4  Using some built-in functions

4.1 rm(list=ls())

## - functions: sqrt abs max min ceiling floor sum mean
##              trunc round
## - vector arithmetic and recycling rule
## - combining vectors with c function
## - functions:  c  length  sum   rep  seq  range
## - colon operator (e.g.   3:5   5:-3)

# We will start most days by removing all variables that we may have stored
# from the last time we used R. This prevents confusion in case you may have
# a variable from last time.

rm( list=ls() )    # see notes from last class for an explanation

4.2 sqrt()    abs()    NaN    nesting function calls

## Intro to functions
## Intro to R vectors

# sqrt function - eg. sqrt(49)                ####
# abs function  - eg. abs(-49)                ####
# NaN is "not a number" - eg. sqrt(-49)       ####
# nesting function calls - eg. sqrt(abs(-49)) ####

# To take the square-root of a number in R, use the sqrt function
# For example:

sqrt(25)    # get the square root of 25
[1] 5
sqrt(10)    # get the square root of 10
[1] 3.162278
sqrt(-5)    # square roots of negative numbers return NaN (i.e. "not a number")
Warning in sqrt(-5): NaNs produced
[1] NaN
# sqrt is an example of a "function". 
# A function takes some information as input (e.g. 25)
# and returns a value as output, (e.g. 5)

?sqrt       # show the help page for sqrt     ####
starting httpd help server ... done
# Some R help pages show information for mulitple functions. 
# The help page for sqrt also show information about function, abs.
# abs gives you the absolute value of a number (i.e. the positive version of the number)
abs(2)      # 2
[1] 2
abs(-2)     # 2 
[1] 2
# We can "nest" one function call inside another function call. 
# When we do so the value that is "returned" by the "inner" function call
# is then "passed" to the "outer" function call.
sqrt(-49)   # NaN
Warning in sqrt(-49): NaNs produced
[1] NaN
sqrt(abs(-49))   # 7
[1] 7

4.4 function call

# A particular use of a function is known as a "function call"    ####

sqrt(100) # this is a function call of the sqrt function
[1] 10
sqrt(64)  # this is a different function call of the sqrt function
[1] 8

4.5 return value

# The output of a function is known as the "return value" of the function.   ####

sqrt(64)  # The "return value" of this "function call" is 8
[1] 8

4.6 max() min() ceiling() floor() sum()

# Some functions can take more than one argument.
# However, all functions return exactly one item.
# (we will describe an exception to this later).
# max and min functions return the maximum and minimum value of all of their arguments. ####
# For example:

max(4,10,2,5)   # four arguments, 4,10,2,5 - one return value, i.e. 10
[1] 10
min(4,10,2,5)   # four arguments, 4,10,2,5 - one return value, i.e. 2
[1] 2
# another example
joesSalary <- 50
suesSalary <- 70
bobsSalary <- 60

# three arguments - joesSalary, suesSalary, bobsSalary
# one return value, i.e. 70

max(joesSalary, suesSalary, bobsSalary)   
[1] 70

4.7 arguments (AKA parameters)

# The input values to a function are known as the argument(s) or the parameter(s) of 
# a function. (Some people/books may draw a distinction between the word argument
# and the word parameter but for our purposes they mean the same thing.)

# In the following code:
# 36 is an argument (or parameter), i.e. 36 is "passed" to the sqrt function.
# the return value is 6 
[1] 6

4.8 “passing values” to a function

# Specifying a value as an argument to a function is known as "passing" that value to the function. ####

sqrt(36)   # 36 is being "passed" to the sqrt function.
[1] 6
# The arguments to a function may be expressions, not just  single value. ####

2 * max ( pi ^ 2 , pi * 2)     # 1st argument: pi^2 , 2nd argument: pi*2
[1] 19.73921
# Other functions

ceiling(3.2)   # ceiling rounds up to next higher number    ####
[1] 4
ceiling(-3.2)  # ... be careful with negatives    
[1] -3
floor (3.2)    # floor rounds down to nearest whole number   ####
[1] 3
floor(-3.2)    # ... be careful with negatives
[1] -4
## sum() and R help pages 

sum(2,10,4)    # sum returns the sum of its arguments      ####
[1] 16
# we will speak about averages, or the "mean function" later ...

4.9 R’s “help” system    ?someFunction    ??anyWord

# R's "help" system    ####

# To get more information about a particular function, you 
# use the "help" function. You must put the name of the R function you 
# want help with in "quotes". The "help page" or "manual page" for 
# that function (or group of functions) will appear in the "help" 
# window.

help("sum") # show the R documentation page for the sum function.

help(sum)   # same thing - you don't need the quotes

?sum        # same thing - ? is shorthand for the help function

?help       # you can even get help on the help function
??max       # The double question mark ?? searches for a particular word in any help page.  ####

# Some help pages describe several different R functions in single page

?ceiling   # this describes ceiling, floor and several other functions all in one help page

?floor     # this shows the same thing

# NOTE: 
# In posit.cloud you press F1 when the cursor is on the name of a function ####
# (this only works in the "script" window)

4.10 pi

# pi is a built-in variable that contains the first few digits of the value of pi

pi       # value of pi
[1] 3.141593
pi * 2   # pi times 2
[1] 6.283185
pi ^ 2   # pi quared
[1] 9.869604

4.11 trunc()

# trunc function  ####
# trunc stands for "truncate" which means to "shorten" or to "chop off"
# The trunc function "chops off" the values after the deicmal point.

trunc(3.2)    # chops off the decimal points
[1] 3
trunc(-3.2)   # compare this with "floor and ceiling" ... how are they different? 
[1] -3

4.12 round() function

# round function   ####
# first arugment - value to round
# second argument - which position to round

# round a value to a particular number of decimal places
round(1.129, 2) # 1.13
[1] 1.13
round(1.129, 1) # 1.1
[1] 1.1
pi              # display the value of pi    ####
[1] 3.141593
round(pi, 2)    # round a value to a particular number of dcimal places
[1] 3.14
round(pi, 3)    # round a value to a particular number of dcimal places
[1] 3.142
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# if 2nd argument is 0, the number is rounded to the closest whole number
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

round(pi, 0)    # round pi to the closest whole number
[1] 3
# You can also supply a negative value for digits
round(1939, -1)  # negative values are allowed, e.g. round to closest multiple of 10
[1] 1940
round(1939, -2)  # round to closest multiple of 100
[1] 1900
round(1939.1598, 2)   # 1939.16
[1] 1939.16
round(1939.1598, -2)   # 1900
[1] 1900
# Default value for the digits argument of the round function

# Some arguments for some functions have a "default value". 
# The default value is used when the argument does not appear in the function call. 
# For example, 0 is the "default value" for the digits argument of the round function.
# This is described in the Usage section on the help page for the round function (?round)
# The usage section includes the following information:
#     USAGE: 
#        round(x, digits = 0)
# "digits = 0"   means that the defualt value of the
# digits argument (i.e. the 2nd argument) is 0 (zero).

round(pi)       # answer is 3 because 0 is the default number of digits
[1] 3
round(1.234)    # answer is 1 because 0 is the default number of digits
[1] 1
?round          # view the help page for the round function

4.13 Default values for arguments

# The arguments for each function have "names"
# Some arguments have "default values". The default value for an argument is 
# used when the function call does NOT specify a value for that argument.
# (see examples below).

