_id = titles.pub_id
        where pub2.pub_id = 'P02'")
  count(DISTINCT authors.au_id)
1                             1
# 38.   Show the names of publishers who did not publish any books (I guess they are just getting started  )

# ANSWER - with a subquery

select pub_name 
from publishers  as   pub1
where not exists
( select * 
    from publishers  as pub2  join titles on pub2.pub_id = titles.pub_id
  where pub2.pub_id = pub1.pub_id );
1 Tneterhooks Press
# ANSWER - with a left join

select pub_name from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
where title_id is NULL;
1 Tneterhooks Press
# 39.   List the name of each publisher and the total number of books that
#     each publisher has published. Sort the results so that the publishers who
#     published the most books appear at the top. If two or more publishers
#     published the same number of books then they should be listed in alphabetical order. 
# a.    The answer should only include publisher who have published some books.

select pub_name, count(*)
from titles join publishers on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
group by pub_name
order by count(*) desc, pub_name;
              pub_name count(*)
1    Abatis Publishers        6
2       AAA Publishing        3
3 Schandenfreude Press        3
4      Core Dump Books        1
# b.    This time make sure to also include publishers who have published zero books

select pub_name, count(titles.title_id)
from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
group by pub_name
order by count(*) desc, pub_name;
              pub_name count(titles.title_id)
1    Abatis Publishers                      6
2       AAA Publishing                      3
3 Schandenfreude Press                      3
4      Core Dump Books                      1
5    Tneterhooks Press                      0
# ANSWER - with a UNION - however the previous answer is shorter and more to the point

select pub_name , 0  as  NumTitles
from publishers left join titles on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
where title_id is NULL 


select pub_name, count(*) as NumTitles
from titles join publishers on publishers.pub_id = titles.pub_id
group by pub_name;
              pub_name NumTitles
1       AAA Publishing         3
2    Abatis Publishers         6
3      Core Dump Books         1
4 Schandenfreude Press         3
5    Tneterhooks Press         0
# Show the names of the most prolific authors, i.e. the authors 
# who have written the most books. Note that there could be more 
# several different authors who are "tied" for the most number of books 
# written. Sort the names in alphabetical order (last name, first name)