13  SQL Select

13.1 NOTE - this page is for “IDS2040 - Data Management” (not “IDS1020 - Intro to IDS”)

NOTE - If you are in my “IDS1020 - Intro to IDS” class, this is NOT the page you should be reading. Rather, jump to the next section entitled “Relational Databases and SQL” and start from there.

This page is intended for my “IDS460 - Data Management” class. The info below assumes that you have some knowledge of the dplyr package in R (which was covered in the previous section). After you get a basic idea of what the SQL SELECT statement does and how it is very similar to the dplyr functions, you can move onto the next section entitled “Relational Databases and SQL” and continue with that information.

13.2 Get the data

The data we are using in this section contains information about salespeople who are employees of a company. Each row of the data contains info about one salesperson. The salespeople get paid some “base pay” as well as a commission that is a percent of the total dollar amount of sales they make.

Follow the instructions below to get the data and start using it in R.

13.2.1 Load the R packages we’ll neeed


13.2.2 Download the file

The data is contained in a csv file. If you’d like to follow along with this tutorial on your own computer you can download the .csv file we are using by clicking here.

13.2.3 Import the data by clicking on some buttons …

  • The code in the next section below uses read_csv function to read the data into R. If you are not comfortable with R, I recommend that you instead, follow the instructions starting in the next bullet to import the data into R.

  • If you are not familiar with R, you may have some trouble running the read_csv() code shown below. Instead, I recommend that you follow the following instructions to import the file into R.

    To do so, click on “Import Dataset” button on the “Environment” tab (usually found in the upper-right-hand window pane in RStudio).

    Choose “From Text (base)” and locate your file. You should see something like this:

    Make sure to change the “Name” portion (see circled section in picture) to read “sales”, then press the “import” button. This will open up a new tab in RStudio that shows the contents of the file. You can safely navigate away from this tab or close the tab and the data will remain imported and can be seen by typing “sales” (without the “quotes”).

13.2.4 Import the data by typing some R code …

The following code reads the data into R. Alternatively, you can follow the instructions above to click on some buttons to import the data.

# Read in the data into a tibble
# Note that the following code uses the readr::read_csv function from the readr
# package which is part of the tidyverse collection of packages. 
# This function is similar to the base-R read.csv function.
# read_csv returns a tibble, which is the data structure that the 
# tidyverse packages use in lieu of dataframes. A tibble is basically
# a dataframe with extra features.
# By contrast, the base-r read.csv function returns a dataframe.
sales = read_csv("salespeople-v002.csv", na=c("","NULL"), show_col_types=FALSE)

13.3 Databases and SQL

A database is an organized collection of data that is designed to be accessed and manipulated by computer programs. We’ll cover a little more about exactly what a database is and how it differs from Excel, R and other programs in the next section of this book. Below is just a brief explanation to give you some background before we start getting into the details of the SQL language that is used to communicate with databases.

A “relational database” is a type of database in which data is arranged in “tables” that are organized into “rows” and “columns”. A “relational database table” is very similar to an R dataframe or tibble. Relational databases are controlled and managed with software known as “Relational DataBase Management System” (RDBMS) software. Relational database technology dates back to the 1970s and has been around long before R has been around. Relational databases are used by just about every major company all around the world.

“Structured Query Language” (or SQL for short - pronounced “sequel”) is the standard language that is used to communicate with a DBMS to manage and manipulate the data in a Relational Database. SQL has many different commands. One of the most important SQL commands for data analysts to know is the SQL “SELECT” command. It is this command that is used to extract data from a database and organize the data into a desired form. We will focus in this section on an intro to the SQL SELECT statement.

As we said above, R is NOT a Database Management System. However SQL is a very popular language. Many technologists come to R, already having a deep knowledge of the SQL language. Therefore it is nice to know that the SQL language can also be used to manipulate R dataframes. This is possible because R dataframes are very, very similar in structure to Relational Database “tables” (i.e. they have rows, columns, column names and specific datatypes for each column).