# Every argument for every function in R has a "name".
# SOME arguments for SOME functions have a "default value".
# All of this information is shown in the "Usage" section on the help page 
# for the function.
#   Look at the help page for the round function (i.e. ?round).
#   The "Usage" section includes the following information:
#     USAGE: 
#        round(x, digits = 0)
#   This means 
#    - The name of the 1st argument is "x"
#    - The name of the 2nd argument is "digits".
#      The default value for the "digits" function is 0.
#      This is shown in the documentation as "digits = 0".
#    - Note that the first argument, x, does NOT have a default value.

?round     # arguments are "x" and "digits", the default value for digits is 0

4.14 specifying arguments in function calls

# You may specify the names of the arguments when calling a function,
# but you don't have to (see examples below).
# Specifying the names of the arguments allows you to:
#   (a) type the arguments out of order (see below) and/or
#   (b) skip some arguments  (examples of this to be shown later ...)

# The following function call will round 12345 to the
# nearest hundred (i.e. the 2nd argument is -2) to result in 12300.
# The arguments must be specified in same order as specified on the help page
# (see ?round). i.e. first the number to be rounded (12345 in this case)
# and then the position to round it to (-2 in this case).

round( 12345, -2)   # round 12345 to the nearest hundred
[1] 12300
# You don't have to but you may specify the names of the arguments if you like.

round ( x=12345, digits=-2 )
[1] 12300
# If you specify the names of the arguments (see below), then you 
# may write the arguments out of order.
# Otherwise, the arguments must be typed in the same order as they appear
# in the "Usage" section on the help page.
# In the following command the arguments are not in the order as specified
# on the help page. However, that is OK since we specified the names of the
# arguments.

round( digits = -2, x=12345)   # specify arguments out of order, same result as above
[1] 12300
# You may omit the names of the first few arguments in a function call.
# If you do so then the first few arguments, without names in the function call,
# are assumed to be the first few arguments as specified on the help page. 
# For example, in the following command the first argument, 12345,
# does not include a name. Since this is the first argument in the function
# call, it is assumed to be the "x" argument (which is the first argument
# specified in the help page (?round)).

round (12345, digits = -2) # you can specify names for some args but not others
[1] 12300
# If you want to, you MAY always specify the names of the arguments
# However, it is not necessary to type the names of the arguments as long as
# you type the arguments in the expected order (as defined in the help pages).
# Many R programmers choose to leave out names for the first argument or
# two and then specify names for the subsequent arguments,
# e.g. seq(2, 10, by=2) (this returns 2 4 6 8 10 - see ?seq). 
# The reason for this is that the first argument or two
# of most functions are obvious as to their meaning. After that, it becomes
# less clear as to what the additional arguments mean. By specifying the names
# of these additional arguments it becomes easier to read the code.

4.15 — 2023 BEREN - UP TO HERE - AFTER DAY 2

4.16 What’s a vector?    The is.vector() function.


# A "vector" is a collection of values that can be processed as a group. ####

# The is.vector function returns TRUE if its argument is a vector ####
# and FALSE otherwise.

# The simplest vector is just a single value ... ####
# (it is technically a collection of just one value).


is.vector ( 3 )
[1] TRUE
is.vector( 99923141.32412431 )
[1] TRUE
# A variable that contains a vector is a vector   ####

priceOfApple = 1.99
is.vector(priceOfApple)   # TRUE
[1] TRUE
# The c() function is used to combine multiple values into a single vector. ####
# You can think of the "c" as standing for the word "combine".
# "c" actually stands for the word "concatenate" which 
# is a technical fancy shmancy word for "combine things together".

# The following is a vector with mutliple values. 
# The c function combines (i.e. "concatenates") the multiple values into a 
# single "vector"
c(100,200,300, 50, -2, 25)
[1] 100 200 300  50  -2  25
is.vector(c(100,200,300, 50, -2, 25))    # this works
[1] TRUE
is.vector(100,200,300, 50, -2, 25) # ERROR: use c() to tie together different values
Error in is.vector(100, 200, 300, 50, -2, 25): unused arguments (300, 50, -2, 25)
someNumbers = c(100,200,300, 50, -2, 25) # combine (or concatenate) values into one vector
[1] 100 200 300  50  -2  25
is.vector(someNumbers)   # TRUE
[1] TRUE

4.17 range() function

# Other functions can also create vectors.

# The range function returns a vector
# The range function returns the minimum and maximum values that are in a vector ####

[1]  -2 300
[1] TRUE
# You can also capture the result in  a variable
lowestAndHighest = range(someNumbers)
lowestAndHighest   # -2  300
[1]  -2 300
is.vector(lowestAndHighest)   # TRUE
[1] TRUE

4.18 seq() function

# The seq function returns a vector. In its simplest use, 
# seq returns the sequence starting with the 1st argument, ending with the 2nd argument ####
# NOTE - we will come back to the seq function to learn about 
#        much more complex ways of using it.

# Example 1
seq(5,10)                  # 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1]  5  6  7  8  9 10
is.vector( seq(5, 10) )    # TRUE
[1] TRUE
# Example 2
seq(10,5)                  # 10 9 8 7 6 5
[1] 10  9  8  7  6  5
is.vector( seq(10,5) )     # TRUE
[1] TRUE
# Example 3
seq(0.5, 2.5)              # 0.5   1.5   2.5
[1] 0.5 1.5 2.5
is.vector( seq(0.5, 2.5) ) # TRUE
[1] TRUE
# We can also capture the results in variables
example1 = seq(5,10)
example1               # 5  6  7  8  9  10
[1]  5  6  7  8  9 10
is.vector(example1)    # TRUE
[1] TRUE
example2 = seq(10,5)   
example2               # 10  9  8  7  6  5 
[1] 10  9  8  7  6  5
is.vector(example2)    # TRUE
[1] TRUE
example3 = seq(.5, 2.5)  
example3               # 0.5  1.5  2.5
[1] 0.5 1.5 2.5
is.vector(example3)    # TRUE
[1] TRUE
seq(0.5, 3)
[1] 0.5 1.5 2.5

4.19 rep() function

# The rep function returns a vector   ####
# In its simplest use, the rep function returns a vector of it's first
# argument repeated the number of times specified by its 2nd argument.
# NOTE - we will come back to the rep function to learn about 
#        more complex ways of using it.

rep(100,3)        # 100  100  100
[1] 100 100 100
rep(  seq(1,3)  ,   2)  # 1  2  3  1  2  3
[1] 1 2 3 1 2 3
# Create a vector that has the numbers 1 3 1 3 1 3 etc. for a total
# of 20 numbers. Store the resulting vector into a variable named nums.

nums = rep( c(1,3) , 10)   # ANSWER

4.20 Use c() to combine vectors


100,200,300    # ERROR - individual values separated by commas are meaningless to R  ####

# REMEMBER - if no other function call is being used, you can use the
#            c function to combine individual values

c(100,200,300)    # 100  200 300 (no error)

# More about the c function  ####

# If you "nest" calls to "c", ie. if you combine one vector inside of another
# vector by using the c function, the result is a single vector

c(100, 200, c(30, 20, 10), 600)   # same as c(100,200,300,400,500,600)

c(100, 200, 30, 20, 10, 600) # same thing

# You can use the c function to combine multiple vectors into a single vector.

x <- c(10,20,30)
y <- c(40, 50)
z <- c(x, y)      # combine the values from x and y into z

z <- x, y         # ERROR - use the c function to combine vectors into a single vector

# Find the sum of all the values that are in x and y, without using z

sum(c(x,y))   # This works
sum(x,y)      # This works too - sum will allow mulitple vectors to be summed

