29  factors

## factors
## For more info see this page:
## https://swcarpentry.github.io/r-novice-inflammation/12-supp-factors/index.html

# Some types of numbers are not intended for doing math. For example,
# suppose I asked 1000 people: 
#   Which of the following do you like best: 
#   "chicken" or "pizza" or "pasta"
#   and I get 1000 answers - that look like this:
#      "pizza" "chicken" "pizza" "pasta" "chicken" "pizza" ... etc
#   I can put that data into an R vector
#      answers = c("pizza","chicken","pizza","pasta","chicken","pizza", etc ...)
#   but there is not much that I can do with that vector other than figure out
#   how many answers I got for each type of food, e.g. 300 for "chicken",
#   500 for "pizza" and 200 for "pasta". There is no way for me to take
#   the "mean" of the answers and come up with "pizza flavored chicken"
# Similarly, if I changed the question to the following:
#    Which of the following do you like best:
#    answer 1 for "chicken" or 2 for "pizza" or 3 for "pasta"
#    and I get 1000 answers - that look like this:
#      2 1 2 3 1 2 ... etc
#    I can put that data into an R vector
#      answers = c(2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, ... etc)
#    However, even though the answers now look like numbers taking the mean of 
#    those numbers would not make any sense. (The mean would be meaningless :)
#    1, 2 and 3 are simply standing in for the values "chicken" "pizza" and "pasta".
#    Taking a mean of these numbers would make no more sense than taking  a
#    mean of c("pizza","chicken","pizza", etc ...).
# So we can see clearly that you shouldn't always do "math" with numbers.

# For some character data it is appropriate to add up how many copies of 
# the same value appear in the data. In the example above in response to
# asking 1000 people the question:
#   which do you like best "chicken" "pizza" or "pasta"
# we might put the results in a character vector, e.g.
#      answers = c("pizza","chicken","pizza","pasta","chicken","pizza", etc ...)
# It would be very appropriate to "tally these values" (ie. add up how many
# of each response there is). For example we might figure out there were
# 300 answers for "chicken", 500 for "pizza" and 200 for "pasta".
# However, suppose I have data in parallel vectors that record info about
# students in a school. The vectors might look like this:
#      studentNames = c("Mike Smith", "Anne Jones", "Larry Cohen", ... etc)
#      year         = c("sophomore",  "freshman",   "sophomore",   ... etc)
#      age          = c(18,           21,           16,            ... etc)
#      satMath      = c(400,          650,          520,           ... etc)
# A statistician working with the data to figure out school policy and
# demographics would typically not need to tally
# the student names, e.g. 1 "Mike Smith", 1 "Anne Jones", 1 "Larry Cohen", etc.
# NOTE - it might be interesting to know if there are two people with the 
# same name - HOWEVER - a "statistician working with the data to figure out
# school policy and demographics" would not need to do that. 

# *** INTRODUCING R "factors" ***
#    = DIFFERENT "classes" OF DATA IN R
# As we know R has the following "classes" of data that are intended to be used
# in the following ways:
#    "numeric" vectors - for numbers for which doing "math" is appropriate
#    "character" vectors - for data that has no inherent meaning and does 
#                          NOT need to be tallied (e.g. studentNames in example above)
# R also has another class of data:
#    "factor" vectors - used for numeric data that is NOT appropriate for math
#                       also used for character data that is not appropriate for tallying
#                       For example you could use an R "factor" to store the answers
#                       to either question about favorite food, whether the 
#                       answers are given with words, e.g. "pizza", "chicken" , etc
#                       or if the answers are given with numbers, e.g. 
#                       1 for chicken, 2 for pizza, etc.

# Different types of data in statistics
# See this for a good overview:
# https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/levels-of-measurement/#:~:text=Nominal%3A%20the%20data%20can%20only%20be%20categorized.,and%20has%20a%20natural%20zero.
#   - nominal/categorical data   
#     (ratios are OK,    > and < are not OK,    means are not OK)
#     R uses "factor", i.e. factor( ... ) - see below
#   - ordinal data               (ratios are OK,    > and < are OK,        means are not OK)   
#     R uses "ordered factor", ie. factor( ..., ordered=TRUE)
#   - interval data  (see the above webpage)
#   - ratio data     (ratios are OK,    > and < are OK,        means are OK)  
#     R uses "numeric" for both of these types of data
#            (also "integer" and "double" - these are beyond the scope of what we've discussed)

# What is a factor? 
# A "factor" is R's way of making it easy for statisticians to work with
# nominal/categorical data.
# A factor ...
#    - is a vector
#    - has a "class" attribute that is set to    "factor"
#    - has a "levels" attribute that contains a vector of level names
#          (see more below)