The R “sqldf” package includes a function named “sqldf” which takes a SQL command as its argument. Wherever the SQL command refers to the name of a relational database “table”, sqldf runs the SQL command using the R dataframe with that name.

13.4 dplyr is very similar to the SQL SELECT command

The designers of dplyr got inspiration for many of their ideas from SQL. Therefore once you know the basics of dplyr it should be very easy to transfer that knowledge to learning the SQL SELECT statement.

The following examples show how the concepts you learned in the previous section about dplyr carry over to the SQL SELECT statement.

The English word “query” means a question. A SQL SELECT statement is often referred to as a database “query”. In essence a SQL SELECT statement in essence asks the database a question and gets back an answer.

13.5 SQL SELECT “clauses” compared with dplyr “functions”

While dplyr uses different “functions”, the SQL SELECT statement is comprised of different “clauses”. The clauses in the SQL SELECT statement are listed below. We will elaborate on the details of these clauses in the sections below.


    This is used to “select” the columns you want - similar to dplyr select function.

  • FROM

    Used to specify which “tables” contain the information you will be working with. In dplyr this is accomplished via the first argument, .data, of each of the dplyr “verb” functions that we learned about in the previous section.


    Choose the rows you want. Directly analogous to the dplyr “filter” function.


    Directly analogous to the dplyr “group_by” function.


    This is also similar to the dplyr “filter” function. We will learn later how this differs from the SQL SELECT WHERE clause.


    Directly analogous to the dplyr “arrange” function


    Directly analogous to the dplyr print(n=…) function or the dplyr slice_head(n=…) function.

13.6 Order of the clauses is important

A SQL SELECT statement may contain some or all of the above clauses. Only the SELECT clause is absolutely required. If the SQL SELECT statement contains more than one clause then whichever clauses do appear must appear in the order listed above.

13.7 Is SQL case sensitive? yes and no

Different SQL products treat case sensitivity differently. In general the names of tables and columns ARE case sensitive. The “keywords” of the language are generally NOT case sensitive. However, it is often the convention of many SQL books and references to show SQL keywords in UPPER CASE. We have done that below but it is not strictly necessary.

13.8 Whitespace in SQL commands is ignored

A SQL command may be written entirely on one line. However, extra whitespace (i.e. spaces, tabs, newlines) may be added to make the code more readable. It is common to start each SQL SELECT statement clause on a new line and to add extra whitespace to make the code more readable. In general we tried to follow that practice in the code.

13.9 Intro to ERDs - i.e. “Entity Relationship Diagrams”

An “Entity Relationship Diagram” (ERD) is a diagram that highlights the structure of the tables in a database (in database terminology tables are also known as “entity sets” or “entity types” - see below). The ERD does NOT show the data in the tables, just the structure of the tables. The following is an ERD for the sales data we have been using.

Note that so far we’ve only been using one table. An ERD gets more complicated when a database contains several tables. We will revisit ERDs again later.

    SALES {
        first character "employee first name"
        last character "employee last name"
        title character "employee title"
        region character "region that employee sells to"
        baseInThousands numeric "employee's base pay (in thousands)"
        salesInThousands numeric "total sales dollars (in thousands)"
        yearsWithCompany numeric "number years employee with company"

  • The table name is shown at the top
  • Under the table name
    • The 1st column contains the names of the table’s fields (i.e. columns)
    • The 2nd column contains the datatype of the fields
    • The 3rd column contains a description of the field

Some Entity Relationship Diagrams don’t contain as much information. Often an ERD will NOT contain a description of the fields. This is still a “valid” ERD, just not as descriptive.

    SALES {
        first character
        last character
        title character
        region character
        baseInThousands numeric
        salesInThousands numeric
        yearsWithCompany numeric

In the extreme case, an ERD may only contain the names of the tables. This type of ERD is only really useful when the database contains multiple tables.


13.10 Database terminology - fields, entities, etc

There are different terms used to refer to the rows and columns of a table, dataframe or tibble. Statisticians often refer to each row of a table as an observation and each column of a table as a variable.