# QUESTION  ####
# Find the average (i.e. mean) of all the values that are in x and y,
# without using z

mean(c(x,y))      #This works
mean(x,y)         # ERROR

# Why did we get an error in the last example?

# From the documentation for sum and mean (i.e. ?sum and ?mean) we can 
# see that the sum function allows multiple vectors that contain the numbers to be
# to be passed as separate arguments. However, the mean function requires
# all of the numbers to be averaged to be in a single vector that is passed 
# to the argument named x. It's true that one might expect these functions
# to be more similar in how they are called. However, the designers of the 
# language decided otherwise. The underlying reasons for the difference in
# the design of these functions is irrelevant - bottom line is you
# need to know how to call the functions. The place to learn this is 
# in the documentation for the functions (i.e. ?sum and ?mean)
# Look at the documentation for sum and for mean (i.e. ?sum and ?mean).
# The "Usage" section shows the names of the arguments and their default values.
# The "Arguments" section explains what each argument is expected to contain.
# The "Value" section explains how the return value for the function is calculated.
# It takes some time and practice to be proficient at reading R's help pages.
# However, understanding how to read and interpret R's help pages
# is a critical skill that allows you to become familiar with R's built in
# functions.
# An "ellipsis" (i.e. three periods, ... ) in the help pages
# stands for the ability to type several values in place of the 
# ellipsis. For example, the ... in the help page for sum, indicates
# the ability to type several different values to be summed. This is
# described in the ARGUMENTS section where it explains that ... stands
# for "numeric or complex or logical vectors".


# USAGE: sum(..., na.rm = FALSE)
# ...      numeric or complex or logical vectors
# na.rm    (see the help page)

# However, for the mean function, there is a single argument named x that 
# is expected to contain the values to be averaged. The ellipsis shown 
# in the help page for mean is used for a more subtle reason. It shows where
# additional arguments, not listed on this help page, might be specified 
# (this is an advanced concept that we'll return to later). 


# USAGE: mean(x, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
# x        An R object. (i.e. a vector - these are the numbers)
# trim     (see help page)
# na.rm    (see help page)
# ...        further arguments passed to or from other methods.

# You can use the c function to combine values from different functions.
# Make sure that you match parentheses correctly.

c(   rep(100,3)  ,   seq(-5,-7)  )   # 100 100 100 -5 -6 -7

# DON'T FORGET THE c( ... )
#rep(100,3), seq(-5,-7)      # ERROR

range(   rep(100,3)   , seq(990,1005)  ,  seq(-5,-7)   )   #

range(   c( rep(100,3)   , seq(990,1005)  ,  seq(-5,-7) )   )
Error: <text>:5:4: unexpected ','
5: 100,


4.22 — Practice —

# Write R code that takes the average of the first
# 200 even numbers.

mean(seq(from=2, to=400, by=2))
[1] 201

4.23 non-vectors (later in the course).

# Things that aren't vectors (e.g. dataframes, factors, matrices, etc)  ####

# A vector is the simplest arrangement of values in R.

# R allows for more complex arrangements of data, which we will learn about
# later in the course, such as factors, matrices, dataframes, etc.

# These more complex arrangements of data are created from vectors but are 
# technically not vectors themselves. One example of such an arrangement 
# of data is a data.frame.
# We will cover dataframes later in the course.
# For now, I just want to demonstrate that R has structures that are NOT vectors.

# A dataframe is made up of vectors, but it itself is NOT a vector.
example = data.frame(students = c("joe", "sue", "bob"), 
                      test1 = c(71,85,90),
                      test2 = c(83, 92, 95), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  students test1 test2
1      joe    71    83
2      sue    85    92
3      bob    90    95
is.vector(example)      # FALSE
is.data.frame(example)  # TRUE
[1] TRUE

4.24 Vector arithmetic

# Vector arithmetic   ####

# When you perform arithmetic with a vector each item in the vector is operated upon

c(100,200,300) + 5    # return a vector that contains c(105, 205, 305)
[1] 105 205 305
# vector arithmetic also respects the order of operations
# In the following example the multiplication is done before the addition
# to yield the value c(205, 405, 605)

5 + c(100, 200, 300) * 2   # do the multiplication first
[1] 205 405 605
# This works as follows
# original:               5 + c(100, 200, 300) * 2
# do the *:               5 + c(200, 400, 600)
# then do the +:          c(205, 405, 605)
# result is displayed as: 205 405 605

# we can change the order of operations with parentheses
# This yields a different result. 

(5 + c(100,200,300)) * 2   # pay close attention to the parenthesis!!!
[1] 210 410 610
# This works follows
# original:     (5 + c(100, 200, 300)) * 2
# do the +:     c(105, 205, 305) * 2
# then do the *: c(210, 410, 610)
# result is displayed as: 210 410 610

# You may assign a vector to a variable   

grades <- c(72,95,79,85)

grades   # show the values
[1] 72 95 79 85
# Modify the grades variable by adding 2 points to each grade

# ANSWER  ####
grades = grades + 2    # you must assign the answer back to grades
[1] 74 97 81 87

4.25 length( SOME_VECTOR )

# length(vector)  returns the number of values in the vector ####

# Set the value of grades
grades <- c(72,95,79,85)

# the length function returns the number of values in a vector
length(grades)          #4
[1] 4
length(c(25, 10))       #2
[1] 2
length(c(100,200,300))  #3
[1] 3
# A single value is a vector - but it doesn't need to be surrounded with c()

length(c(100))   # the length of a vector that contains a single item is 1
[1] 1
length(100)      # ... same thing ... don't use the c - it's not necessary
[1] 1
c(100)  # this is the same as just 100, the "c" is not necessary if you have just one value.
[1] 100
100 # same thing - don't use the c for a single value
[1] 100
grades   # show all grades
[1] 72 95 79 85
grades + 5   # show what the values would be if we added 5 to each grade
[1]  77 100  84  90
grades       # however, grades did NOT actually change
[1] 72 95 79 85
# If you want to change the value of grades, you need to 
# use the = sign or the <- or the ->. For example:
grades     # show grades
[1] 72 95 79 85
grades <- grades + 10   # add 10 to each grade and update grades with the new values
grades     # grades now has the new values
[1]  82 105  89  95
prices = c(1.99, 2.99, 3.99)
doublePrices = 2 * prices
[1] 3.98 5.98 7.98

4.26 Counting arguments

# Arguments (AKA "parameters") to a function.   ####
# It is important to know how many arguments are being passed 
# to a function. The arguments to a function appear in the (parentheses)
# next to the function name and are separated from each other with commas.