# character data - is used for data that is not going to be involved in statistical calculations
# Data such as peoples names are generally not used for statistical analysis.
# For example, I generally wouldn't care about what the most common name is
# in my data or what percent of the people have each name or what the ratio
# is of "joes" to "bobs" in my data. These are all questions that don't really
# make any difference to a typical statistician.
# The name of the person is simply a name that I can use to refer to the data for that person.
# Character data that you are not expecting to use for statistical analysis should
# simply remain as "character" data - NOT as a factor.
# [ If for some reason you DO care about statistical analysis of the names of the
#   people then you could make this data into a factor. ]

person   <- c("joe", "sue", "bob", "alan", "anne", "pearl")    
[1] "joe"   "sue"   "bob"   "alan"  "anne"  "pearl"
class(person)  # "character"
[1] "character"
# numeric data is data for which you expect to perform mathematical operations
# such as:   +  -   *   /  ^   sqrt, max, min, sum, mean, etc.
# This type of data should NOT be made into a factor.
# For example test grades that will be analyzed numerically - eg. mean, max, etc
# should NOT be a factor.

test1 <-    c(70,80,90,100,95,85)  
[1]  70  80  90 100  95  85
class(test1)  # "numeric"
[1] "numeric"
# For nominal/categorical data  use a factor in R.
# For example, let's say you would want to perform statistical analysis
# on people's favorite colors. For example you might be curious to know
# how many people have "blue" as their favorite color, what is the most common
# favorite color or what percent of the people have each favorite color
# then favorite color should be a factor.

favcolor <- factor(c("red", "blue", "red", "red", "blue", "yellow"))   
[1] red    blue   red    red    blue   yellow
Levels: blue red yellow
class(favcolor)  # "factor"
[1] "factor"
# The "levels" of a factor are the different values that the data can have.
# For the favcolors data shown above, the valid values are "red", "blue" and
# "yellow". These are the levels of the factor.

levels(favcolor) # "blue" "red" "yellow"   (in alphabetical order)
[1] "blue"   "red"    "yellow"
# plot( x )     # works differently for different classes of x
# summary( x )  # works differently for different classes of x
# Some R functions will work differently with factor data than with
# other types of data.
# Examples: summary, plot

summary(favcolor)    # for factors shows the number of each "level" in the data (see output)
  blue    red yellow 
     2      3      1 
summary(test1)       # for numeric shows a numeric summary (see output)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  70.00   81.25   87.50   86.67   93.75  100.00 
summary(person)      # for character not much useful data (see output)
   Length     Class      Mode 
        6 character character 
plot(favcolor)    # a bar chart of the numbers of number of values for each color

plot(test1)       # a "dot plot" of the values of each individual test grade

plot(person)      # ERROR - you cannot plot character data
Warning in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log): NAs introduced by coercion
Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Error in plot.window(...): need finite 'ylim' values

# WARNING - if you try calling plot from RStudio and the window that displays
# the plot is too small to display the plot you may get an error similar to
# the following:
#   > plot(person)
#   Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
# To fix this, simply make the window for the plot larger and run the command again.

# An "ordered factor" is R's way of working with ordinal data.
# An ordered factor ...
#    - ... is a vector
#    - ... has a "class" attribute that is set to    "ordered" factor"
#    - ... has a "levels" attribute that contains a vector of level names
#          (see more below)

# ordinal data  (use an "ordered factor" in R)
# nominal/categorical data that also have an implied "order" to the data
# is known as "ordinal" data and should be stored as an "ordered factor"
# For example, students in college are categorized as freshmen, sophomores,
# juniors and seniors. However, there is also an implied order, in that
# the category depends on the number of credits taken (or the number of year
# in college). Freshmen have the fewest credits (or years in college) 
# while seniors have the most credits (or years in school). This implies
# the order  freshman, sophomore, junior, senior.
# Notice that I included a "levels" argument in the call to the factor function
# to list the exact levels. The values in the levels argument should be
# arranged in the correct order.

year <-     factor(c("fr", "so", "fr", "so", "fr", "se"),
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr < so < ju < se
class(year)  # "ordered" "factor"
[1] "ordered" "factor" 
levels(year) # "fr" "so" "ju" "se"
[1] "fr" "so" "ju" "se"
plot(year)   # all 4 levels - including ju are plotted