In the world of databases, a column can be referred to as a “column” or a “field”. Rows are referred to as just “rows” but sometimes are referred to as “records” or “entities”. Often an entire table is referred to as an “entity” (technically a table, which is a collection of rows, is an “entity set” or an “entity type”).

The truth is not many people use the word “entity” or “entity set”. However, an “Entity Relationship Diagram” is used to show the tables in a database and how the tables are “related” to each other.

In this section we are just focusing on a single table. In a later sections, we’ll learn more about “relationships” between multiple tables and how the relationships are displayed on an Entity Relationship Diagram.

13.11 SELECT and FROM clauses

# The SELECT clause specifies which columns you want.
# The FROM clause specifies the table (or tables) that contain the data.
sqldf("SELECT title, first, last
       FROM sales")
             title  first       last
1          Manager    Joe      Smith
2      Salesperson    Sam        Lee
3      Salesperson    Sue  Sallinger
4  Sr. Salesperson   Barb      Brown
5          Manager   Jack     Martin
6  Sr. Salesperson   Kate      Carey
7      Salesperson    Emy    Parsons
8      Salesperson Monica        Oja
9  Sr. Salesperson    Jim Kuruzovich
10         Manager   Zeke      Cohen
11     Salesperson   Zeke      Smith
12     Salesperson    Amy   Markovic
13 Sr. Salesperson    Joe Washington
14         Manager    Sam    Lincoln
15 Sr. Salesperson    Sue      Aames
16     Salesperson   Barb      Aames
17     Salesperson   Jack      Aames
18 Sr. Salesperson   Kate   Zeitchik
19         Manager    Emy   Zeitchik
20     Salesperson Monica   Zeitchik
21     Salesperson    Jim      Brown
22 Sr. Salesperson  Larry      Green
23         Manager  Laura      White
24 Sr. Salesperson   Hugh      Black
# SELECT * in SQL is similar to select(everything()) in dplyr.
# * is an abbreviation for all of the column names.

sqldf("SELECT *
       FROM sales")
    first       last           title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
1     Joe      Smith         Manager    usa              40              100               10
2     Sam        Lee     Salesperson    usa              40              200                6
3     Sue  Sallinger     Salesperson   asia              30              150               10
4    Barb      Brown Sr. Salesperson   asia              35               79                4
5    Jack     Martin         Manager europe              20               40                3
6    Kate      Carey Sr. Salesperson europe              20               69                2
7     Emy    Parsons     Salesperson africa              25               87                3
8  Monica        Oja     Salesperson africa              35               98               10
9     Jim Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson    usa              35              140                3
10   Zeke      Cohen         Manager    usa              30              250               10
11   Zeke      Smith     Salesperson   asia              20              120                3
12    Amy   Markovic     Salesperson   asia              46              340                3
13    Joe Washington Sr. Salesperson europe              33              370                2
14    Sam    Lincoln         Manager europe              30              500                2
15    Sue      Aames Sr. Salesperson africa              35              600               10
16   Barb      Aames     Salesperson    usa              21              255                7
17   Jack      Aames     Salesperson    usa              43              105                4
18   Kate   Zeitchik Sr. Salesperson    usa              50              187                4
19    Emy   Zeitchik         Manager   asia              34              166                4
20 Monica   Zeitchik     Salesperson   asia              23              184                1
21    Jim      Brown     Salesperson europe              50              167                2
22  Larry      Green Sr. Salesperson europe              20              113                4
23  Laura      White         Manager africa              20              281                8
24   Hugh      Black Sr. Salesperson africa              40              261                9
# Unfortunately, the SQL SELECT * is not as smart as the everything() function in dplyr.
# In dplyr, everything() does not include columns that you already typed.
# In SQL, the * always includes ALL columns. Therefore the following
# query displays the title and region columns a 2nd time due to the *