# Remember that the round function takes TWO arguments
#   x is the values to round
#   digits is the position to round to

round(100.729, 1)  # 100.7
[1] 100.7
round(100.729, 2)  # 100.73
[1] 100.73
round (100.729)    # 101
[1] 101
# The first argument is allowed to be a vector with multiple values

round (   c(100.729, 200.618)  , 1)  # 100.7  200.6
[1] 100.7 200.6
grades = c(82, 105, 89, 95)

sum(grades)  # one argument - add up all grades (not very useful for grading ...)
[1] 371
sum(c(82,105,89,95))  # also one argument - same exact thing, sum is given 1 vector
[1] 371
sum(82,105,89,95)     # four arguments - same result, HOWEVER sum is given 4 different vectors - same answer
[1] 371

4.27 2023 WILF - UP TO HERE - AFTER CLASS 2 - Aug 31, 2023

# The sum function will sum all of the values in all 
# of its arguments. The following all produce the same
# result (i.e. 306) but in different ways.

sum( c(100,200) , c(1,2,3))   # 2 arguments
[1] 306
sum( c(100,200,1,2,3) )       # 1 argument
[1] 306
sum( 100,200,1,2,3 )          # 5 arguments
[1] 306
# To get an average use the mean function.  ####

# IMPORTANT: the mean function works a little differently than the sum function.
# The mean function requires that all values being averaged are passed as a single vector. ####

grades        # show all the grades
[1]  82 105  89  95
grades = c(82, 105, 89, 95)  
mean(grades)  # get the average
[1] 92.75
mean( c(82,105,89,95) )  # same thing - there is ONE vector, ie a vector, c(72,95,79,85)
[1] 92.75
mean(82,105,89,95)    # I didn't use the c() function here - there are 4 vectors!!!
[1] 82

# Examine the documentation for mean to see why. The Usage section of the 
# documentation includes the following: mean(x, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
# The "x" corresponds to a single vector that contains
# the values to be averaged. If you pass the values without
# the c() function, then the 2nd value listed is actually
# passed to the "trim" argument of mean. If you want to know
# what the "trim" argument is used for, see the help
# page for "mean". If you don't specify any value for "trim"
# then "mean" will work as you expect.
# "x" 
?mean     # see the documentation for mean

# Arguments passed to mean:
#  x      - a vector that contains the values to be averaged
#  trim   - a fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be ignored (i.e. trimmed) from the beginning and end of the vector

# Return the average of the numbers in the vector.
# Return value is 400 , i.e.  (100+200+300+500+900) / 5
[1] 400
# the code above does the same as the next line
sum(c(100,200,300,500,900)) / 5
[1] 400
# The mean function is being passed a SINGLE value and 
# does nothing meaningful in this case.

mean(sum(100,200,300,500,900) / 5)  # basically same as:  sum(100,200,300,500,900) / 5
[1] 400
# This is because by the time, the mean function
# starts working the value: sum(100,200,300,500,900) / 5
# has already been calculated as 400.
# It would be just as rediculus as running the following code
# which just returns the number 400 - the mean function does
# nothing meaningful in this case. 

mean ( 400 )   # This is the same as 400 / 1 
[1] 400

4.28 trim argument to mean

# the "trim" argument to mean   ####
# trim (ie. remove) 0.2 (ie. 1/5) of the values (ie. 1 value) 
# from the beginning and end of the vector
# Return value is 333.333, ie. mean(c(200,300,500))
mean(c(100,200,300,500,900), 0.2) 
[1] 333.3333
mean(c(200,300,500)) # same result
[1] 333.3333
grades = c(5, 82, 85, 89, 105)

mean(grades)   # mean ( c(5,82,85,89,105))
[1] 73.2
mean(grades, trim = 0.2)  # mean(c(82,85,89))
[1] 85.33333
[1]   5  82  85  89 105
# trim (ie. remove) 0.4 (ie. 2/5) of the values (i.e. 2 values)
# from the beginning and end of the vector
# Return value is 300, i.e. mean(300) 
mean(c(100,200,300,500,900), 0.4)   # trim 0.4 = 2/5 of the values from the beginning and end
[1] 300
mean(c(500,200,300,900,100), 0.4)   # trim 0.4 = 2/5 of the values from the beginning and end
[1] 300
# In the following the result is 100
# This is because the arguments are assigned in the following order
# x, ie. the values to be averaged = first argument = 100
# trim = second argument = 200
# na.rm = 3rd argument = 300
# ... = all other arguments = c(500,900)
# Other than the x=100, the other arguments are really meaningless so
# the result is the average of 100, which is 100.

[1] 100
# REMEMBER that mean requires that all values being averaged are in a SINGLE vector
# Therefore to take the average of the values in x and in y the following WILL NOT WORK:

mean(x, y)   # will not work - will just show the mean of the values in x
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x' not found
# Remember that you can combine multiple vectors into a single vector with 
# the c function.

x <- c(10,20,30)
y <- c(40, 50)

mean(c(x,y))  # combine x and y into a single vector and take the mean of that vector
[1] 30
# QUESTION : ####
# Grades for class1 and class2 are as shown below. 
#   class1grades <- c(80,90,100)
#   class2grades <- c(85, 88)
# (a) get the two averages, one for each class
# (b) get the average for all the students in both classes

# ANSWER    
class1grades <- c(80,90,100)         # ANSWER   
class2grades <- c(85, 88)            # ANSWER   
class1average <- mean(class1grades) # ANSWER    
class2average <- mean(class2grades) # ANSWER    
allStudentsAverage <- mean ( c(class1grades, class2grades)) # ANSWER    
class1average   # ANSWER    
[1] 90
class2average   # ANSWER    
[1] 86.5
allStudentsAverage # ANSWER 
[1] 88.6
# sum and mean are not consistent in the way they handle multiple arguments
sum(1,2,3)   # works as expected
[1] 6
mean(1,2,3)  # does not work as most people would expect - answer is 1
[1] 1

4.29 The “recycling” rule.

# RECYCLING RULE - used in vector arithmetic with TWO vectors when vecors are different lengths

# when you perform arithmetic between two vectors and they are the same length
# then you view each correpsonding set of values as being operated on. 
# For example

c(100,200,300) + c(1, 2, 3)   # 101  202  303
[1] 101 202 303
c(100 + 1 , 200 + 2 , 300 + 3) # ... same thing
[1] 101 202 303
# Another example : remember the order of operations

c(40, 20, 30) - c(4,5,6) * c(1, 2, 3)  # remember the order of operations!
[1] 36 10 12
# original :              c(40, 20, 30) - c(4,5,6) * c(1, 2, 3)
# do the * :              c(40, 20, 30) - c(4*1,5*2,6*3) 
#          :              c(40, 20, 30) - c(4,10,18)
# do the - :              c(40-4, 20-10, 30-18) 
#          :              c(36 , 10, 12) 

# if one vector is shorter than the other then ...
# step 1: In R's memory (you don't see this) the values from the 
#         shorter vector are repeated over and over until the shorter vector
#         is the same length as the longer vector. 
# Step 2: The math happens ...
# For example the following 

c(10,20,30,40) + c(1,7)  # same as c(10,20,30,40)+c(1,7,1,7) ... ie. 11  27  31  47
[1] 11 27 31 47
# Original:       c(10,20,30,40) + c(1,7) 
# Recycling rule: c(10,20,30,40) + c(1,7,1,7)
# addition:       c(10+1,20+7,30+1,40+7)
# final result:   c(11, 27, 31, 47)

# It doesn't matter if the shorter vector is first or last
c(1,7) + c(10,20,30,40)  # same as c(1,7,1,7)+c(10,20,30,40) ... i.e. 11  27  31  47
[1] 11 27 31 47
# Doing math with a vector that contains a single value is just a special case of
# this rule. Example:

3 * c(2,3,4)    # same as c(3,3,3) * c(2,3,4)
[1]  6  9 12
# original:       3 * c(2,3,4)
# recycling rule: c(3,3,3) * c(2,3,4)
# multiplication: c(3*2, 3*3, 3*4)
# final answer:   c(6,9,12)


c(1,2) + 3 * c(10,20,30,40)    # 31  62  91  122
[1]  31  62  91 122
# original :      c(1,2) + 3 * c(10,20,30,40) 
# do the * :      c(1,2) + c(3,3,3,3) * c(10,20,30,40)
#          :      c(1,2) + c(3*10 , 3*20, 3*30, 3*40)
#          :      c(1,2) + c(30 , 60, 90, 120)
# do the + :      c(1,2,1,2) + c(30 , 60, 90, 120)
#          :      c(1+30 , 2+60 , 1+90 , 2+120)
#          :      c(31, 62, 91, 122)

c(1,2) + 3 * sum(10,20,30,40)
[1] 301 302
# orignal       : c(1,2) + 3 * sum(10,20,30,40)
# sum function  : c(1,2) + 3 * 100
# multiplication: c(1,2) + 300
# addition      : c(1+300 , 2+300)
#               : c(301, 302)

c(1,2) + 3 * sum(2 ^ 3 , 3-4*5)
[1] -26 -25
# original: c(1,2) + 3 * sum(2 ^ 3 , 3-4*5)
# figure out the values of the arguments:  c(1,2) + 3 * sum( 8 , -17)
# do the sum function:                     c(1,2) + 3 * -9
# do the * :                               c(1,2) + -27
# recycling rule:                          c(1,2) + c(-27,-27)
# final answer:                            c(1 + -27 , 2 + -27)
# final answer:                            c( -26 , -25)
# If the length of the longer vector is not a multiple of the length of
# the shorter vector, it WILL work, but you will get a WARNING. 
# The warning is to alert you to the fact that you might have done something
# that you didn't intend to, however, it will still work.
# The recycling will continue as usual for the full length of the longer
# vector.
# Example:

c(1,2) + c(100,200,300,400,500, 600) # 101 202 301 402 501 602
[1] 101 202 301 402 501 602
c(1,2) + c(100,200,300,400,500)      # 101 202 301 402 501  (with a warning)
Warning in c(1, 2) + c(100, 200, 300, 400, 500): longer object length is not a
multiple of shorter object length
[1] 101 202 301 402 501
# The above command is processed as follows
# original: c(1,2) + c(100,200,300,400,500) 
# recycling rule: c(1,2,1,2,1) + c(100,200,300,400,500)
# final answer  : c (101, 202, 301, 402, 501)
# Because the first vector was recycled a non-whole-number of times
# R displays a warning.

4.30 2023 WILF - UP TO HERE - AFTER DAY 03



# When you get an ERROR, the command doesn't have ANY effect. ####
# When you have an error, the command ends at the time the error happens.
# Therefore, in the following command no value is assigned to the variable.
# NOTE - just in case you have a variable, x, that was already created, we
# will "remove" that variable on the next line. This helps us to prove our point.
# this is here just to prove a point. 

x = 100

x + 5
[1] 105
rm(x)  # remove x (just in case it already exists) to help us prove our point

x + 5     # ERROR - x doesn't exist  (GOOD - that's what we wanted)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x' not found
x = combine_stuff(10,20,30) + c(1,2,3)    # ERROR - the function combine_stuff doesn't exist
Error in combine_stuff(10, 20, 30): could not find function "combine_stuff"
x      # ERROR - x still doesn't exist, i.e. the above command did NOTHING
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x' not found
# When you get a WARNING, the command DOES have an effect. ####
# If you assign the result of something that produces a warning the assignment
# will happen and you can use that value without getting anymore warnings.

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'nums' not found
nums <- c(1,2) + c(100,200,300,400,500)    # 101 202 301 402 501  (with a warning)
Warning in c(1, 2) + c(100, 200, 300, 400, 500): longer object length is not a
multiple of shorter object length
[1] 101 202 301 402 501
# The value of nums was still assigned and can be used normally
nums   # this will NOT generate a warning
[1] 101 202 301 402 501
nums - 50   # this will NOT generate a warning
[1]  51 152 251 352 451

4.33 — PRACTICE —

# Use the recycling rule to generate the first ten multiples of 5 in a single
# command.
# The result should be as shown below. 
#    > YOUR COMMAND GOES HERE     # replace this line with your command
#   [1] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

# numValues is a variable that contains a number.
# Write code that produces numValues of the 5 times table. 
#  > numValues = 3
#  [1] 5 10 15
#  > numValues = 7
#  [1] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

# THINK ABOUT THIS - to answer the question you need ONE command that will 
# use the numValues variable to create the following results 
5 * c(1,2,3)          # when numValues is 3
[1]  5 10 15
5 * c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) # when numValues is 7
[1]  5 10 15 20 25 30 35
# QUESTION   ####
# Use the recycling rule to generate the first five multiples 
# of 2 and 100 using a single command. The result should be as shown below. 
# > YOUR COMMAND GOES HERE     # replace this line with your command
# [1] 2 100 4 200 6 300 8 400 10 500

x = 100                                           # ANSWER
rep(c(2,100), times=x) * rep(seq(1,x), each=2)    # ANSWER
  [1]     2   100     4   200     6   300     8   400    10   500    12   600
 [13]    14   700    16   800    18   900    20  1000    22  1100    24  1200
 [25]    26  1300    28  1400    30  1500    32  1600    34  1700    36  1800
 [37]    38  1900    40  2000    42  2100    44  2200    46  2300    48  2400
 [49]    50  2500    52  2600    54  2700    56  2800    58  2900    60  3000
 [61]    62  3100    64  3200    66  3300    68  3400    70  3500    72  3600
 [73]    74  3700    76  3800    78  3900    80  4000    82  4100    84  4200
 [85]    86  4300    88  4400    90  4500    92  4600    94  4700    96  4800
 [97]    98  4900   100  5000   102  5100   104  5200   106  5300   108  5400
[109]   110  5500   112  5600   114  5700   116  5800   118  5900   120  6000
[121]   122  6100   124  6200   126  6300   128  6400   130  6500   132  6600
[133]   134  6700   136  6800   138  6900   140  7000   142  7100   144  7200
[145]   146  7300   148  7400   150  7500   152  7600   154  7700   156  7800
[157]   158  7900   160  8000   162  8100   164  8200   166  8300   168  8400
[169]   170  8500   172  8600   174  8700   176  8800   178  8900   180  9000
[181]   182  9100   184  9200   186  9300   188  9400   190  9500   192  9600
[193]   194  9700   196  9800   198  9900   200 10000
# QUESTION   ####
# Use the recycling rule to generate the first five multiples 
# of 2 and 100 using a single command. The result should be as shown below. 
# Write the command using the least amount of typing.
#   > YOUR COMMAND GOES HERE     # replace this line with your command
#   [1] 2 4 6 8 10 100 200 300 400 500
# The following is NOT the answer but helps you to think about how to generate
# the same thing using shorter code.
# c( 2 * 1 , 2 * 2 , 2*3 , 2*4 , 2*5 , 100 * 1 , 100 * 2 , 100 * 3 , 100 * 4, 100*5) 

4.34 More about the rep function.

# More about the rep function.

# The rep function can be used in several ways.
# In the simplest use of the rep function, rep returns a vector
# that contains the values from the first argument to the function
# repeated the number of times specified in the 2nd argument. 
# Examples:

# Repeat the number 3 five times
rep(3, 5)
[1] 3 3 3 3 3
# repeat the number 5 three times:
rep(5, 3)
[1] 5 5 5
?rep    # see the documentation for rep function

# since the rep function returns a vector, you can do anything with the
# return value that you can do with any other vector

threeFives <- rep(5,3)
[1] 5 5 5
threeFives * 10
[1] 50 50 50
# The default value for the number of repetitions is 1 (i.e. one)
rep(100)   # same as 100 ... why would you do this ??? you probably wouldn't ... yet ...
[1] 100

# You can use rep to repeat entire vectors
nums <- c(10,20,30,40)
rep(nums, 2)   # 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
[1] 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40

4.35 times argument

# Other arguments of the rep function.
# The "Details" section of the rep documentation shows the 
# following:
#     rep(x, times = 1, length.out = NA, each = 1)
# See the "Arguments" section of the rep documentation for
# an explanation of what each of the arguments mean.