# WHAT IF YOU DID NOT SPECIFY levels= ... AND ordered = TRUE

year <-     factor(c("fr", "so", "fr", "so", "fr", "se"),
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr < se < so
class(year)  # "ordered" "factor"
[1] "ordered" "factor" 
levels(year) # "fr" "se" "so"   - "ju" isn't there - the order is alphabetical
[1] "fr" "se" "so"
plot(year)   # no column for ju and columns are in alphabetical order

# WHAT IF YOU DID NOT SPECIFY levels= ... AND ordered = FALSE 

year <-     factor(c("fr", "so", "fr", "so", "fr", "se"),
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr se so
class(year)  # "factor"
[1] "factor"
levels(year) # "fr" "se" "so"   - "ju" isn't there - the order is alphabetical
[1] "fr" "se" "so"
plot(year)   # no column for ju and columns are in alphabetical order

# Sometimes data that looks like numbers should in fact be treated as 
# factor data. For example, if you ask a survey question whose answers
# are recorded as a number but in fact these numbers actually 
# represent nominal/categorical data the numbers should in fact be stored as 
# a factor in R and not as numeric data.

# EXAMPLE: The following data contains the answer to the survey question:
#          What is your favorite color? 
#          1=red  2=blue  3=green  4=other
# Since the actual data "red", "blue", "green", "other" is
# nominal/categorical data and NOT numeric the numbers 1,2,3,4 that are used
# to record the answers should obviously NOT be used to perform
# arithmetic (+-*/^,mean,sum,etc). Therefore these numbers
# would be recorded as a factor and not a numeric vector.
# Note that with the data stored as a factor you can still count
# the number of people who answered each choice or find
# the percent of people who answered each choice.

survey <- factor(c( 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), levels = 1:4)
[1] 4 1 1 2 2 2
Levels: 1 2 3 4
class(survey)  # "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] "1" "2" "3" "4"
1 2 3 4 
2 3 0 1 
# Another Example: "ordered factor" data
# Survey question:
#         How may years of schooling do you have?
#         1=some high school, 2=hs graduate, 3=some college, 4=college grad ,5=advanced degree
# Here, as in the previous example, the numbers 1,2,3,4 that represent the 
# answers "some high school", "hs graduate", etc. should not be used in arithmetic 
# calculations. 
# However, in this example there is an implied order to the choices. 
#    People who answered "some high school" have had fewer years of school than
#    people who answered "hs graduate" who have  had fewer years of school than
#    people who answered "some college", etc.
# Therefore the data should be stored in an "ordered factor" by specifying
# ordered=TRUE in the call to the factor function.

education <- factor(c( 2, 4, 4, 1, 5, 4), 
[1] 2 4 4 1 5 4
Levels: 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5
class(education)  # "ordered" "factor"
[1] "ordered" "factor" 
[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"
1 2 3 4 5 
1 1 0 3 1 

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# Review of the Basic and complex "data structures" in R
# R has numerous "data structures". The following are the "basic"
# data structures that we learned about:
#    - numeric, logical and character vectors  
#      Note: there are other types of vectors that we did not cover, i.e.
#            integer, double, complex and raw.
#    - lists
#    NOTE: Usually, the R documentation uses the terms "vector" and "list" as we
#    have been using them. However, in some places, the R documentation uses the terms
#    "atomic vector"    to refer to what we've been calling simply a "vector" and
#    "recursive vector" to refer to what we've been calling a "list".
# The following are more complex data structures that are built on 
# top of R's "basic" data structures.
#    - matrices  (A matrix is a vector that has a "dim" attribute
#                 The value of the "dim" attribute is a numeric vector
#                 that contains the number of rows and cols of the matrix)
#    - factors   (A factor is a numeric vector that contains a 
#                 "class" attribute, set to "factor" and a 
#                 "levels" attribute set to a character vector with the names of the levels)
#    - dataframes (We didn't cover this yet.
#                 A dataframe is a list of vectors, all of the same length.
#                 The list has the following attributes:
#                   name of attribute  value of attribute
#                   -----------------  ------------------
#                   class              "data.frame"
#                   names              character vector with the names of 
#                                      the columns of the dataframe
#                   row.names          character vector with the names of 
#                                      rows of the dataframe.
#   - R contains many other more complex arrangements of data
#     (ie. data structures) that are constructed from
#     vectors, lists and attributes.