sqldf("SELECT title, region, *
       FROM sales")
             title region  first       last           title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
1          Manager    usa    Joe      Smith         Manager    usa              40              100               10
2      Salesperson    usa    Sam        Lee     Salesperson    usa              40              200                6
3      Salesperson   asia    Sue  Sallinger     Salesperson   asia              30              150               10
4  Sr. Salesperson   asia   Barb      Brown Sr. Salesperson   asia              35               79                4
5          Manager europe   Jack     Martin         Manager europe              20               40                3
6  Sr. Salesperson europe   Kate      Carey Sr. Salesperson europe              20               69                2
7      Salesperson africa    Emy    Parsons     Salesperson africa              25               87                3
8      Salesperson africa Monica        Oja     Salesperson africa              35               98               10
9  Sr. Salesperson    usa    Jim Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson    usa              35              140                3
10         Manager    usa   Zeke      Cohen         Manager    usa              30              250               10
11     Salesperson   asia   Zeke      Smith     Salesperson   asia              20              120                3
12     Salesperson   asia    Amy   Markovic     Salesperson   asia              46              340                3
13 Sr. Salesperson europe    Joe Washington Sr. Salesperson europe              33              370                2
14         Manager europe    Sam    Lincoln         Manager europe              30              500                2
15 Sr. Salesperson africa    Sue      Aames Sr. Salesperson africa              35              600               10
16     Salesperson    usa   Barb      Aames     Salesperson    usa              21              255                7
17     Salesperson    usa   Jack      Aames     Salesperson    usa              43              105                4
18 Sr. Salesperson    usa   Kate   Zeitchik Sr. Salesperson    usa              50              187                4
19         Manager   asia    Emy   Zeitchik         Manager   asia              34              166                4
20     Salesperson   asia Monica   Zeitchik     Salesperson   asia              23              184                1
21     Salesperson europe    Jim      Brown     Salesperson europe              50              167                2
22 Sr. Salesperson europe  Larry      Green Sr. Salesperson europe              20              113                4
23         Manager africa  Laura      White         Manager africa              20              281                8
24 Sr. Salesperson africa   Hugh      Black Sr. Salesperson africa              40              261                9
# The only thing you can do in a select statement without a FROM clause
# is to perform calculations without data from a table.

sqldf("SELECT 3+2, 100*5")
  3+2 100*5
1   5   500

13.12 add new columns in SELECT clause

# In dplyr, to add new columns you use the mutate function.
# In the SQL SELECT command this is accomplished as part of the SELECT clause.
# To add new columns that are calculated from other columns
# simply add the calculations to the select clause.