# Let's start with some data:

nums <- c(10,20)
nums               # show the value in nums
[1] 10 20
# The rep documentation shows the following:
#     rep(x, times = 1, length.out = NA, each = 1)
# "x" is the first argument - "x" is the vector that will be repeated.
# "times" is the 2nd argument - "times" is the number of times to repeat "x" (default is 1 time)
# Therefore the following are the same thing:

rep(nums, 5)       # 5 is the value of 2nd argument to rep
 [1] 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20
rep(x=nums, times=5) # same thing - specify 5 as the value of the "times" argument
 [1] 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20
rep(times=5, x=nums) # same thing - specify 5 as the value of the "times" argument
 [1] 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20

length.out argument

# rep ( SOME_VECTOR, length.out=SOME_NUMBER )
#    is the same as

# The length.out argument causes the values in the x argument, i.e. the 1st argument, to be repeated to the specified length.  ####
nums                     # nums didn't change
[1] 10 20
rep(nums, length.out=5)  # repeat the values in nums to a length of 5
[1] 10 20 10 20 10
# The rep_len is just a shorthand for using the length.out argument in the rep function   ####
# to accomplish the same thing
nums                     # show the values in nums
[1] 10 20
rep(nums, length.out=5)  # repeat the values in nums to a length of 5
[1] 10 20 10 20 10
rep_len(nums,5)          # same thing, another way
[1] 10 20 10 20 10
rep(nums, length.out=15)  # repeat the values in nums to a length of 15
 [1] 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10
rep_len(nums,15)          # same thing, another way
 [1] 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10

4.36 each argument

# rep ( SOME_VECTOR, each = SOME_NUMBER )

# The each argument causes each value the x argument to be repeated sequentially the specified number of times   ####

nums               # show the values in nums
[1] 10 20
rep(nums, each=5)  # repeat each value of nums 5 times       ####
 [1] 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20
# Sometimes it's hard to know what a function will do. The help page
# doesn't really explain what will happen for all the different possible combinations of 
# the arguments, times, length.out and each.
# We can experiment to find out ...

4.37 times and each

# rep with times and each
[1] 10 20
rep(nums, times=2, each=3)  # 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 10 10 20 20 20    ####
 [1] 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 10 10 20 20 20

4.38 length.out and each

# rep with length.out and each
[1] 10 20
rep(nums, length.out=8, each=3)  # 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 10   ####
[1] 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 10
rep(nums, each=3, length.out=8 )  # same results : 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 10
[1] 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 10

4.39 times, length.out, each

# rep with times, length.out and each
[1] 10 20
rep(nums, times=2, length.out=5, each=3)  # 10 10 10 20 20   ####
[1] 10 10 10 20 20
# Look at the help file for specifics ...

4.40 Understanding R’s help files

# Understanding R's help files   ####
# R functions can be used in many many different ways. You must become familiar with 
# the R help files in order to understand how each function can be used. 
# Pay attention to the following in the R help files
# - what arguments can be specified
# - what are the names of the arguments
# - what are the default values (if any) of the arguments. The default values of
#   an argument appear after an = sign next to the argument in the help file.
# - how the function works when different arguments are specified

4.41 sort function

# sort( SOME_VECTOR )                    # returns the vector sorted in increasing oder ####
# sort( SOME_VECTOR, decreasing=TRUE )   # returns the vector sorted in decreasing order  ####

grades = c(93, 76 , 69, 83, 77, 98, 100, 25, 89, 92, 91, 52)
 [1]  93  76  69  83  77  98 100  25  89  92  91  52
sort(grades) # show the grades in sorted order, i.e. 25  52  69  76 ... etc
 [1]  25  52  69  76  77  83  89  91  92  93  98 100
# The variable grades is still in the original order
grades       # the variable grades is still in the original order
 [1]  93  76  69  83  77  98 100  25  89  92  91  52
# REMEMBER - as always, if you want to change a variable, you MUST use an
#            assignment statement.
# If you want to change the value of the grades variable, then you must
# assign the result back to the grades variable. 

grades= sort(grades)  # now the variable grades contains the sorted values
 [1]  25  52  69  76  77  83  89  91  92  93  98 100
# The decreasing argument may be TRUE or FALSE (default is FALSE) ####

sort(grades, decreasing = FALSE)  # same thing  (default for decreasing is FALSE)
 [1]  25  52  69  76  77  83  89  91  92  93  98 100
sort(grades, decreasing = TRUE)
 [1] 100  98  93  92  91  89  83  77  76  69  52  25
# See the help page for advanced options that can be used with sort

4.42 More about the seq function.

# More about the seq function.   ####

# Review of the basic use of seq
# We already covered the following:

?seq   # see the help page for seq

seq(from=8, to=10)   # 8 9 10     count up  
[1]  8  9 10
seq(from=10, to=8)   # 10 9 8     count down
[1] 10  9  8
seq(10,8)   # 10 9 8 - same thing - the names aren't necessary if you write the arguments in the expected order
[1] 10  9  8
# ... seq can also accept other arguments:

# seq( ...   by=SOME_POSITIVE_OR_NEGATIVE_NUMBER   .... )  ####
#   The by argument tells seq what number to "count by". (by can be positive or negative)    ####
#   1st value in the output vector is the   "from" value.
#   2nd value in the output vector is       "from" + "by"
#   3rd value in the output vector is       "from" + "by" + "by"
#   4th value in the output vector is       "from" + "by" + "by" + "by"
#   etc ...
# By default, the value of by is 1.
# See examples below.  

# count by threes ... up until but not past the to value
seq(from=20, to=30, by=3)   #  20  23  26  29
[1] 20 23 26 29
# To count down by any number other than 1 you must use a negative value for by.
# In the following command we count down
# from 10 to 3 by threes, so by must be MINUS three (i.e. by = -3)

seq(from=30, to=20, by=-3)  # 30  27  24  21  count down by threes 
[1] 30 27 24 21
# if you use the wrong sign (+ or -) for by you'll get an error

#seq(from=30, to=20, by=3)   # ERROR - counting down - must have negative value for by

#seq(from=20, to=30, by=-3)  # ERROR - counting up - must have positive value for by

#   The return value of seq always starts with the "from" value and goes no further than the "to" value.  ####
#   NOTE that the result might not actually include the "to" value if the "to" value
#   doesn't naturally arise from the implied sequence.
#   See the examples below.

seq( from = 10  ,  to = 20, by=4 ) # 10 14 18  - result does NOT include 20.
[1] 10 14 18
#   the arguments "from" and "to" do NOT have to be whole numbers  ####

seq( from = .5, to = 3.5)  # 0.5  1.5  2.5  3.5     
[1] 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
seq( from = 0.75  ,  to = 3 ) # 0.75  1.75  2.75  - result does NOT include 3.   ####
[1] 0.75 1.75 2.75

4.43 — PRACTICE —

# Write code to generate the number -5 until -200 but no further. Count down by 5's
# The code should produce
# -5 -10 -15 .... -200

seq(from=-5, to=-200, by=-5)   # ANSWER
 [1]   -5  -10  -15  -20  -25  -30  -35  -40  -45  -50  -55  -60  -65  -70  -75
[16]  -80  -85  -90  -95 -100 -105 -110 -115 -120 -125 -130 -135 -140 -145 -150
[31] -155 -160 -165 -170 -175 -180 -185 -190 -195 -200
# Based on the documentation for seq, what will the following command display?
# > seq()   # what will this display???
# How did you figure out your answer from the documentation?