df = data.frame( student = c("joe", "sue", "anne"),
                 test1 = c(70,80,90),
                 tes2 = c(75,85,95))

  student test1 tes2
1     joe    70   75
2     sue    80   85
3    anne    90   95
# Review of mode vs class  (we covered this in the last file on matrices)
# mode returns the name of the underlying basic type of a data structure.
#    mode(SOME_NUMERIC_VECTOR)   # "numeric"
#    mode(SOME_CHARACTER_VECTOR) # "character"
#    mode(SOME_LOGICAL_VECTOR)   # "logical"
#    mode(SOME_LIST)             # "list"
#    mode(SOME_MATRIX)    # "numeric" or "character" or "logical"
#    mode(SOME_FACTOR)    # "numeric"
#    mode(SOME_DATAFRAME) # "list"
# For a complex data structure (e.g. matrix, factor, dataframe)
# class returns the name of the more complex structure. 
# For the basic data structures (i.e. vectors and lists) the class function 
# returns the same value as the mode function
#    class(SOME_NUMERIC_VECTOR)   # "numeric"
#    class(SOME_CHARACTER_VECTOR) # "character"
#    class(SOME_LOGICAL_VECTOR)   # "logical"
#    class(SOME_LIST)             # "list"
#    class(SOME_MATRIX)    # "matrix" "array"
#    class(SOME_FACTOR)    # "factor" or "ordered" "factor"
#    class(SOME_DATAFRAME) # "data.frame"
# If you attach a "class" attribute to any data, R will return the 
# value of the "class" attribute as the result of the class function.

# some examples

# matrix
mat = matrix(c(10,20,30,40,50,60), nrow=2, ncol=3)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   10   30   50
[2,]   20   40   60
mode(mat)    # "numeric"
[1] "numeric"
class(mat)   # "matrix"
[1] "matrix" "array" 
# factor
favcolor <- factor(c("red", "blue", "red", "red", "blue", "yellow"))   
[1] red    blue   red    red    blue   yellow
Levels: blue red yellow
mode(favcolor)   # "numeric"  (see below for why this is numeric)
[1] "numeric"
class(favcolor)  # "factor"
[1] "factor"
# ordered factor
year = factor(c("fr", "so", "fr", "so", "fr", "se"),
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr < so < ju < se
mode(year)   # "numeric"             (see below for why this is numeric)
[1] "numeric"
class(year)  # "ordered" "factor"
[1] "ordered" "factor" 
# data.frame
df = data.frame(students=c("joe","sam","sue"),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  students test1 test2 honors
1      joe    70    75  FALSE
2      sam    80    85  FALSE
3      sue    90    95   TRUE
mode(df)  # "list"
[1] "list"
class(df) # "data.frame"
[1] "data.frame"
# Levels of a factor
#   - stored as a "levels" attribute  
#   - attr(SOME_FACTOR, "levels")
#   - levels(SOME_FACTOR)   # shorthand for attr(SOME_FACTOR, "levels")
#   - by default levels are stored in sorted order
#     (alphabetic order, or numeric order depending on data)

# The "levels" of a factor are stored in the "levels" attribute as a "character" vector

[1] red    blue   red    red    blue   yellow
Levels: blue red yellow
levels(favcolor)  # "blue" "red" "yellow" - in alphabetical order
[1] "blue"   "red"    "yellow"
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr < so < ju < se
levels(year)  # "fr" "se" "so" -  notice "ju" (i.e. junior) is missing, it wasn't in the data
[1] "fr" "so" "ju" "se"
summary(year) # "ju" is missing - order of levels is alphabetical
fr so ju se 
 3  2  0  1 
plot(year)    # "ju" is missing - order of levels is alphabetical

[1] 2 4 4 1 5 4
Levels: 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5
levels(education)  # in numeric order, notice 3 is missing 
[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"
summary(education) # "3" is missing
1 2 3 4 5 
1 1 0 3 1 
plot(education)    # "3" is missing

x = factor(c(100,2))   # numeric data
levels (x)             # "2" "100" - in numeric order, even though levels is a character vector
[1] "2"   "100"
# Setting the levels explicitly
#    If your data is missing some values or
#    if you want the levels to be in a specific order you can explicitly specify a 
#    vector for the levels when you create the factor.
#       factor ( ... levels = SOME_VECTOR ...)

# remember that for year, there were no juniors so "ju" didn't appear
# in either the summary or in the plot.
# Also the years are not in the correct order 
# notice that "se" (i.e. senior) is before "so" (i.e. sophomore)
# the order should be "fr" "so" "ju" "se"
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr < so < ju < se
fr so ju se 
 3  2  0  1 

# Recreate the year variable to ensure that ALL "levels" are included
# and that order of levels is as desired.
year <-     factor(c("fr", "so", "fr", "so", "fr", "se"),
                   levels=c("fr","so","ju","se"))              # ordinal data (use a factor in R)

plot(year)   # now data is in order and ju shows a zero total
summary(year)   # now data is in order and ju shows a zero total
fr so ju se 
 3  2  0  1 
education <- factor(c( 2, 4, 4, 1, 5, 4), 
                    levels=c(1,2,3,4,5))         # nominal data (use a factor in R)