sqldf("SELECT first, last, salesInThousands, 0.1 * salesInThousands
       FROM sales
    first       last salesInThousands 0.1 * salesInThousands
1     Joe      Smith              100                   10.0
2     Sam        Lee              200                   20.0
3     Sue  Sallinger              150                   15.0
4    Barb      Brown               79                    7.9
5    Jack     Martin               40                    4.0
6    Kate      Carey               69                    6.9
7     Emy    Parsons               87                    8.7
8  Monica        Oja               98                    9.8
9     Jim Kuruzovich              140                   14.0
10   Zeke      Cohen              250                   25.0
11   Zeke      Smith              120                   12.0
12    Amy   Markovic              340                   34.0
13    Joe Washington              370                   37.0
14    Sam    Lincoln              500                   50.0
15    Sue      Aames              600                   60.0
16   Barb      Aames              255                   25.5
17   Jack      Aames              105                   10.5
18   Kate   Zeitchik              187                   18.7
19    Emy   Zeitchik              166                   16.6
20 Monica   Zeitchik              184                   18.4
21    Jim      Brown              167                   16.7
22  Larry      Green              113                   11.3
23  Laura      White              281                   28.1
24   Hugh      Black              261                   26.1
# You can give the new column a unique name by following the definition
# of the column with "AS columnName".
sqldf("SELECT first, last, salesInThousands, 0.1 * salesInThousands as commission
       FROM sales
    first       last salesInThousands commission
1     Joe      Smith              100       10.0
2     Sam        Lee              200       20.0
3     Sue  Sallinger              150       15.0
4    Barb      Brown               79        7.9
5    Jack     Martin               40        4.0
6    Kate      Carey               69        6.9
7     Emy    Parsons               87        8.7
8  Monica        Oja               98        9.8
9     Jim Kuruzovich              140       14.0
10   Zeke      Cohen              250       25.0
11   Zeke      Smith              120       12.0
12    Amy   Markovic              340       34.0
13    Joe Washington              370       37.0
14    Sam    Lincoln              500       50.0
15    Sue      Aames              600       60.0
16   Barb      Aames              255       25.5
17   Jack      Aames              105       10.5
18   Kate   Zeitchik              187       18.7
19    Emy   Zeitchik              166       16.6
20 Monica   Zeitchik              184       18.4
21    Jim      Brown              167       16.7
22  Larry      Green              113       11.3
23  Laura      White              281       28.1
24   Hugh      Black              261       26.1
# The word "AS" is actually optional. The following adds two new columns
# but does not use the word AS. All you need is the definition of the column
# followed by a space followed by the name of the new column.
sqldf("SELECT first, last, baseInThousands,  
              salesInThousands, 0.1 * salesInThousands commission, 
              salesInThousands * 0.1 + baseInThousands takeHome
       FROM sales
       WHERE region='africa'
   first    last baseInThousands salesInThousands commission takeHome
1    Emy Parsons              25               87        8.7     33.7
2 Monica     Oja              35               98        9.8     44.8
3    Sue   Aames              35              600       60.0     95.0
4  Laura   White              20              281       28.1     48.1
5   Hugh   Black              40              261       26.1     66.1

13.13 use aggregate functions in SELECT to create summary rows

# The dplyr summarize function is used to summarize (or aggregate) info from
# several rows into a single row. 
# In the SQL SELECT statement, this is accomplished by simply using
# aggregate functions in the select clause.
# SQL has several built in standard aggregate functions
#   count(*) - similar to n() in dplyr - we'll discuss why the * is there later
#   avg(SOME_COLUMN)
#   max(SOME_COLUMN)
#   min(SOME_COLUMN)

sqldf("select count(*), avg(baseInThousands), max(baseInThousands)
       FROM sales
       ORDER BY region ASC, salesInThousands DESC")
  count(*) avg(baseInThousands) max(baseInThousands)
1       24             32.29167                   50
# As shown above we can assign names to the new columns.
# Again, the word "AS" is optional. The following statement
# would work exactly the same way if we did not have the word "AS"

sqldf("SELECT count(*) as numberOfEmployees, 
              avg(baseInThousands) AS averagebaseInThousands, 
              max(baseInThousands) AS maxbaseInThousands
       FROM sales
       ORDER BY region ASC, salesInThousands DESC")
  numberOfEmployees averagebaseInThousands maxbaseInThousands
1                24               32.29167                 50
# This is the same query as above.
# This version does not have the word "AS".
# The results are exactly the same.

sqldf("SELECT count(*) as numberOfEmployees, 
              avg(baseInThousands) averagebaseInThousands, 
              max(baseInThousands) maxbaseInThousands
       FROM sales
       ORDER BY region ASC, salesInThousands DESC")
  numberOfEmployees averagebaseInThousands maxbaseInThousands
1                24               32.29167                 50

13.14 WHERE clause

# WHERE is directly analogous to the dplyr filter function.
# The WHERE clause identifies the rows that will be returned.
# It takes a logical expression that uses the names of the columns.
# For every row the SELECT statement analyzes the row and calculates the
# result of the logical expression for that row. If the logical expression
# for a row is TRUE you get the row back. If not you do not get the row.