# ANSWER - just try it - it shows 1 - can you understand why? 
# See the documentation ?seq
[1] 1

4.44 Even more about the seq function.

# Other arguments:
#   length.out - total length of the resulting vector
#   along.with - specify a vector whose length should be used as the length of the result
# See examples below


# from,to,length.out (without by) - start with from, end with to, total of 5 numbers
seq( from=1, to=2, length.out=5)    # 
[1] 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
# from,by,length.out (without to) - start with from, keep adding by, for a total of length.out numbers
seq(from=2, by=3, length.out=20)  # start from 2, add 3 each time until you get 20 numbers
 [1]  2  5  8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59
# QUESTION: What will the following produce ? 
# I guess you can run it to find out but you should know how to answer this 
# WIHTOUT needing to run the code.

seq(2, 3, length.out=20)
 [1] 2.000000 2.052632 2.105263 2.157895 2.210526 2.263158 2.315789 2.368421
 [9] 2.421053 2.473684 2.526316 2.578947 2.631579 2.684211 2.736842 2.789474
[17] 2.842105 2.894737 2.947368 3.000000
# to,by,length.out   (without from)
seq(to=100, by=3, length.out=4)  # generate 4 numbers each one 3 greater than the next until you get to 100
[1]  91  94  97 100
# QUESTION: What will the following produce ? 
# See if you can figure out what each of the following will
# display BEFORE running the command

seq(from=2, to=3, by=0.2)
[1] 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
seq(from=1, to=3, length.out=6)
[1] 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0
seq(from=0.5, to=1, by=.05)
 [1] 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
length( seq(from=0.5, to=1, by=.05) )
[1] 11
seq(10, 1000, by=10)
  [1]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100  110  120  130  140  150
 [16]  160  170  180  190  200  210  220  230  240  250  260  270  280  290  300
 [31]  310  320  330  340  350  360  370  380  390  400  410  420  430  440  450
 [46]  460  470  480  490  500  510  520  530  540  550  560  570  580  590  600
 [61]  610  620  630  640  650  660  670  680  690  700  710  720  730  740  750
 [76]  760  770  780  790  800  810  820  830  840  850  860  870  880  890  900
 [91]  910  920  930  940  950  960  970  980  990 1000
# length.out argument                 ####

# length.out is similar to the length.out for the rep function.
# If you specify length.out you do not have to specify the to argument

seq(3, length.out=7, by=-1)   # 3  2   1   0  -1  -2  -3
[1]  3  2  1  0 -1 -2 -3
seq(3, length.out=7)          # 3  4  5  6  7  8  9
[1] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
seq(3, length.out=7, by=-2)   # 3  1  -1  -3  -5  -7  -9
[1]  3  1 -1 -3 -5 -7 -9
seq(3, length.out=7, by=10)   # 3  13  23  33  43  53  63
[1]  3 13 23 33 43 53 63
# along.with=SOME_VECTOR               ####
# This argument is the same as     length.out=length(SOME_VECTOR)
# see examples below

# Example: suppose a professor wanted to give a curve so that people
# with lower grades got a higher curve.
# The professor could do the following:

# Here are the original grades
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)
[1] 98 77 64 79 76 84 92 78
length(grades)   # how many grades are there?
[1] 8
# Sort the grades in decreasing order
sortedGrades = sort(grades, decreasing=TRUE)
[1] 98 92 84 79 78 77 76 64
# Generate a vector with the amount to curve each grade.
# Highest grade has a curve of 1 point, 2nd highest grade has a curve
# of 2 points, etc.

curveAmounts = seq(from=1, along.with=sortedGrades)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
curvedGrades = sortedGrades + curveAmounts

sortedGrades # original grades
[1] 98 92 84 79 78 77 76 64
curvedGrades  # curved grades
[1] 99 94 87 83 83 83 83 72

4.45 Skipping arguments

# You can skip an argument by repeating commas.
# This works but it is not usually how R programmers write code. Therefore
# others might not understand your code if you do this. You should know 
# that it works but I recommend that you don't do it in practice. 

# value of 1st argument (ie. "from") is 2
# value of 2nd argument (ie. "to") is 3
seq(2, 3, length.out=20)
 [1] 2.000000 2.052632 2.105263 2.157895 2.210526 2.263158 2.315789 2.368421
 [9] 2.421053 2.473684 2.526316 2.578947 2.631579 2.684211 2.736842 2.789474
[17] 2.842105 2.894737 2.947368 3.000000
# value of 1st argument (ie. "from") is 2
# value of 2nd argument (ie. "to") is blank - i.e. the default is used
# value of 3rd argument (ie. "by") is 3 - i.e. the default is used

seq(2, , 3, length.out=20)   # now the 3 is being passed to 3rd argument, ie. by
 [1]  2  5  8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59

4.46 — PRACTICE —

# A professor wants to curve the grades of his students. 
# The grades are in the variable named grades.
# The highest grade should get a 1 point curve, 
# ... the next lower grade a 3 point curve
# ... the next lower grade a 5 point curve
#     etc.
# Write R code to store the curved grades in a variable named curvedGrades.
# Your code should work unchanged no matter what values are stored in
# the grades vector.
#   > grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)
#   > curvedGrades
#   [1] 99 95 89 86 87 88 89 79
#   > grades = c(70, 90, 60, 80)
#   > curvedGrades
#   [1] 91 83 75 67

# Start by thinking about the answer this way:       # ANSWER
# 1. Sort the grades into decreasing order       # ANSWER
# 2. Generate the sequence 1,3,5,... etc       # ANSWER
# 3. Now add part (1) to part (2) to get the answer       # ANSWER
# The following is not the answer yet, but shows how we want to        # ANSWER
# build up to the final answer.        # ANSWER
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)         # ANSWER
grades = sort(grades, decreasing=TRUE)       # ANSWER
curvedGrades = grades + c(1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15)       # ANSWER
curvedGrades       # ANSWER
[1] 99 95 89 86 87 88 89 79
# The previous code works if you know exactly how many grades there are. # ANSWER
# However, your code should work, unchanged, for any value of the grades # ANSWER 
# vector.                                                                # ANSWER

# Use the seq function to generate the c(1,2,3 ... etc) vector   # ANSWER
# This can be done in two different ways.          # ANSWER
# (a) with the along.with argument of seq    # ANSWER
# (b) with the along.with length.out argument seq and length function   # ANSWER

# This is the code for (a)        # ANSWER
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)       # ANSWER
grades = sort(grades, decreasing=TRUE)       # ANSWER
curvedGrades = grades + seq(from=1, by=2, along.with=grades)       # ANSWER
curvedGrades       # ANSWER
[1] 99 95 89 86 87 88 89 79
# This is the code for (b)        # ANSWER
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)       # ANSWER
grades = sort(grades, decreasing=TRUE)       # ANSWER
curvedGrades = grades + seq(from=1, by=2, length.out=length(grades))       # ANSWER
curvedGrades       # ANSWER
[1] 99 95 89 86 87 88 89 79
# Do the same as the previous question, however, this time
# the professor wants to give the highest 25% of the class no curve.
# The first grade below the highest 25% of the class a 1 point curve, 
# ... the next lower grade a 3 point curve
# ... the next lower grade a 5 point curve
#       etc.
#    > grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)
#    [1] 98 92 85 82 83 84 85 75
#    > grades = c(70, 90, 60, 80)
#    [1] 90 81 73 65