# similar approach for education
1 2 3 4 5 
1 1 0 3 1 
# A factor ...
#  1. ... is a "numeric" vector (yes "numeric" not "character" - keep reading)
#  2. ... has a "class" attribute with a value of "factor"
#  3. ... has a "levels" attribute that is a character vector with the names
#         of the levels with a value of "factor"
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr so ju se
[1] "fr" "so" "ju" "se"

[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] 2 4 4 1 5 4
Levels: 1 2 3 4 5
[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
# Turn year into a character vector
charYear <- as.character(year)
[1] "fr" "so" "fr" "so" "fr" "se"
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr so ju se
[1] TRUE
# Turn a character vector into a factor with the factor function
[1] "fr" "so" "fr" "so" "fr" "se"
facYear <- factor(charYear, levels=c("fr","so","ju","se"), ordered=TRUE)
[1] fr so fr so fr se
Levels: fr < so < ju < se
# A factor is actually a "numeric" vector!!!  (yes, numeric, not character)
# R stores the data for a factor in a numeric vector as it is often more 
# efficient for the computer to process numbers than it is to process
# character data.
# See below for details ...

rm(list = ls())   # start over 

# when R creates a factor it does the following:
#  It uses the numbers 1,2,3, etc.
#  to represent the first,second,third, etc levels
#  R stores this data in a numeric vector and stores the names
#  of the levels in the levels attributes
#  R creates a class attribute with the value of "factor"

colors <- factor(c("violet", "red", "green", "red", "green", "violet", "red", "red"))
[1] violet red    green  red    green  violet red    red   
Levels: green red violet
is.factor(colors)  # TRUE
[1] TRUE
is.character(colors) # FALSE
is.numeric(colors)   # FALSE
attributes(colors)  # all of the attributes -i.e. class and levels
[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"

[1] "factor"
# To see the actual data you can remove the class attribute
attr(colors, "class") = NULL  # this also works: class(colors) = NULL    

attributes(colors)   # class is gone
[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"
# Since we removed the class attribute, 
# colors is no longer a factor - it is just a "numeric" vector (yes, "numeric" - keep reading)
# that has some attributes.
[1] 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 2
[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"
is.factor(colors)  # FALSE
is.character(colors) # FALSE
is.numeric(colors)   # TRUE
[1] TRUE
# unclass( SOME_OBJECT )
#   - returns SOME_OBJECT but without the class attribute
rm(list = ls())   # start over 

# create a factor
colors <- factor(c("violet", "red", "green", "red", "green", "violet", "red", "red"))
[1] violet red    green  red    green  violet red    red   
Levels: green red violet
# unclass(colors) returns colors without the class attribute
[1] 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 2
[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"
# the original variable didn't change
[1] violet red    green  red    green  violet red    red   
Levels: green red violet
# REMEMBER - if you want to change the original variable, you must assign to it!
colors = unclass(colors)

[1] 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 2
[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"
is.factor(colors)  # FALSE
is.numeric(colors) # TRUE
[1] TRUE
# WARNING: as.numeric will convert a factor into the underlying numeric
#          values of the levels
#          Data whose value is equal to the 1st "level" is recorded as 1
#          Data whose value is equal to the 2nd "level" is recorded as 2
#          etc.
#          (see example below)

rm(list = ls())   # start over 

colors <- factor(c("violet", "red", "green", "red", "green", "violet", "red", "red"))
[1] violet red    green  red    green  violet red    red   
Levels: green red violet
[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"

[1] "factor"
as.numeric(colors)   # 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 2   (just the numeric values - 1st level is 1, 2nd level is 2, etc)
[1] 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 2
# REMOVE THE class attribute - the data will no longer be a factor
# You will see the underlying numeric values of the data.

attr(colors, "class") <- NULL   # remove the class attribute

[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"
colors # display the underlying data without the special treatment of being a factor
[1] 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 2
[1] "green"  "red"    "violet"
# as.numeric will not work as you expect in this example:

areaCodes = factor(c(718, 212, 212, 718, 516))
[1] 718 212 212 718 516
Levels: 212 516 718
as.numeric(areaCodes) # 3 1 1 3 2   ... not what you'd expect
[1] 3 1 1 3 2
as.character(areaCodes) # "718" "212" "212" "718" "516"
[1] "718" "212" "212" "718" "516"
# You can solve the probalem in the following way:

as.numeric(as.character(areaCodes)) # 718 212 212 718 516
[1] 718 212 212 718 516