2  variables, integer division and remainder operators

2.1 %/% for integer division     %% for remainder (AKA modulus)

# Symbols such as +, -, *, /, ^ and (parentheses) are known as "operators"
# since they perform "operations". For example, the + performs the "addition operation"
# and "*" performs the "multiplication operation".

# R has additional operators that go beyond regular math. For example
# Some operators consist of two percent signs with possibly something in between ...

# Integer division is done using %/%. This gives the whole number result of dividing a
# number by another number. Any numbers after a decimal point are removed.
13 %/% 4  # answer: 3
[1] 3
# Remainder (also known as, AKA, "modulus") is done using just two %% signs. This is the
# "remainder" of dividing the first number by the 2nd number. For example, 15 %% 4, is 1
# since 4 goes into 15 3 times with 1 left over (3*4 is only 12, but 13 is 1 more than that)
13 %% 4   # answer: 1
[1] 1
# remember 13/4 is regular division, i.e. 3.25
[1] 3.25

2.2 ———- PRACTICE ———-

# Use the following variables while answering the questions below.
# Your answers to the questions should work even if these variables 
# would have been assigned different values (i.e. different numbers).

numberOfCandies = 27
numberOfChildren = 5

# Write R code to figure out the following ...
# If there are numberOfCandies, pieces of candy in a package and numberOfChildren
# children, what is the maximum number of
# candies we can give each child so that all the children get the same number of candies?

numberOfCandies %/% numberOfChildren  
[1] 5
# (see the information in the previous question)
# How many candies will be left over after we give out the candies to the children?

numberOfCandies %% numberOfChildren   
[1] 2

2.3 Variables and “assignment statements”

# You can use "variables" to represent values in R.
# A variable has a "variable name" and a "value". For example, suppose Joe's salary
# is 50 thousand dollars. You can represent that as follows:

joesSalary = 50000    # notice that "Salary" has a capital "S" to make it easy to read.

# The "name" of the variable (i.e. joesSalary) is on the left hand side of the = sign and 
# the "value" of the variable (i.e. 50000) is on the right hand side of the = sign.

# You may NOT include spaces in variable names!

# To see the value of joesSalaray, you can simply type the word joesSalary
[1] 50000
# The line above, "joesSalary=50000", is known as an "assignment statement. It assigns
# a value to a variable name. The left hand side of the "=" sign is a single
# variable name. The right hand side could be any "expression". For example

priceOfApple = 1.99

# Suppose a person buys 5 apples and hands the cashier a $20 bill. Write a command
# that assigns the amount of change the person gets back into the variable change.

change = 20 - priceOfApple * 5

# Show the change
[1] 10.05

2.4 rules for variable names

Variable names may NOT start with a number

oneOrange = 1.50    # good

# 1Banana = 1.25      # ERROR

price1 = 50.00    # good

Variable names may ONLY include letters, numbers, underscores “_” and periods “.”

this.is.a.good.variable.name = 100

this_is_also_a_good_variable_name = 200

# this$is$not = 300    # ERROR - bad variable name

Variable names are case sensitive.

# The following are TWO DIFFERENT VARIBLES
Lettuce = 0.99
lettuce = 3.50

# Show the values of each variable
[1] 0.99
[1] 3.5

2.5 Managing your variables:

Environment window

You can see the values of all variables in the “Environment” window in R Studio By default, the “Environment” window is in the upper right hand corner of your screen.


# To see the names of all your existing variables you can run the ls() command  ####

ls()    # you MUST include the (parentheses)
 [1] "change"                            "joesSalary"                       
 [3] "lettuce"                           "Lettuce"                          
 [5] "numberOfCandies"                   "numberOfChildren"                 
 [7] "oneOrange"                         "price1"                           
 [9] "priceOfApple"                      "this.is.a.good.variable.name"     
[11] "this_is_also_a_good_variable_name"
# Don't forget the parentheses!

Don’t forget the parentheses! ls() NOT ls

# Uf you forget to type the parentheses, you will see a bunch of stuff that is
# way beyond the scope of what we are talking about today (we'll get to that 
# later in the course)

function (name, pos = -1L, envir = as.environment(pos), all.names = FALSE, 
    pattern, sorted = TRUE) 
    if (!missing(name)) {
        pos <- tryCatch(name, error = function(e) e)
        if (inherits(pos, "error")) {
            name <- substitute(name)
            if (!is.character(name)) 
                name <- deparse(name)
            warning(gettextf("%s converted to character string", 
                sQuote(name)), domain = NA)
            pos <- name
    all.names <- .Internal(ls(envir, all.names, sorted))
    if (!missing(pattern)) {
        if ((ll <- length(grep("[", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) && 
            ll != length(grep("]", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) {
            if (pattern == "[") {
                pattern <- "\\["
                warning("replaced regular expression pattern '[' by  '\\\\['")
            else if (length(grep("[^\\\\]\\[<-", pattern))) {
                pattern <- sub("\\[<-", "\\\\\\[<-", pattern)
                warning("replaced '[<-' by '\\\\[<-' in regular expression pattern")
        grep(pattern, all.names, value = TRUE)
    else all.names
<bytecode: 0x000001bcd2e682b8>
<environment: namespace:base>


# Use the rm() command to remove a variable from R's memory
# You can include the variable name in "quotes" or not include it in quotes.
# For example:

# show all defined variables
 [1] "change"                            "joesSalary"                       
 [3] "lettuce"                           "Lettuce"                          
 [5] "numberOfCandies"                   "numberOfChildren"                 
 [7] "oneOrange"                         "price1"                           
 [9] "priceOfApple"                      "this.is.a.good.variable.name"     
[11] "this_is_also_a_good_variable_name"
# Remove the lettuce variable

# show that lettuce is no longer defined - or just look at the Environment window
 [1] "change"                            "joesSalary"                       
 [3] "Lettuce"                           "numberOfCandies"                  
 [5] "numberOfChildren"                  "oneOrange"                        
 [7] "price1"                            "priceOfApple"                     
 [9] "this.is.a.good.variable.name"      "this_is_also_a_good_variable_name"
# In quotes also works 

rm( list=ls() )

# To remove ALL of your variables, type the following command:
rm( list=ls() )

# When there are no variables at all, the ls() command will display "character(0)".  ####
# This may be confusing. We'll explain why you get this confusing result a
# little later in the course.

# There are no more variables - character(0)
ls()    # you will see "character(0)" if there are no variables.

2.6 ———- PRACTICE ———-

# The price of an apple is $1.50. Create a variable named priceOfApple that contains that value.

priceOfApple = 1.50   # ANSWER

# Given the information below, write a command that creates a variable
# named "costOfPie" that stores the amount of money it takes to create a
# single apple pie. (do not use $ signs):
#   - The price of an apple is stored in the variable priceOfApple
#   - The price of a prepared pie crust is $7.50
#   - It takes 10 apples and one pie crust to make an apple pie.

costOfPie = priceOfApple * 10 + 7.50    # ANSWER

# QUESTION    ####
# ( see the information in the previous question )
# Write a command that stores the amount of money it takes to make 3 apple pies
# in the variable named totalAmount

totalAmount = costOfPie * 3   # ANSWER

2.7 Changing the value of a variable, eg. x = x + 5

# Let's get back to Joe's salary.
joesSalary = 50000

# if Sue's salary is 70000 you can store that information in another variable
suesSalary = 70000

# You can show the total salary for the company by adding together the two salaries
joesSalary + suesSalary
[1] 120000
# notice that joesSalary didn't change
[1] 50000
# suesSalary didn't change either
[1] 70000
# to figure out the total salary you can type the same comamnd again
joesSalary + suesSalary
[1] 120000
# But typing the same commands over and over is not very efficient.
# Instead, you can create a new variable, e.g. totalSalary, that contains the result of
# adding together the two salaries.
totalSalary = joesSalary + suesSalary

# notice that when we type the above command that the "answer" isn't displayed. The command
# simply saves the result in the variable named, totalSalary. To see the result, you can
# type the variable name:
[1] 120000
# if want to give Joe a 10% raise. We can calculate the new Salary as follows:
joesSalary * 1.10
[1] 55000
# However, that still didn't actually change joesSalary
[1] 50000
# To actually change joesSalary, we can use an assignment statement as follows.
# The first step is that the value on the right hand side of the = sign is calculated using
# whatever values we already know. The 2nd step is that the variable on the left hand
# side of the = sign gets this new value.
joesSalary = joesSalary * 1.10

# Now let's see what joesSalary became
[1] 55000
# Notice that the totalSalary did NOT change.
[1] 120000
# To change the totalSalary, we would have to calculate it again.
totalSalary = joesSalary + suesSalary

# show the new totalSalary
[1] 125000

2.8 ———- PRACTICE ———-

# There are 5 children. 
# Each package of candy costs $3.50 and contains 23 pieces.
# What is the maximum number of candies could we give to each child if we only have $15.00 to spend? 
# How much money will be left over? 
# How many candies will be left over?
# - create a variable, numPackages that contains the # of packages we can buy with $15.00
# - create a variable, totalCandies, that contains the total # of candies we will have
# - calculate the number of candies for each child
# - calculate the amount of money left over
# - calculate the number of candies left over

rm(list=ls())  # lets start with a clean slate     # ANSWER
numberOfChildren = 5                               # ANSWER
priceOfPackage = 3.50                               # ANSWER
candiesInPackage = 23                               # ANSWER
moneyToSpend = 15                               # ANSWER

numPackages = moneyToSpend %/% priceOfPackage        # ANSWER

totalCandies = numPackages * candiesInPackage        # ANSWER
candiesPerChild = totalCandies %/% numberOfChildren  # ANSWER
moneyLeftOver = moneyToSpend - priceOfPackage * numPackages # ANSWER

2.9 *** BEREN (FALL 2023) - UP TO HERE - AFTER DAY 1

2.10 Other ways of assigning variables     =    <-     ->

# Other ways of assigning variables     =   <-  ->     ####
#    variable = value
#    variable <- value
#    value -> variable

# R allows an assignment statement to be written in 3 different ways. These all
# produce the exact same results.

# OPTION 1 - use an = sign
# This is what we've been doing all along up until now. Example:

numStudents = 32

# OPTION 2 - same as above but use "<-" instead of an = sign. The <- looks like
# an arrow. It consists of a less than sign followed by a minus sign. There may NOT
# be any spaces between the "<" and the "-"

numProfessors <- numStudents %/% 6

# OPTION 3 - same as above but the name of the varible goes on the right hand side
# and the "arrow" faces right ... e.g.

numProfessors - 1 -> numDeans

# show the variables values
[1] 32
[1] 5
[1] 4

2.11 *** WILF (FALL 2023) - UP TO HERE - AFTER DAY 1