# Start with some data                    # ANSWER
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)    # ANSWER

# Think about it this way - we need to curve the following                 # ANSWER
# grades in the following way:                                           # ANSWER
#    SORTED GRADES: 98 92 84 79 78 77 76 64
#    CURVE:          0  0  1  3  5  7  9 11

# We can accomplish this with the following code:                    # ANSWER
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)                # ANSWER
grades = sort(grades, decreasing=TRUE)                # ANSWER
grades                # ANSWER
[1] 98 92 84 79 78 77 76 64
zeros = rep(0, times=length(grades) * 0.25)                # ANSWER
zeros                # ANSWER
[1] 0 0
curves = seq(from=1, by=2, length.out=length(grades) - length(grades)*.25 )                # ANSWER
curves                # ANSWER
[1]  1  3  5  7  9 11
curvedGrades = grades + c(zeros, curves)                # ANSWER
curvedGrades                # ANSWER
[1] 98 92 85 82 83 84 85 75
# Some people, might write the code all in one line.                     # ANSWER
# I don't recommend that in this case - it's too confusing.                 # ANSWER
# However, you should be able to READ code like this                 # ANSWER
# as you WILL SEE code like this written by others.                # ANSWER
# To help you understand the code you can highlight                # ANSWER
# portions of the line and press ctrl-ENTER or cmd-ENTER                 # ANSWER
# to run just those portions of the code.                 # ANSWER
# Practice on the following to make sure you understand                # ANSWER
# how to read code like this and understand it.                # ANSWER
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)
grades = sort(grades, decreasing=TRUE)
[1] 98 92 84 79 78 77 76 64
curvedGrades = grades + c(rep(0, times=length(grades) * 0.25)  , seq(from=1, by=2, length.out=length(grades) - length(grades)*.25 ))
[1] 98 92 85 82 83 84 85 75
# QUESTION  ####
# This time make the curve amounts the square root of 100-grade for each 
# person's grade. All students should get this curve.
#   > grades = c(100, 99, 96, 91, 86, 75, 19, 0)
#   [1] 100 100  98  94  88  80  28  10
#   > grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)
#   [1] 99.41421 81.79583 70.00000 83.58258 80.89898 88.00000 94.82843 82.69042

grades = c(100, 99, 96, 91, 84, 75, 19, 0)    # ANSWER
curves = sqrt(100-grades)    # ANSWER
curvedGrades = grades + curves    # ANSWER
curvedGrades    # ANSWER
[1] 100 100  98  94  88  80  28  10
# (this answer is all in one line of code)    # ANSWER
grades = c(98,77,64,79,76, 84, 92, 78)    # ANSWER
curvedGrades = grades + sqrt(100-grades)    # ANSWER
curvedGrades    # ANSWER
[1] 99.41421 81.79583 70.00000 83.58258 80.89898 88.00000 94.82843 82.69042

4.47 Practice with NESTING functions one inside the other

# QUESTION  ####
# create a vector that contains the even #rs from 2 through 30 followed by 
# the odd #rs from from 1 through 30. Write your command using the least amount
# of typing possible.
# The result should be as shown below. 
#      [1] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

# QUESTION  ####
# Use R's functions that we learned about to 
# create a vector of the evens from 2 through 10 repeated to a length of 27
# DO NOT SIMPLY JUST TYPE THE NUMBERS IN A c(). One or more functions other than just c().
# The result should be as shown below. 
#      [1] 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4

# QUESTION  ####
# Generate a vector that contains the even #rs from 1 through 10 
#                      followed by the odd #rs from 1 through 10.
# All of these numbers should be repeated 3 times
# The output should look like this:
#    [1]  2  4  6  8 10  1  3  5  7  9  2  4  6
#   [14]  8 10  1  3  5  7  9  2  4  6  8 10  1
#   [27]  3  5  7  9
# - use the c function when necessary to combine the evens and odds into a single vector
# - put the commas in the correct place
# - put all parentheses in the correct places

# QUESTION  ####
# Create vector that has the numbers 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5 ... for a total of 300 values

5 The : operator

# The : operator is a shorthand for a basic usage of the seq function that only uses from and to arguments  ####
# For example:
#     > 3:6     # is the same as seq(from=3, to=6)
#     [1] 3 4 5 6
# See more examples below.

3:5       # 3 4 5 
[1] 3 4 5
seq(3,5)  # 3 4 5 (same thing)
[1] 3 4 5
5:3       # 5 4 3 
[1] 5 4 3
seq(5,3)  # 5 4 3 (same thing)
[1] 5 4 3
-3:5      # -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
[1] -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5
seq(-3,5) # -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 (same thing)
[1] -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5
3:-5      # 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
[1]  3  2  1  0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
seq(3,-5) # 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 (same thing)
[1]  3  2  1  0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

5.1 Order of operations in R

# Order of operations in R    ####
# To see the full list of the order of operations for R (or "operator precedence")
# type the following (notice the CAPITAL "S" in ?Syntax).
#   ?Syntax     #  Operators that appear higher in the list are done first.  ####
# or see the following webpage:
#   https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Syntax.html

# Let's look at the complete order of operations for R's operators.
# as mentioned above operators that appear higher in the list are done 
# before operators that appear lower in the list. 


# Notice that the colon operator is done  AFTER exponentiation but
# BEFORE multiplication, division, addition and subtraction are done!
# Be careful of the order of operations!
# The colon operator is done BEFORE the subtraction operator

15-4:2   # result is 11 12 13  (might not be what you would have thought) 
[1] 11 12 13
#original:         15-4:2
# colon is first:  15-c(4,3,2)
# minus is next:   c(15-4, 15-3, 15-2)
#                  c(11, 12, 13)

(15-4):2 # this is different
 [1] 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2
#original:    (15-4):2
# minus first: 11:2
# colon is next: c(11,10,9,8,7,6,54,4,3,2)



5.3 Help pages for R’s operators

#   ?`:`   # type this to see the help page for the colon operator (e..g 3:5)   ####

# To get more info about the colon operator, 
# you can read the R help documentation for the : operator.
# To do so, you must enclose the colon in `backticks` (also known as `grave accents`).
# The backtick (or grave accent) character is on most USA keyboards
# in the upper left hand corner under the ESC key.
# It is on the same key as the "~" (tilde) character. 

?`:`    # You must enclose the colon in `backticks` (also known as `grave accents`) ####

help(`:`)   # this does the same thing

# If you leave out the `backticks` (AKA `grave accents`) you will get an error.
# Note the red "x" in the left margin in RStudio next to the following command.

#?:    # ERROR


# You can also use backticks for help topics that contain other symbols or spaces

?`+`      # Shows help topic for + (and other arithmetic operators)

# The following was added in 2022
# NOTE - in recent versions of R, in addition to `backticks`
#        'single quotes' (i.e. 'apostrophes')
#        and "double quotes" (i.e. "quotes")
#        also work.

# as of 2022, 'single quotes' "double quotes" and `backticks` all work

?':'    # single quotes
?":"    # double quotes
?`:`    # backticks

?'+'    # single quotes
?"+"    # double quotes
?`+`    # backticks