sqldf("SELECT *
       FROM sales
       WHERE salesInThousands < 100")
   first    last           title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
1   Barb   Brown Sr. Salesperson   asia              35               79                4
2   Jack  Martin         Manager europe              20               40                3
3   Kate   Carey Sr. Salesperson europe              20               69                2
4    Emy Parsons     Salesperson africa              25               87                3
5 Monica     Oja     Salesperson africa              35               98               10
# This query uses aggregate functions in the SELECT but does NOT have a WHERE.
# Therefore the result is a summary of ALL rows in the table.

sqldf("SELECT count(*), min(baseInThousands), max(baseInThousands), avg(baseInThousands)
       FROM sales")
  count(*) min(baseInThousands) max(baseInThousands) avg(baseInThousands)
1       24                   20                   50             32.29167
# This is the same query but adds WHERE region='asia'.
# As a result the summary row only reflects info about the rows for 'asia'.
# Notice the there are fewer rows in the count(*) column and some of the
# other summary statistics are also different.

sqldf("SELECT count(*), min(baseInThousands), max(baseInThousands), avg(baseInThousands)
       FROM sales
       WHERE region='asia'")
  count(*) min(baseInThousands) max(baseInThousands) avg(baseInThousands)
1        6                   20                   46             31.33333

13.15 ORDER BY clause

# The ORDER BY clause is directly anaogous to dplyr's arrange function

sqldf("SELECT *
       FROM sales
       WHERE salesInThousands < 100
       ORDER By salesInThousands")
   first    last           title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
1   Jack  Martin         Manager europe              20               40                3
2   Kate   Carey Sr. Salesperson europe              20               69                2
3   Barb   Brown Sr. Salesperson   asia              35               79                4
4    Emy Parsons     Salesperson africa              25               87                3
5 Monica     Oja     Salesperson africa              35               98               10
# Just as with dplyr's arrange function the rows can be ordered
# from largest to smallest by specifying desc, i.e. a descending order
# for the values of a column.

sqldf("SELECT *
       FROM sales
       WHERE salesInThousands < 100
       ORDER BY salesInThousands DESC")
   first    last           title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
1 Monica     Oja     Salesperson africa              35               98               10
2    Emy Parsons     Salesperson africa              25               87                3
3   Barb   Brown Sr. Salesperson   asia              35               79                4
4   Kate   Carey Sr. Salesperson europe              20               69                2
5   Jack  Martin         Manager europe              20               40                3
# Just as with dplyr's arrange function you can specify that the order
# of the rows should depend on multiple columns. 
# The first column specified is used to order all of the rows.
# Subsequent columns mentioned in ORDER By are used only for rows
# in which the values for the earlier columns are the same.
# Each column could have an ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order.
# If neither asc nor desc is specified, then the default is an ascending order.

sqldf("SELECT *
       FROM sales
       ORDER BY region ASC, salesInThousands DESC")
    first       last           title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
1     Sue      Aames Sr. Salesperson africa              35              600               10
2   Laura      White         Manager africa              20              281                8
3    Hugh      Black Sr. Salesperson africa              40              261                9
4  Monica        Oja     Salesperson africa              35               98               10
5     Emy    Parsons     Salesperson africa              25               87                3
6     Amy   Markovic     Salesperson   asia              46              340                3
7  Monica   Zeitchik     Salesperson   asia              23              184                1
8     Emy   Zeitchik         Manager   asia              34              166                4
9     Sue  Sallinger     Salesperson   asia              30              150               10
10   Zeke      Smith     Salesperson   asia              20              120                3
11   Barb      Brown Sr. Salesperson   asia              35               79                4
12    Sam    Lincoln         Manager europe              30              500                2
13    Joe Washington Sr. Salesperson europe              33              370                2
14    Jim      Brown     Salesperson europe              50              167                2
15  Larry      Green Sr. Salesperson europe              20              113                4
16   Kate      Carey Sr. Salesperson europe              20               69                2
17   Jack     Martin         Manager europe              20               40                3
18   Barb      Aames     Salesperson    usa              21              255                7
19   Zeke      Cohen         Manager    usa              30              250               10
20    Sam        Lee     Salesperson    usa              40              200                6
21   Kate   Zeitchik Sr. Salesperson    usa              50              187                4
22    Jim Kuruzovich Sr. Salesperson    usa              35              140                3
23   Jack      Aames     Salesperson    usa              43              105                4
24    Joe      Smith         Manager    usa              40              100               10

