Appendix C — matching braces, indentation

# Using RStudio to find matching (parentheses), [square brackets] and {curly braces} ####
# Place your cursor immediately after an "opening" (, [ or [ and 
# RStudio will highlight the matching "closing" ), ] or } by shading it grey.
# Similarly if you put your cursor immeately after a "closing symbol", RStudio
# will highlight the corresponding "opening" symbol.
# If you try this and you don't see the matching symbol, chances are you're
# missing either an "opening" or a "closing" symbol. 

# Indentation  ####
# You can make it a lot easier for yourself (and others) to understand your
# code and to find missing (or extra) {curly braces} by using "indentation"
# consistently and carefully.
# EVERY TIME you type an open curly brace
# (whether for an "if", an "if else", an "else", a "while loop" or a "for loop"), 
# you should increase the level of indentation for the code inside the 
# {curly braces}.