13.16 GROUP BY clause

# The GROUP BY clause in SQL is directly analogous to the group_by function in dplyr.
# All of the rows that have the same value for the specified GROUP BY columns
# are aggregated (i.e. summarized) in a single line of output.
# GROUP BY should only be used if the SELECT clause includes aggregate functions. 

sqldf("SELECT title, count(*), avg(baseInThousands) avgBase, max(baseInThousands) maxBase
       FROM sales
       GROUP BY title
       ORDER BY title")
            title count(*) avgBase maxBase
1         Manager        6    29.0      40
2     Salesperson       10    33.3      50
3 Sr. Salesperson        8    33.5      50
# Grouping by a different column - region
sqldf("SELECT region, count(*), avg(baseInThousands) avgBase, max(baseInThousands) maxBase
       FROM sales
       GROUP BY region
       ORDER BY region")
  region count(*)  avgBase maxBase
1 africa        5 31.00000      40
2   asia        6 31.33333      46
3 europe        6 28.83333      50
4    usa        7 37.00000      50
# Just as with dplyr, the groups can be defined by more than one column.
# The following query treats all of the rows that match in both the
# region and title columns as a single group.
# For example, all of the original rows from the sales table
# that have a title of "Salesperson" and a region of "asia" 
# are considered to be part of the same group and are summarized 
# in a single row of the output.

sqldf("SELECT title, region, count(*), avg(baseInThousands) avgBase, max(baseInThousands) maxBase
       FROM sales
       GROUP BY title, region
       ORDER BY title, region")
             title region count(*)  avgBase maxBase
1          Manager africa        1 20.00000      20
2          Manager   asia        1 34.00000      34
3          Manager europe        2 25.00000      30
4          Manager    usa        2 35.00000      40
5      Salesperson africa        2 30.00000      35
6      Salesperson   asia        4 29.75000      46
7      Salesperson europe        1 50.00000      50
8      Salesperson    usa        3 34.66667      43
9  Sr. Salesperson africa        2 37.50000      40
10 Sr. Salesperson   asia        1 35.00000      35
11 Sr. Salesperson europe        3 24.33333      33
12 Sr. Salesperson    usa        2 42.50000      50
# A similar query without a GROUP BY returns just a single row that
# summarizes the data from all rows of the table.

sqldf("SELECT count(*), avg(baseInThousands) avgBase, max(baseInThousands) maxBase
       FROM sales")
  count(*)  avgBase maxBase
1       24 32.29167      50

13.17 LIMIT clause

# The LIMIT clause is similar to print(n=) with dplyr.
# It limits the number of rows returned to the first few
# that would have been returned had the query not included the LIMIT clause.
# The LIMIT clause is usually used with an ORDER BY clause.

sqldf("SELECT *
       FROM sales
       ORDER BY salesInThousands desc
       LIMIT 10")
   first       last           title region baseInThousands salesInThousands yearsWithCompany
1    Sue      Aames Sr. Salesperson africa              35              600               10
2    Sam    Lincoln         Manager europe              30              500                2
3    Joe Washington Sr. Salesperson europe              33              370                2
4    Amy   Markovic     Salesperson   asia              46              340                3
5  Laura      White         Manager africa              20              281                8
6   Hugh      Black Sr. Salesperson africa              40              261                9
7   Barb      Aames     Salesperson    usa              21              255                7
8   Zeke      Cohen         Manager    usa              30              250               10
9    Sam        Lee     Salesperson    usa              40              200                6
10  Kate   Zeitchik Sr. Salesperson    usa              50              187                4
# Note that the LIMIT clause is not standard SQL - some SQL flavors
# do not contain a LIMIT clause. However, the LIMIT clause or 
# something similar is part of many SQL flavors.